Alt-Tab Toggle
Alt-Tab Toggle (ATT) will force WoW to the foreground on events when you're alt-tabbed. Optionally you can choose to only play a sound when one of these events fire. Then you can tab back into WoW at your leisure.
Events that ATT will toggle include
- Auctioneer scan, search and post complete [W]
- BankStack complete [W]
- BG Deserter debuff expire,
- BG idle debuff,
- BG gates opening
- Duel request (2.1.5beta),
Dungeon Deserter/Cooldown debuff expire
- Enemy detected,
- Enter Battleground window,
- Enter combat,
- Flight land,
- Group invite,
- Group ready check,
- LFG boot proposal,
- LFG enter proposal,
- LFG role check,
- Mailbox, finished looting (2.1.7beta) [W]
- Resurrection request (2.1.2beta)
- Summon request,
- Trade skill finish crafting [W]
- Whispers,
- Wintergrasp Starting,
- Zeppelin arrival
[W] = window mode only
Leave a ticket if you have another event that should be added.
Q) How does ATT bring WoW to the foreground?
A) ATT uses a console command gxRestart that inadvertently causes WoW to jump to the foreground (in full screen mode).
Q) I'm in window mode and WoW's not coming up.
A) Unfortunately the console gxRestart command doesn't work in window mode. You'll have to use the alert sound.
Q) I'm in window mode and ATT's alerting when I'm not alt tabbed.
A) The Alt-Tab Detection is giving false positive. This usually happens to slow PCs or under heavy load (-10FPS). If this is causing problems, turn off Alt-Tab Detection and manually activate ATT by typing /att before you alt tab out.
Q) How does Alt-Tab Detection work?
A 1) When fullscreen WoW loses focus, frames stop updating. ATT checks if it's been 5+ seconds since the last frame update.
A 2) When windowmode WoW loses focus, FPS drops to -10, ATT checks if your FPS has dropped below 10 for over 5 seconds. this could give false positives on slow PCs.
Q) What does AFK Activate do?
A) AFK Activate is a old feature that activated ATT when you went /afk. Once you returned you could move/jump and ATT would deactivate. AFK Activate isn't needed now with Alt-Tab Detection.
Q) Will you add a toggle for the ingame alarm clock?
A) Currently not possible. When WoW loses focus frames stop firing OnUpdate. The alarm clock uses OnUpdate to fire the alarm.
Q) ATT caused WoW to crash and give error #132.
A) Checkout Blizzard's Error #132 page. If that doesn't help try enabling ATT's Sound Only option on.
Q) AddonUsage / TitanPerformance claims ATT is using lots of CPU usage, why?
A) The Ace3 libraries ATT uses are probably being used by other addons and ATT is getting the blame. Try downloading Ace3 separately from here and see if that helps.
Q) Are there alternatives to Alt-Tab Toggle?
A) Yes, LFGMaximizer, EventNotifier and AltTabber that I know of.
Discussion page: here
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- Mars1491 - Traditional Chinese (zhTW) translator
Translators needed - apply localizations here.
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I *love* the concept of this. However, something I am not loving is that every time a flagged event comes up and I'm already in game, it puts me on my desktop for a second or two, and then back into the game. Is there any way to make it so that it only activates if you're actually alt-tabbed, rather than also whenever you're already in game? Until it's changed, unfortunately I have to get rid of the add-on.
Blizzard's error 132 support page is in the addon description.
Sorry that I'm weak at English.
whiper received & Flight land & Ready Check is good work.
but, Toggle on enter random dungeon window have Client is Critical Error.
In this case, and relationships with ATT?
Or my pc&computer is unsteady?
Plz give me to advice.
This application has encountered a critical error:
ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception
Program: D:\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:00000000
The instruction at "0x00000000" referenced memory at "0x00000000".
The memory could not be "read".
Unfortunately the console gxRestart command doesn't work in window mode. You'll have to use the alert sound.
Does not work for me on Win7x64, windowed.
CVar 'maxFPSBk' is 30 for me and it does not bring WoW back into foreground for me, I'll try and enable all the debug statements and post what it does
However, I'd like to make a request. Often during H-HoR and some of the other new ICC 5-mans, the party loses the tank or healer and everybody re-queues. It takes 10 min to find a new one but unless you have game sound on, you have no clue the new tank is there and that the party is rdy to continue. Could you add the option to have the mod force WoW to the front when a new member joins the party? And perhaps a separate one for when someone joins the raid? It could get tedious being forced back in every time your RL adds someone to a nearly empty 25-man raid, but it may be just the thing if you are waiting on 1-2 players.
well thing is i can do /console gxrestart without crashing coz when i type it the game already is fullscreen, but when it's in background it crashes :< guess the sound warning will have to do then :)
happy new year
@sam Try disabling ATT and typing /console gxrestart 5-10 times to see if that causes WoW to crash. If it's crashing w/o ATT then I can't do much about that. You could use the Sound Only to just get alerted on events. =/
i like the concept but 3 times out of 5 the addon;s gonna do "it's thing" it gives me error #132 crash insted of turning wow back fullscreen :<
windows 7 64bit, 4gb ram, 3.2ghz quad core cpu, nv9800gt gfx, english client
Though I remember a alt-tab addon way back in vanilla so the idea isn't new. :)
Can you turn off all addons except ATT then turn on 1 of the 4 addons at a time to confirm ATT is causing a problem.
I've looked at a few other Alt-Tab mods out there but none have the versatility of yours so I hope this can be worked out.
1x AceConfigRegistry-3.0-11:19: Cannot find a library instance of "CallbackHandler-1.0".
Alt-Tab_Toggle-v1.1.2beta\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua:38: in function `GetLibrary'
AceConfigRegistry-3.0-11:19: in main chunk
1x Alt-Tab_Toggle-v1.1.2beta\core.lua:13: Usage: EmbedLibrary(addon, libname, silent, offset): 'libname' - Library 'AceEvent-3.0' is not Embed capable
AceAddon-3.0-5:215: in function `EmbedLibrary'
AceAddon-3.0-5:191: in function `EmbedLibraries'
AceAddon-3.0-5:158: in function `NewAddon'
Alt-Tab_Toggle-v1.1.2beta\core.lua:13: in main chunk
self =
DisableAddon = <function> @ Alt-Tab_Toggle\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:566:
EnableAddon = <function> @ Alt-Tab_Toggle\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:532:
EmbedLibrary = <function> @ Alt-Tab_Toggle\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:206:
InitializeAddon = <function> @ Alt-Tab_Toggle\Libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:509:
self =
NewLibrary = <function> @ Alt-Tab_Toggle\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua:20:
minors =
minor = 2
IterateLibraries = <function> @ Alt-Tab_Toggle\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua:46:
GetLibrary = <function> @ Alt-Tab_Toggle\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua:36:
libs =
major = "CallbackHandler-1.0"
silent = nil
Dunno if any of that helps. I got a much simplier error through just Blizzard's default error message screen but even it was too long to copy and I couldn't copy/paste it. But i read enough of it to see it kept saying Alt-Tabber and Ace over and over again.
Date: 2009-12-30 23:07:25
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: AceLocale-3.0: Alt-Tab Toggle: Missing entry for 'Role check'
Alt-Tab_Toggle\core.lua:349: ?()\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147:\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:147
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:4
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:13: ?()\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:92: Fire()