Customizable unit frame addon.
- How to configure the unit frames in 3.0
Press "esc" to open the options menu.
Press the "Interface" button.
In the interface options window, press the "AddOns" tab.
Select "AG Units" from the tree of available addons.
Press the "Open AG Units Options" button. This will open the AG Unit Frames options window.
(Alternatively, you can write "/aguf" in the chat.)
- Latest update
Hi guys,
I know there's still some things missing, like layouts for example.
I would have loved to keep the old version of AG Unit Frames up until I thought the new version was 100% ready, but 3.0 came out, so I had to put the new version up. The old version not compatible with 3.0.
That said, I feel that the new AG Unit Frames is much lighter than the old one, while being easier to configure, contains more modern features and so on. As soon as the glitches in the wake of 3.0 is smoothed out, I'm sure many of you are going to be pretty happy with it.
Regarding the missing layouts, the layout system was completely changed, which makes the old layouts incompatible. It is much better and dynamic now and allows for a lot more customization, It is unfortunate that I haven't had time to rewrite some of the old layouts like "classic". I really plan to.
I hope this answers some of your questions!
- Issues
There is a problem where party members won't be created correctly if they join while you're in combat. This is a bug in the Blizzard interface code and won't be fixed until they release a new patch. This affects all unit frame addons.
Your replying to my post?
I have a question about how this guy has his ag_unitframes set up in the screenshot below. (points of interest are circled in green)
1. Am I able to position my name anywhere I want like he has his centered?
2. Can I put me or my targets total health or percentages to the right of the bar like his?
The way he has it set up makes it much much easier to visually see the entire bar and you + your targets absolute and percent of health and mana all at the same time.
EDIT: 3. Can I enable it to only show debuffs under me or my targets bars? Or do I already have the option to do this and am just stupid? :P
I would like to request a few options for future considerations ;) :
1. Target buff duration. I.E. - how much longer will my Fire Vulnerbility debuff be on my target, so I know when to refresh it.
2. Party Cast-Bars. I like to see when party members are casting heals and such.
3. Grim Reaper equivelant. X-perl had an option to see the last 10-15 actions against a party member, myself, or my target by mousing over them. This was useful for seeing what just one shot the healer.
1. Sometimes I can't see a raid member's buff, even though they have the buff. I.E. - I cast Arcane Brilliance on a party, and 1 person misses it. I target that person to buff AI, and find he did get Arcane Brilliance, but the icon isn't on his raid member bar.
2. Switching "profiles" twice without reloading the UI causes the bars to reset or disappear. This might be the problem people are having difficulty explaining.
First of all emorphous read the change logs : )
The first point of suggestion has allready been implemented by rabbit.
r52273 | rabbit | 2007-10-16 07:00:18 -0400 (Tue, 16 Oct 2007)
ag_UnitFrames: Add support for aura cooldowns, enabled on all units by default.
and 2:d is also an option that you just have to enable.
nr:3 is more of an data-collection addon, not a unitframe addon.
There are stand-alone addons such as the Grim Reaper.
about the bugs, the buff thing can be a collition with another buff mod but however it seams to be appearing a little bit here and there and i can only hope it will get fixed.
second bug seams odd.. i'll try to lookinto it myself.
Great addon. I just wish that one could set aura positioning separate for each raid party, because I tend to have half at one side of the screen, and half on the other :)
About Extend Statusbar:
There is no options for the width on the Extend Statusbar - default 50%, and this can be very small.
- Can there be an option so you can scale the width for the Extend Statusbar?
New Future!
Aura cooldown by Rabbit!
Loving the add-on, but I am curious if you could add another frame for pet target?
so... i downloaded it yesterday, and it was great! BUT THEN..... i woke up this AND bang1 its not there any more... : /
help me!!
xperl doesn't work with me don't tell me this doesn't either :*(
and same goes for you as Neowill, really don't know what your main problem is.
It worked, then it didn't? i really need more to go on then that.
See there is 2 milion possible ideas to why things dosn't work in this work.
You got drunk and deleted it.
You anti virus program got a cold and started deleteing all your addons.
Have you tryed enabling only _one_ addon?
You can't run x-perl and ag_unitframes at the same time.
Atleast not all of the x-perl fetures :P
is that with charracte icon? if yes like Xperl or Standart
I really don't have any idea exactly what your trying to say.
"is that with caracter icon?" care to elaborate on that one?
Ok. after patch 2.3 there has been some issues,
1: the frames dosn't lock as they should. They are dragable even if they are locked.
2: some people seams to have issue showing the raid groups? o0
Me myself don't have that problem and there is a option if you klick the minimap icon (if it's hidden just type /aguf hide and it should pop up). when you klicked it hover over the raid settings and "disable" hide uniframes.
if that dosn't work (klick the minimap icon --> raid settings --> (turn off) hide frames).
Then thers a serious error and report back here again.
3: there should be a width (aka scale) settings for every frame, look around a bit for that particular frame.
I was wondering, is there anyway to show my party's target? I use them alot and can't seem to find the option *If any* to show them. :/
Whenever I try to save/load/change a profile I get this error "Interface\AddOns\ag_UnitFrames\ag_UnitFrames.lua:137 attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)" and then the minmap button moves. Really annyoing since I play on 2 chars and each time I change something for one of them the other on completly resets all ag_UnitFrames settings... (.. wich means I can only configure the bars for one char and then the other one is doomed to used standard settings which suck :( )
Can you add a feature that shows the duration of buffs and/or perhaps removes the blizzard default buff display? Or is there already one there I haven't found?
2 Questions:
1. can you make Extend Statusbar bigger? or make an option you can choose yourself how width you want to have it? 50% is way to small.
2. If you try to select someone but you click on him like a 'drag way', like you want to move the bars, you won't select the player when your frames are locked.
This is very annoying in PvP, can you please fix this?
how do i get ag to show my raids grps? I can c my grp if im in a 5 man party, but not in a raid, what gives?
Ive gone through every lil clicky and arrow and adjustment to no end. is there a easy way for a non computer programmer to use this or do i like need to know how to program?
Hmm..I always used to see overhealing. I'll look into that- I always assumed it was just part of the addon.
Yeh. I can't see the raid at all. I have to use Ct_raid :( It's a bit crap.
Thanks for getting back to me mate.