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Member for 18 years, 5 months, and 20 days
Last active Wed, Aug, 13 2014 13:17:34
87 Total Posts
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Adds a button to the quest completion interface which allows you to auto equips selected quest Item after completion
Enables AceGUI-3.0 widgets for the 5 basic SharedMedia-3.0 types
Library to aid in the classification of Mounts
Creates a broker plugin for all your broker launchers
Enables the filtering of items when you visit a vendor
replaces the EncounterJournal Map boss button with the 3d model of the boss
Broker plugin for the Blizzard Equipment manager
Increases the Precision of the Average Item Level to 3 decimal places in the Character pane
Dynamic mount macro generator
fixes the issue with InterfaceOptionsFrame_OpenToCategory not actually opening the Category (and not even scrolling to it)
Reminds you to resummon your Ghoul
Saves your watched quests and achivement between sessions
Reminds you to Life Tap and Dark Pact
No files released.
Creates a broker plugin for all your broker launchers
No files released.
Shows all the targets in the raid