AppearanceTooltip shows you the appearance of items that you see, to help you know whether you actually want to obtain their delicious appearances for your collection. It does this by attaching a Model frame to the item tooltip, showing your character wearing the item.
It can also show an icon in various places to let you know whether you know this appearance or not. These places are:
- Bags (including various bag addons)
- Loot window
- Encounter Journal
- Merchants
The icon will be violet if you can learn the appearance on the current character, blue if you know the appearance but from a different item, and yellow if you don't know it but it's for another class.
Less importantly, it also improves the default UI so that the "You don't know this appearance" messages will appear on items which don't apply directly to your class! This means you'll be able to log into your Warrior, and tell that your Priest doesn't yet know this cool BoE appearance that just dropped.
It will also make alert popups appear when you learn a new appearance.
Config is in the Interface Options, or type /aptip
You can choose whether to:
- Show your character with your current outfit, or naked apart from your previewed item (how lewd)
- Zoom in on the item you're previewing
- Strategically remove some items from your character to show the previewed item (e.g. for shirts, remove your chest and tabard)
- Only show for items your current character can actually transmog to
- Spin the model / move it with the mousewheel
Addons integrated with:
- SilverDragon
- Inventorian
- Baganator (via its API, so you'll need to tell it to use it)
- Butsu
- Bagnon
- Baggins
- AdiBags - showing icons and offering a filter for unknown appearances
Found a fix for the configuration option updates not sticking:
A blizzard API change was made:
Which was causing a fatal error when the check boxes were toggled in the configuration screen.
To fix the issue I made the following change:
In config.lua update line 9 to:
PlaySound(checked and 856 or 857)
Unfortunately the colours of items are wrong for some weapons/gear in Mythic Hellfire Citadel. For example, the 'Maul of Tyranny' that drops from Mythic Tyrant Velhari shows as red in the addon's tooltips, but is actually a green item (as shown when equipped or in the collections journal).
Bugs aside, thanks for the addon! It replaced MogIt for me.
Addon options don't save. Unchecking checkboxes automatically turns them back on as soon as you close the options menu.
Any way to remove or change the color of the white border on the tooltip? Can't find anything in the lua.
i also use moveanything so that my bag tooltips are in the lower right corner of the screen. it's really annoying to mouseover stuff and then it obscures your bags and pointer - now -
_most_ of the time this isn't a problem, however, anytime in-game i hearth or go through a loading screen, afterwards when i m/o moggable items, the appearance tooltip is now displaying directly on top of the right-side tooltip which looks very bad and messy. there must be a way to force this check so that it knows where it's appearing each time right?
i've already tried the options to display it left/right or above/below, nothing will prevent this issue from occuring.
please help i love the addon but i get so triggered when the nice tooltip suddenly starts displaying right on top of the item's tooltip !!
Really nice addon! Much better than the rest that show items on tooltips. I love it how it removes all gear that might obstruct the viewed item and it zooms in. Just perfect! Hope you get more recognition for your work, friend ^^
Edit: Is it possible to add an option for how much zoomed in you are on the preview?
The zooming is actually sort of a pain -- I'm using the same camera stuff as the transmog wardrobe does, and that means that every single item type is actually displayed via different set of prepackaged settings, which differ for every race/gender combination.
Which is to say, adding some zoom config is on my todo list, but it'll take enough testing and fiddling that I keep putting it off.
Thank you for this! Since Blizz added the appearance tab, the tooltip preview was the only reason I still had MogIt installed.
Lovely addon! Would it be possible to make a keybinding to zoom in? I'd like to have the character zoomed out, and be able to press a key when I want to zoom in.
could you please add an option to not preview tokens (the "item purshased" line)? it usually doesnt work for me, doesnt show anything at all and the "item cannot be equiped" message is kinda annoying.
I use the addon since the release and really like it but not this option.
I didn't say anything, but I added this in December. :D
I deleted this thinking from all the complaints that it was causing problems I had, it was not. I played a few transmog runs and realized how much better life is with this addon. Took me a while to remember the name / find it but never deleting it again. One of the essencial mods on my list now.
thanks for nice addon, but when I mouse-over items from transmog run, with many items in bag not for my class, this addon starts spamming warning "I can't equip that, I can't equip that, I can't equip that ...." and it's really annoying to hear it 30x in a minute.Well, I am only mouse-overing item, not trying equip that.Please add a option to turn this warning off.
Similarly, gear tokens have the same issue. It's actually so annoying I've decided to turn off the addon until it's fixed :(
Have the same issues. Really annoying :s
This one was fixed last year, I just didn't reply to you to say it...
First of all, thanks a lot for the work you put into this. This could very well exchange MogIt for me since i only primarily used it for these tooltips... and the MogIt links buuut I think i can deal with that, maybe? Still good work!
I will provide one suggestion though and that is... could we mayhaps have a zoom Slider specifically? :o Modifier maybe included, otherwise no? I mostly ask cus sometimes, there is a few items that while zoomed in are a bit too close... but if not zoomed, its a bit hard to get the detail. So a little bit of a slider would be nice! Specially since i do like the zoom in "set up", but distance adjustment would be pleasant. Thanks again for your work!
The last update just broke the addon for me - even with no other addons loaded. Nothing comes up and the settings don't even appear to be loaded.
1x AppearanceTooltip\addon.lua:10: attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)
AppearanceTooltip\addon.lua:10: in main chunk
myname = "AppearanceTooltip"
ns = <table> {
myfullname = "AppearanceTooltip"
GetScreenWidth = <function> defined =[C]:-1
GetScreenHeight = <function> defined =[C]:-1
IsDressableItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
setDefaults = nil
db = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "LibArmorToken-1.0"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'LibStub' (a nil value)"
Did you restart WoW after updating the addon? New files were added in the update, and a game restart is needed.
If you did... could you send me the FrameXML.log file from your WoW "Log" directory?