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Member for 16 years, 2 months, and 11 days
Last active Sun, Aug, 10 2014 06:34:33
7 Total Posts
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Automatically turns on the combat log for selected instances
Rebuff yourself with the mousewheel.
CandyBar style cooldown display
Group interrupt cooldown tracking.
Show all characters' currency in the currency tooltip
Automatically buy grocery bags for items you have enough of.
Complain about crowd control breaks.
Bring back the Raid Finder queue Bosses Defeated text in 5.1
LDB port of TimeToDie, showing estimated target life expectancy in an LDB object
Displays how many times you have jumped.
Profession launcher objects for any Broker display
Monitors for friendly deaths and announces them as in Myth: The Fallen Lords
PVP Timer feed for any Broker display