All in one buffing mod for all classes, overview of important raid buffs and instant access rebuff on right click.
Main Mod
- Responsible for loading class specific modules.
- Has FuBar/Minimap icon for options menu (Sorry, I just don't like Waterfall at all), and info tooltip.
- Single click minimap icon to quickly enable/disable auto-buffing.
- Raid popup list with complete buff overview (just mouseover the floating ZOMG icon).
- Highlights missing buffs for whole raid at a glance.
- Shows time remaining on your buffs on whole raid.
- Allows instant rebuff with Right-Click as assigned by seperately loaded modules, without having to muck around finding the player in the raid frames.
- Shows in-combat reminder (swirly thing around icon) if someone needs a rebuff mid-fight.
- Auto Buy reagents to defined levels.
Self Buffs
- Handles all self buffing needs including temporary weapon enchants and poisons.
- Can remind you in-combat when something needs rebuffing.
- Special cases to auto buff Crusader Aura for paladins when mounted, and aspect of cheetah for hunters in cities.
Buff Teh Raid
- Group class buffing module for raid buffs (Mana, Kings, Stamina etc).
- Allows you to define which groups you're responsible for.
- Enable or Disable buffs by clicking on the minimap tooltip for that buff.
- Selective buffing for single target raid buffs such as Thorns or Amplify/Dampen Magic.
- Unique Buff Tracking icon for Earth Shield, Fear Ward, Hand of Freedom and Hand of Sacrifice, which allows you to keep close watch on these buffs and easily recast with a click.
Common Behaviour for Buffing modules
- Manually casting a buff will be remembered (with a few exceptions which shouldn't) as the new required auto buff.
- Click the tooltip sectoin for that mod will cycle through buffs.
- Shift Clicking the tooltip section for that mod will remove it's entry from the template.
- Template save/load/conditionals.
- Simple mousewheel rebuffing in one common interface.
- Simple Right-Click rebuffing of your defined buffs for whichever module you have loaded.
- Definable pre-expiry rebuff setting.
- Options to not buff when:
- Not everyone in raid is present (definable to a % of people present).
- Not everyone in a party is present.
- You are resting.
- You are low on mana.
- You have the Spirit Tap buff (geiv mana regen!).
As always, many thanks to our tireless raid leader for ignoring me going AFK at various points to fix some problem. And to our Paladins, without whom this mod would not have been possible without their constant downloading and re-downloading of early alphas.
While donations are not ever expected they do help, and recent donations by a kind few are one of the reasons I have returned at this time to resume work on this and other mods. Please do consider how worthwhile ZOMGBuffs is to you and help to continue it's support into the future.
PayPal: [email protected]
just wanna say thank you for this addon here, great reminder for when i need to redo my paly buffs on raid members. swift roll on my mouse wheel
But im stuck here. I was moving my icons around the minimap, and i stupidly put my 'zomgbuffs' icon behind my finder icon (minerals/herbs/treasure), and im not able to get it out from behind there. I am usually shift clicking to disable spells that I do not need to cast or switch things around. any help would be nice, ill check back later on.
Thanks Hawkai
It still tells me to buff the raid (for example fortitude) after it has been done by me or someone else. The list shows everyone has it but the autobuff button still wants me to buff. If I have autobuff on scroll active it would waste reagents.
If not could there be something added within a future release? Have you add their aura and judgement to the blessing manager (have another column to the right one for aura one for judgement) then have it whisper them which they are on
Also zomgbuffs whispers people when i click generate. I'd like it to only whisper people when i click broadcast is there anyway i can do this? Also is it possible to make it so i can see the whispers that are sent out?
One request: Add in Primary and Secondary Spec under the Auto Switch options for templates. If Outfitter can do it, I'm sure you can, too, and this would make life incredibly easier.
]: ZOMGBuffs-72\ZOMGBuffs.lua:5196: bad argument #1 to 'strsub' (string expected, got nil)
ZOMGBuffs-72\ZOMGBuffs.lua:5196: in function <Interface\AddOns\ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs.lua:5193>
(tail call): ?:
ZOMGBuffs-72\ZOMGBuffs.lua:5230: in function <Interface\AddOns\ZOMGBuffs\ZOMGBuffs.lua:5229>
(tail call): ?:
Cellular-3.1.003\core.lua:19: in function <Interface\AddOns\Cellular\core.lua:18>
Hope you can fix it, else i will have to say bbye to Cellular :D
[2009/05/24 01:32:45-418-x1]: AceOO-2.0-91091 (AtlasLootFu):734: AceComm-2.0: AceComm-2.0 requires AceEvent-2.0
AceComm-2.0-91091 (ZOMGBuffs):2339: in main chunk
[2009/05/24 01:32:46-418-x1]: GhostPulse-2.3\Events.lua:80: attempt to call method 'RegisterComm' (a nil value)
AceAddon-2.0-91096 (AtlasLootFu):983: in function <...ddOns\AtlasLootFu\Libs\AceAddon-2.0\AceAddon-2.0.lua:976>
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-91091 (AtlasLootFu):260: in function `TriggerEvent'
AceEvent-2.0-91091 (AtlasLootFu):910: in function <...ddOns\AtlasLootFu\Libs\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:903>
I have tested disabling other addons. Looks like it is conflicting with Ghost: Pulse http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info8418-GhostPulse.html. Any chance of see why there are conflicts?
Question, though - is there any way to scrollwheel-buff friendly targets? Say, I'm running around in a zone and I see a friendly player that I'd like to buff (as a nice gesture, et cetera)? I can't seem to figure out how to make that happen. Any guidance?
One thing though. Is there a way to change the created templates from at macro?
Whith the dual spec, it would be great to have the entire change in one macro :)
/run Outfitter:WearOutfitByName('Normal')
/run TrinketMenu.SetQueue(1, "SORT", "PvE")
/run ZOMGSelfBuffs:SelectTemplate('PvE')
/run SetActiveTalentGroup(2)
It sets the right outfit in Outfitter, queue in TrinketMenu, template in ZOMGBuffs as well as activating the talent swap. No more arena without my trinket equipped for me!
Note, for the different template types you need to change the 'ZOMGSelfBuffs' part to the module whose template you wish to set, e.g. ZOMGBuffTehRaid, ZOMGBlessings, etc. Note also that in the final line '2' is your 2ndary talent group and '1' is your primary group.
Thanks again for all your work
Would be nice if we could get an option to switch between the two types of you're adamant on using the new style (not sure your reasoning for changing it)... I can't stand how it looks now, the old way was more cleanly integrated into the button so it looked much nicer.