This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Combat HUD based on NurfedHUD
This addon is no longer in development and has been replaced by ArcHUD3.
I found by updateing the libs other then ace 2 I got it working without errors. with that said most of the them have been abandon but they still work. give it a try and let me know... if you have problems try /script ArcHUDDB.db = nil; then /script ReloadUI(); and this will clear out any old settings that might not need to be there anymore
This is possibly the only HUD anybody could ever need. There are somethings with this addon i'd like to change, but i'm afraid that if i alter the code too much i will end up breaking the whole damn thing and i don't want that.
its the same thing as ICEHUD. i prefer ICEHUD because it shows all the debuffs and buffs on your target right under the bars. plus it has a wide range of appearances and settings. just a lil' tip for those who like this idea, but mabey want to try something different.
Will somebody please please maintain ArcHUD2 i love this add on ..i use icehud but there isn't any comparison. Since the latest patch, archud 2 isn't working and i would really like to see it up and running again! Thank you Bakdek
i have a question about it i dont quite know what i did but i clicked on the disable/enable at the bottom of the option screen when you click on the mini map button and i cant get it to come back on can some1 give me an answer to this?
ArcHUD2 is simply the best HUD-Addon ever, all the others I have found had a ugly design or needed too much ressources. IceHUD for example has a animation I don't like, because all the bars are filled in the same way. Apart from this IceHUD is, as already noticed, very ressource-hungry and pulls down my fps. I would be very happy if someone could develop on ArcHUD2 again, except the very fact that the font in ArcHUD2 can't be changed, it's a really, really great Addon.
I used this mod for a long time and loved it. Those of you looking for a replacement should look at "Underhood" on this site. It does not have the pretty curved bars, and out of the box the default setup looks ungainly, but....and here's the advantage...Underhood is completely configurable and customizable. YOU create your hud exactly as you want it. Horizontal and vertical bars, with outlines that are driven by a different "provider"...a health bar with a cast indicator for the outline for example. Full support for all "units" in the game, up to raid member 40's pet's target, etc. You decide the size, the texture, the colors, the providers, (health, power, threat, etc) as many or as few as you need. Portraits. Icons. Auras. Text frames. Health, mana, cast times, threat, names, everything. And using dog-tags, simple text strings, you can have a LOT of flexibility in your text frames, sort of like your own custom Power-Auras without the bloat. Here's an example: if RawPercentThreat <= 80 then RawPercentThreat:Percent:Green:Hide(0) elseif RawPercentThreat > 80 then RawPercentThreat:Percent:Red Outline end] Threat under 80%? Show me in green letters, with a %, but hide zero. Over 80%? Make it red letters and outline the font.
[if HasAura "Clearcast"(player) then "OOC":red:outline] Omen of clarity procs? Big red OOC on-screen so you don't miss it. Dog-tag help file is included. There is a learning curve, but Underhood is entirely worth it.
IceHud is vastly inferior to ArcHUD2 for one simple reason. It's a resource hog. ArcHUD2 is very lightweight and uses barely any memory compared to IceHUD. With IceHUD my computer freezes consistently in combat, despite having most of the unnecessary modules turned off. It isn't worth it.
I got snubbed on another forum for bumping a thread (once) requesting someone adopt it. Sadly, I don't see a future for ArcHUD. I'll use it till it breaks though.
its obviously not going to be maintained by the author , issnt there anyone here willing to take it over , i would but i dont have anywhere near the lua knowledge to do it.
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i love this addon, please bring it back
This is possibly the only HUD anybody could ever need. There are somethings with this addon i'd like to change, but i'm afraid that if i alter the code too much i will end up breaking the whole damn thing and i don't want that.
Thank you Bakdek
Its just one of the addon that i can not play without it :'(
Here's an example: if RawPercentThreat <= 80 then
elseif RawPercentThreat > 80 then
RawPercentThreat:Percent:Red Outline
Threat under 80%? Show me in green letters, with a %, but hide zero. Over 80%? Make it red letters and outline the font.
[if HasAura "Clearcast"(player) then "OOC":red:outline] Omen of clarity procs?
Big red OOC on-screen so you don't miss it.
Dog-tag help file is included.
There is a learning curve, but Underhood is entirely worth it.