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Nov 28, 2010
Adds an additional spell alert if you have more than one charge of a buff that is normally tracked by the in game spell alert...
Sep 19, 2009
LDB data feed plugin designed to display various statistics derived from the Recount addon.
Aug 27, 2009
Adds information to Titan Panel about your Professions and opens ProfessionsBook
Sep 12, 2013
Reports in the Default Chat Frame how many people does not have Well Fed effect, and who are they
Jul 5, 2021
Uses linear regression and a log of hitpoint values to estimate how long a boss has left to die and reach execute range.
Feb 5, 2014
Shows a frame to track your Pyrite debuff on Flame Leviathan and it's trash. Completely based on MalygosStacks by Nebula.