Curse Premium
Member for 16 years, 3 months, and 26 days
Last active Mon, Aug, 29 2022 14:12:05
50 Total Posts
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an embeddable library providing an abstraction layer for tracking and querying Blizzard's Nameplate frames with ease and effi...
Adds spec switching support to individual AceDB-3.0 databases.
Display auras on action buttons.
Additional information about player spells.
Library providing multi-column tooltips.
Adds Outfitter set filters to AdiBags.
Provides LibPeriodicTable-3.1 item filters for AdiBags.
Adirelle's unit frames, based on haste's oUF.
Database of Diminishing return categories and general data
Test whether the player can really dispell a buff or debuff, given its talents.
Rebuff yourself with the mousewheel.
Attach diminishing return icons to unit frames.
One-click smart mounting.
Light-weight enhanced casting bars
Spell overlay customization and spell state HUD.
Show buffs on nameplates.
A seperate focus bar, with focus gain prediction and rotation forecast.