All in one buffing mod for all classes, overview of important raid buffs and instant access rebuff on right click.
Main Mod
- Responsible for loading class specific modules.
- Has FuBar/Minimap icon for options menu (Sorry, I just don't like Waterfall at all), and info tooltip.
- Single click minimap icon to quickly enable/disable auto-buffing.
- Raid popup list with complete buff overview (just mouseover the floating ZOMG icon).
- Highlights missing buffs for whole raid at a glance.
- Shows time remaining on your buffs on whole raid.
- Allows instant rebuff with Right-Click as assigned by seperately loaded modules, without having to muck around finding the player in the raid frames.
- Shows in-combat reminder (swirly thing around icon) if someone needs a rebuff mid-fight.
- Auto Buy reagents to defined levels.
Self Buffs
- Handles all self buffing needs including temporary weapon enchants and poisons.
- Can remind you in-combat when something needs rebuffing.
- Special cases to auto buff Crusader Aura for paladins when mounted, and aspect of cheetah for hunters in cities.
Buff Teh Raid
- Group class buffing module for raid buffs (Mana, Kings, Stamina etc).
- Allows you to define which groups you're responsible for.
- Enable or Disable buffs by clicking on the minimap tooltip for that buff.
- Selective buffing for single target raid buffs such as Thorns or Amplify/Dampen Magic.
- Unique Buff Tracking icon for Earth Shield, Fear Ward, Hand of Freedom and Hand of Sacrifice, which allows you to keep close watch on these buffs and easily recast with a click.
Common Behaviour for Buffing modules
- Manually casting a buff will be remembered (with a few exceptions which shouldn't) as the new required auto buff.
- Click the tooltip sectoin for that mod will cycle through buffs.
- Shift Clicking the tooltip section for that mod will remove it's entry from the template.
- Template save/load/conditionals.
- Simple mousewheel rebuffing in one common interface.
- Simple Right-Click rebuffing of your defined buffs for whichever module you have loaded.
- Definable pre-expiry rebuff setting.
- Options to not buff when:
- Not everyone in raid is present (definable to a % of people present).
- Not everyone in a party is present.
- You are resting.
- You are low on mana.
- You have the Spirit Tap buff (geiv mana regen!).
As always, many thanks to our tireless raid leader for ignoring me going AFK at various points to fix some problem. And to our Paladins, without whom this mod would not have been possible without their constant downloading and re-downloading of early alphas.
While donations are not ever expected they do help, and recent donations by a kind few are one of the reasons I have returned at this time to resume work on this and other mods. Please do consider how worthwhile ZOMGBuffs is to you and help to continue it's support into the future.
PayPal: zeksie@gmail.com
I've got a problem on my pally. I set,in my Self Buff Behaviour section, an expire prelude to 540 seconds but it doesn't look to works with my seal of truth. I can't modify my seal of truth own expire prelude, it automatically reset to 0. That's a bit annoying because ZOMGBuff warns me to refresh the seal only after it expired, it looks like the golbal setting for the self buff doesn't work.
I didn't notice a similar behavious on other chars, they don't have a self buff...
Thank you for this addon, I love it :)
Is it just me or is anyone else having an issue using zomgbuffs as a blood DK? i cant seem to get horn of winter to show up and remind me, its so good for everything else, Tho i suppose i can just get Power Auras to handle it but then it wont be in the nice lil zomg buff box :(. i checked in the lua file and it seems to be in there in the same way that anyother reminded spell would br, but for some reason it is not showing Horn of Winter... Alos, one other thing, having a reminder for my warlock to let me know when i dont have a health stone made or a soulstone ready to go would be nice, i currently have some other programs doing it but im sure it wouldnt be much for ZOMGbuffs to do it too :) ps thanx fer the rad addon!
well i fixed it seems there is a problem in the lua itself, there is a fix posted in the tickets section of this addon, also Pallies, at least prot and ret, def download this addon, there is nothing wrong with it. no bugs. nothing but pure happiness is all i can see.
Paladins, do not update this addon from 15 May 2012. Auras, blessings, beacon of light, none of it works. I uninstalled and downloaded 4.0 release 3 from November 2010 and it works again. Just as buggy as it was before, but at least it works again.
replacements!!! fer what, that update was awesome! alch prof flasks an errrthing. I would only ask that all flasks of any sort be added to the list???maybe??? eh w/e i can handle remebering one thing! well i love hwats been done with the lok, now just need to check my pally make sure its all working out as well, so far this has become my replacement for all the rest...
I'm not sure I understand the question. AFAIK ZOMGBuffs doesn't show the target anywhere, at least that I've been able to find.
Hey there
This is one of my favouite addons I've been using it since not long after I started play wow. I have one request or question.
Is there any way to get the raid frames to have a target showing same as party does.
The reason I ask is that I run 10man raids and I would like to be able to see what everyone is targetting to make sure things are going correctly. I know there are other frame addons that can do this but they are not as good as this one.
If I've just missed a click somewhere please let me knwo or if this is something in the future that would also be great
help please!
how to change localization.
i need Russian.
I'd like to update using the repository directly. Could you update your repo to include the locales information you package with the curse download?
I can manually copy them but checking for locale updates is difficult.
what's this?
1x invalid key to "next" <in C code> ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs-r204.lua:2024: in function <ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs.lua:2023>
Locals: self = <unnamed> { 0 = <userdata> } elapsed = 0.017000000923872 (for generator) = <func> =[C]:-1 (for state) = <table> { (null) = <table> {} (null) = <table> {} } (for control) = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:643 z = <table> { Blacklist = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:3882 modules = <table> {} copy = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:154 SetClickSpells = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:3292 OnTooltipUpdate = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4203 SecureHook = <func> @AuctionLite\Libs\..\AceHook-3.0.lua:339 PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4154 linkSpells = true lastCastN = "怨骨骷髅" defaultModulePrototype = <table> {} lastCastR = "" lastCastS = "奥术冲击" IsInBattlegrounds = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4588 GetSinkAce3OptionsDataTable = <func> @Chatter\Libs\..\LibSink-2.0.lua:595 state = "party" SetAllBarSizes = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:2868 UnitRank = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:1255 IsEnabled = <func> @AuctionLite\Libs\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:467 ReagentExpired = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:1662 ADDON_LOADED = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4776 PrintAddonInfo = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4750 RegisterMessage = <func> @Ara_Broker_Tradeskills\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:117 UnregisterMessage = <func> @Ara_Broker_Tradeskills\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:180 RegisterSink = <func> @Chatter\Libs\..\LibSink-2.0.lua:706 UNIT_SPELLCAST_SENT = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:3926 versionRoster = <table> {} AnyBlacklisted = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:3900 db = <table> {} UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4088 LinkPlayer = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:1604 SchedCancel = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:2078 Hook = <func> @AuctionLite\Libs\..\AceHook-3.0.lua:277 GetClassColour = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:2863 RegisterModuleOptions = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4573 Notice = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:1814 InitCell = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:3605 MovableNoticeWindow = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:1718 IsBlacklisted = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:3869 PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4081 OnEnable = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4967 HexColour = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:1609 SetDefaultModulePrototype = <func> @AuctionLite\Libs\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:425 ColourUnitByName = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:1620 onLeaveFuncString = " local list = self:GetParent() if (list and not list:IsUnderMouse(true) and not list:GetParent():IsUnderMouse(true)) then list:Hide() end " SetACellSpell = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:2394 SetBuffsList = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4638 zoneFlag = false SetKeyBindings = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:4166 manaClasses = <table> {} GetFont = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs.lua:1585
Our Chinese translation sucks.....I found that the spell name of intelligence(the buff of mage) and the aura name of intelligence are different!!! So ZOMGBuffs will cast intelligence over and over again, how to handle it? Does table ZOMGBuffs.buffs has any index to solve this problem ? or do I need modify the whole codes?sigh....
Oh, i solve it , add key aliases = { 79058 },
I'm 99% sure that you can no longer buff pets of any type/kind. Thus you may remove the pet checking.
26x ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid-r204.lua:569: attempt to perform arithmetic on local "requiredTimeLeft" (a nil value) ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid-r204.lua:569: in function "GetBuffedMembers" ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid-r204.lua:653: in function "CheckBuffs" ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs-r204.lua:3845: in function "RequestSpellsActual" ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs-r204.lua:3831: in function <ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs.lua:3830>
Locals: self = <table> { CheckTickTitles = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:1589 SetDefaultModuleLibraries = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:383 required = 0 FindUnitInRangeMissing = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:597 CheckTickColumns = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:1532 OnResetDB = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:2663 EnableModule = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:348 modules = <table> {} CreateTrackIcon = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:2146 IterateEmbeds = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:458 spellIcons = <table> {} SecureHookScript = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceHook-3.0.lua:413 TickColumnCallback = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:1237 MakeSpellOptions = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:349 StopSpellTracker = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:2333 RawHookScript = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceHook-3.0.lua:398 GetSpellIcon = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:1232 Printf = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceConsole-3.0.lua:69 TickInitForTemplate = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:463 SetDefaultModulePrototype = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:425 TickOne = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:1452 SetTrackerKeyBindings = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:2237 defaultModuleState = true IsEnabled = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:467 GetActions = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:834 DisableModule = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:366 CheckBuffsTimer = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:643 SpellCastSucceeded = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:2423 RegisterMessage = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118 UnregisterMessage = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181 RegisterBucketEvent = <func> @DrDamage\libs\..\AceBucket-3.0.lua:213 IsHooked = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceHook-3.0.lua:496 ShowBuffBar = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:1665 OnModuleEnable = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:2696 db = <table> {} UNIT_AURA = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:778 SetEnabledState = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440 Hook = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\AceHook-3.0.lua:277 enabledState = true SortedBuffList = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:2574 RegisterEvent = <func> @Skillet\Libs\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118 freeTicks = <table> {} actions = <table> {} OnRaidRosterUpdate = <func> @..\ZOMGBuffs_BuffTehRaid.lua:2535 tickHandlers = <table> {} IterateModules = <function
2x ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs-r204.lua:1086: attempt to index field "ldbIcon" (a nil value) ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs-r204.lua:1086: in function "member" AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-54.lua:249: in function <AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:197> AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-54.lua:1144: in function <AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1054> AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-54.lua:1581: in function "FeedGroup" AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-54.lua:1853: in function "Open" AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0-54.lua:1881: in function <AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1879> (tail call): ? <in C code> <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":9: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[2]":5 (tail call): ? Skillet-r260\Libs\AceGUI-3.0\AceGUI-3.0-33.lua:314: in function "Fire" widgets\AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua:20: in function <widgets\AceGUIContainer-BlizOptionsGroup.lua:19> <in C code> FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:28: in function <FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:17> <in C code> FrameXML\InterfaceOptionsFrame.lua:46: in function "InterfaceOptionsListButton_OnClick" <string>:"*:OnClick":2: in function <string>:"*:OnClick":1
Locals: nil
What happened to the timer bar things for peoples buffs... or do I some how have a setting messed up.. I noticed this stop working a long time ago... so I'm not sure what version of WoW or ZOMG Buffs it stopped working on :|
edit: I deleted all configuration and logged back in.. timer bars worked... until I tried to reconfigure ... and by reconfigure, i mean move the icon, and change it's size.
I guess I should be filing a ticket...
Using Buffin for the majority of the buff work.
Tome of Teleportation replaces the very useful ZOMG_Portals module.