All in one buffing mod for all classes, overview of important raid buffs and instant access rebuff on right click.
Main Mod
- Responsible for loading class specific modules.
- Has FuBar/Minimap icon for options menu (Sorry, I just don't like Waterfall at all), and info tooltip.
- Single click minimap icon to quickly enable/disable auto-buffing.
- Raid popup list with complete buff overview (just mouseover the floating ZOMG icon).
- Highlights missing buffs for whole raid at a glance.
- Shows time remaining on your buffs on whole raid.
- Allows instant rebuff with Right-Click as assigned by seperately loaded modules, without having to muck around finding the player in the raid frames.
- Shows in-combat reminder (swirly thing around icon) if someone needs a rebuff mid-fight.
- Auto Buy reagents to defined levels.
Self Buffs
- Handles all self buffing needs including temporary weapon enchants and poisons.
- Can remind you in-combat when something needs rebuffing.
- Special cases to auto buff Crusader Aura for paladins when mounted, and aspect of cheetah for hunters in cities.
Buff Teh Raid
- Group class buffing module for raid buffs (Mana, Kings, Stamina etc).
- Allows you to define which groups you're responsible for.
- Enable or Disable buffs by clicking on the minimap tooltip for that buff.
- Selective buffing for single target raid buffs such as Thorns or Amplify/Dampen Magic.
- Unique Buff Tracking icon for Earth Shield, Fear Ward, Hand of Freedom and Hand of Sacrifice, which allows you to keep close watch on these buffs and easily recast with a click.
Common Behaviour for Buffing modules
- Manually casting a buff will be remembered (with a few exceptions which shouldn't) as the new required auto buff.
- Click the tooltip sectoin for that mod will cycle through buffs.
- Shift Clicking the tooltip section for that mod will remove it's entry from the template.
- Template save/load/conditionals.
- Simple mousewheel rebuffing in one common interface.
- Simple Right-Click rebuffing of your defined buffs for whichever module you have loaded.
- Definable pre-expiry rebuff setting.
- Options to not buff when:
- Not everyone in raid is present (definable to a % of people present).
- Not everyone in a party is present.
- You are resting.
- You are low on mana.
- You have the Spirit Tap buff (geiv mana regen!).
As always, many thanks to our tireless raid leader for ignoring me going AFK at various points to fix some problem. And to our Paladins, without whom this mod would not have been possible without their constant downloading and re-downloading of early alphas.
While donations are not ever expected they do help, and recent donations by a kind few are one of the reasons I have returned at this time to resume work on this and other mods. Please do consider how worthwhile ZOMGBuffs is to you and help to continue it's support into the future.
PayPal: [email protected]
Please report any issues that you encounter.
- Inner Fire no longer has charges. 'ZOMGSelfBuffs > Class Spells > Inner Fire > Minimum Charges' can be removed.
- I have no spells which require a reagent. 'ZOMGSelfBuffs > Behaviour > Reagent Reminder' can be removed.
- Power Word: Fortitude (id 21562) does not appear in 'ZOMGSelfBuffs > Class Spells'
- Shadow Protection (id 27683) does not appear in 'ZOMGSelfBuffs > Class Spells'
I hope that reporting here is ok with you. I don't have an account on wowace.
I'll remove the charges from Inner fire.
I left the reagent tracking in as there are still a couple classes (mages, druids, shamans off the top of my head) that have spells which use reagents. I can probably make it auto-hide the option if your class doesn't have any, though.
You're the second priest who has reported the group buffs not showing up (they should show up under the group buffs menu, not self buffs). I can't seem to reproduce that locally, but my priest is only level 42 so that may be related. Can you verify that ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid shows up as enabled in your addon list?
Thanks again!
fort and shadow prot do appear in the group lists. However, they do not appear in the self list.
Previously there were single-target spells which I would use to self-buff. Those spells have been removed from the game. Now I must use the group spells.
So when I am in a party, everything works as intended. But when I am alone, I am unable to self-buff fort/shadow prot.
Also, a separate issue:
> PW: Fort is being overwritten by both the imp's Blood Pact and warriors Commanding Shout.
In such cases when the fort buff is overwritten, I am regularly pestered to re-cast. If it's easy, a hackish solution may work..
- Cast a buff
- Check each character to see if the buff "stuck"
- If the buff did not stick, temporarily blacklist that character.
The single buffs that had group versions (Power Word vs. Prayer) were always handled by the group module, so it makes sense that they don't show up on the self list. It should still buff the group one (now the only one) while solo, though. It does for me for several different classes, so I'm not sure why it's giving you issues.
I just fixed an issue with it wanting to re-buff Inner Fire over and over, that MAY be related. I'll also double check to make sure it's not trying to honor any of the old "don't use group buffs while solo" options, which have been removed from the menu.
I should be able to use the new aliasing feature I added for Mark of the Wild and Blessing of Kings. I'll define those two buffs as exclusive with Fort and it shouldn't bother you to rebuff it unless they fall off.
@RandEriccson: The repository clone is here http://www.wowace.com/addons/zomgbuffs/repositories/cata/
You can grab that if you want to play around with it. It's still a work in progress but should be usable.
EDIT: We should really relocate this discussion to the forum thread rather than the comments section... I'll post future updates there.
@ TheLibrarian Where is your post of the ZOMGBuffs (Cataclysm)?
Actually, I just checked and the latest version of PallyPower has removed all synchronization / assignment capability as well. So I don't think pulling out ZOMGBuffs_Blessings and ZOMGBuffs_BlessingsManager would lose anything versus a non-working addon.
That said, I probably will upload it under a separate ZOMGBuffs (Cataclysm) addon for now. I have it working, but I don't have an 80 of every class to test all the buffs with and check for new abilities that might need to be added.
Adapting it to the SecureGroupHeader changes in 4.0 also lost a small bit of functionality (namely setting up click handlers on players that join the group while in combat). I think I can work around that, but that will take some deeper re-architecting and I want to get a working addon out there, even if it hasn't been fully combat tested.
Considering PP is still around, then it should mimic its functionality at least, I would say if you 'remove' code, then please fork it.
Hold on ZOMGBuffs fans. I have this working locally (including Dewdrop fixes). Updated the spell IDs and ripped out all of the pally blessing specific code in favor of making them generic buffs like the other classes. The downside is losing PallyPower sync, but is there really a need for that since they are no longer per-class buffs?
I need to test some buff overlap (mainly kings/paw and might/battleshout/mana stream totem) to figure out the best way for those to interact but I should have a fixed version ready in a day or two. Going to try to get in touch with Zek to see if it's okay to commit to the main branch or if I need to fork the project.
Altogether....past problems are irrelevant. We need a new updated version...Regardless.
Thanks for some of the other addon suggestions. As far as the other "Bug" related info...apparently you havent read most of my posts...I have literally gone thru every possibility...and even "ONLY" used ZomgBuffs....still problems...and others have reported problems...some same...some different...and I have reported tickets as well...and on most of the sites this is posted on as well. Nevertheless..thanks for the try.
All the functionalities of this addon are really useful, and well, the bless manager can be modified/removed, but the self buffs and the buff teh raid for example, could be updated, right?
The way to debug errors that other people are not experiencing, dude: load the mod that is giving you errors _alone_ (with embedded or disembedded libs; make sure they are all updated), but with an error recorder active (i.e. BugGrabber/BugSack).
If there are no errors, start enabling your other addons until you find out where the conflict is. Spamming the same thing over and over about a bug you run into with a mod isn't likely to get an author response; as Ackis said, file a ticket.
I was running this for several months up until WoW 4.x hit today with no errors whatsoever and no problems either. I run literally hundreds of different mods & disembedded libs regularly. As well as test far more (have over 3900 folders for mods & libraries in \World of Warcraft\Addons\...heh). It was the most reliable buff mod of this type.
But as of WoW 4.x, ZOMGBuffs is effectively dead. Buff Broker as mentioned is one alternative. Although that has serious computer resource problems (garbage collection/CPU usage) in 25-man raids that can cause lag, a problem that has yet to be addressed as of this date (from the author: "It's something that will change as I get more confident with Lua"). See the WoWI comments from Sept 27.
Cork is another updated option, but without the resource problems. As is Buffwatch++.
@ Makakoax....Doubtful there will be any updates to this or a version for Cataclysm.
I have tested and tried it with the beta as well and NO! it does NOT work for Cataclysm...although it does not work fully for current Live version either...it has been consistently giving others and myself errors.
I would recommend BuffBroker.