AppearanceTooltip shows you the appearance of items that you see, to help you know whether you actually want to obtain their delicious appearances for your collection. It does this by attaching a Model frame to the item tooltip, showing your character wearing the item.
It can also show an icon in various places to let you know whether you know this appearance or not. These places are:
- Bags (including various bag addons)
- Loot window
- Encounter Journal
- Merchants
The icon will be violet if you can learn the appearance on the current character, blue if you know the appearance but from a different item, and yellow if you don't know it but it's for another class.
Less importantly, it also improves the default UI so that the "You don't know this appearance" messages will appear on items which don't apply directly to your class! This means you'll be able to log into your Warrior, and tell that your Priest doesn't yet know this cool BoE appearance that just dropped.
It will also make alert popups appear when you learn a new appearance.
Config is in the Interface Options, or type /aptip
You can choose whether to:
- Show your character with your current outfit, or naked apart from your previewed item (how lewd)
- Zoom in on the item you're previewing
- Strategically remove some items from your character to show the previewed item (e.g. for shirts, remove your chest and tabard)
- Only show for items your current character can actually transmog to
- Spin the model / move it with the mousewheel
Addons integrated with:
- SilverDragon
- Inventorian
- Baganator (via its API, so you'll need to tell it to use it)
- Butsu
- Bagnon
- Baggins
- AdiBags - showing icons and offering a filter for unknown appearances
Request for Arkinventory support.
Having icons would be great. Having the filter for unknown appearances would be super fantastic.
Tooltip is flickering when looking at items from the AH
I'm a bit confused - this shows as last updated 18 hours ago in my favorites view, but the date on the file is Nov 20, 2022. I appear to have downloaded it on Dec 3, and it has the same version number in the .toc file.
Is it Curse being weird?
In reply to Barleduq:
Not sure if this is still an issue for you or not; but, maybe the newest one wasn't showing at the time; however; the latest version [v38] was posted 3 days ago (now) and then there was version 37 released/uploaded on Nov. 20, 2022.
I just downloaded both versions, and they have different TOC versions (and other changes).
3x AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:260: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
[string "@AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua"]:260: in function `ComputeTooltipAnchors'
[string "@AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua"]:197: in function <AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:190>
self = <table> {
GetCameraID = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/cameraids.lua:97
Debug = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:734
always_remove = <table> {
db = <table> {
Print = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:731
CanTransmogItem = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:643
ColorTextByCompletion = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:726
modifiers = <table> {
slot_removals = <table> {
UpdateSources = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:611
PlayerHasAppearance = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:657
ShowItem = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:346
ResetModel = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:496
slot_facings = <table> {
HideItem = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:492
ComputeTooltipAnchors = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:225
RegisterTooltip = <function> defined @AppearanceTooltip/addon.lua:159
owner = GameTooltip {
0 = <userdata>
SetQuestLogRewardSpell = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetQuestPartyProgress = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
hasMoney = 1
ProcessLineData = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:303
TextRight1 = GameTooltipTextRight1 {
SetCompanionPet = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetMerchantCostItem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetPvpTalent = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetRuneforgeResultItem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetHyperlink = <function> defined =[C]:-1
SetUnit = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetAzeriteEssence = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
ItemTooltip = Frame {
SetTotem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetVoidWithdrawalItem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
supportsItemComparison = true
SetVoidDepositItem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetExistingSocketGem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetInfoBackdropStyle = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:338
supportsDataRefresh = true
SetTalent = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetTraitEntry = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetSocketGem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
Show = <function> defined =[C]:-1
SetInventoryItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
info = <table> {
SetSlottedKeystone = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetItemInteractionItem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetLFGDungeonReward = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetPetAction = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
GetSpell = <function> defined @FrameXML/GameTooltip.lua:990
SetOwnedItemByID = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:444
SetWorldCursor = <function> defined @FrameXML/GameTooltip.lua:952
numMoneyFrames = 1
SetLootItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
shoppingTooltips = <table> {
SetRecipeReagentItem = <function> defined @Altoholic/Servi
Not sure where to put this, but I am getting these errors with df client 10 and addon ver 34.1
Hi! I'm feeling a bit dumb here...especially being the first person to post in over 2 years...
When I have "rotate with mousewheel" turned on, it doesn't spin when I scroll my mousewheel. Am I doing something wrong, or maybe this feature isn't what I'm expecting it to be? The automatic spin works, but I don't want that.
Additionally, it feels like when I have "zoom on worn items" turned on, it's TOO zoomed in, and cuts off the edges of items (and on some characters, like my female highmountain tauren, some items aren't even visible at all in the tooltip as they are outside the little window).
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
The tooltip always shows the Normal version of a weapon even if you try to preview another variant (like heroic or mythic). Is there a fix for this? I'm using the latest alpha version.
Digging through the code it seems that the issue is in line 348 of addon.lua where it just passes the base id for the item as a parameter. However I have no clue how to fix this. Any help will be appreciated :D
Edit: I should mention that this only occurs when "Zoom on held items" option is enabled!
Edit 2: OK, I couldn't wait for an update so I went ahead and actually fixed this!
The solution is that you have to use model:SetItemAppearance and use the appearance id for the itemlink. You can get the appearance id with C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSourceInfo
In reply to Forge_User_40535743:
In reply to Jenetikitty:
Adding my voice to the 'please update for BfA' chorus.
if you can add the following option, great, otherwise what can i edit myself in the files so that:
the location the appearance model frame displays is always static i.e., always in the upper left or upper right corner of the screen?
i find that even with the option to display it above/below, or next to the comparison tootip, i'm always getting drastic overlap sooner or later...
I'm sure you noticed, but overlaps with Azerite Armors.
An absolute fan of this addon, do you have any plans on updating it for Battle for Azeroth? It would be a huge help!
Any plans to update for BfA 8.0.1? Thank you!
Appearance tooltip doesn't zoom in on the allied races.
Is it possible to change the dimensions of the preview? I don't mind if I have to tinker with the LUA files, just point me in the right direction º,.,º
Any way to adjust the zoom amount? zoomWorn sometimes is too zoomed in but setting it to "false" is too zoomed out. Either setting a static zoom amount or adding another modifier to zoom the preview possible?
Thank you!