Curse Premium
Member for 16 years, 10 months, and 27 days
Last active Mon, Jul, 27 2020 19:53:50
111 Total Posts
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Lightweight time display, with micro menu and memory usage tooltip.
Uses linear regression and a log of hitpoint values to estimate how long a boss has left to die and reach execute range.
Simple loot specialisation display with selection in tooltip.
Animated target indicator
Prompts for canceling of pet battles if no rare pet is found in the opposing team.
Adds the "pixel perfect" font "Visitor" to LibSharedMedia
Adds the "pixel perfect" font "Silkscreen" to LibSharedMedia
Adds the "pixel perfect" font "Pixel Unicode" to LibSharedMedia
Adds the "pixel perfect" font "C&C Red Alert" to LibSharedMedia
A simple data broker display for current Artifact Power
Makes those pesky garrison animations go away.
No files released.
Shows current/dot cast haste values