Fancy up the default AddOn List! Inspired by ACP by sylvanaar and it predecessors.
BetterAddonList has the following enhancements:
- Search!
- Move the panel.
- Create sets that allow you to quickly enable or disable groups of addons. Including multiple sets in one allows you to create base sets of addons for enabling across multiple characters.
- Shift-click the check box to "protect" an addon, preventing it from getting disabled.
- Enabled addons with missing or disabled dependencies are shown in red.
- Load AddOn button is always shown for unloaded load on demand addons.
- See how much memory enabled addons are using.
Slash Commands
- show the addon list, /bal
and /acp
can also be used
/addons load [set]
- enable only the addons in a set, other addons are disabled
/addons enable [set]
- enable addons in a set
/addons disable [set]
- disable addons in a set
/addons save [set]
- save all enabled addons to a set
/addons delete [set]
- delete a set
/addons disableall
- disable all addons
/addons reset
- Reset addons to what was enabled at login
Protected addons will never be disabled.
Addon not working on classic, sets cant be removed, updated or loaded
Using 1.3.0 I can't find any issues in either Vanilla or Cata. Try reinstalling?
In reply to nebula169: On Vanilla, the addon version is 1.15.5 I did a reinstall using curseforge, but I am still having the same issue
Hi, thank you for this amazing addon.
Is there a way to load a set of addons for all characters? When selecting "All" from the dropdown and loading a set it only applies it to the current character.
As a work around currently i load a set then have uncheck and check each one manually so it applies it to all characters on the same server.
Addon doesnt load sets on a character with the same name as my alt.
Example: Proxy-Tichondrius doesnt load sets because i have an alt called Proxy-Ragnaros.
Attempting to load sets does nothing useful. Disabled all to try to troubleshoot an issue, now manually re-enabling every single addon, rendering this, to me, useless.
No errors thrown, it just doesn't do anything when picking a set and clicking "Load" like it used to.
Hoping for a fix in Era on this brilliant addon, makes management a breeze in game!
Getting this error with 1.15.4 on classic era:
18x Blizzard_SharedXML/Classic/UIDropDownMenu.lua:897: attempt to index local 'frame' (a nil value)
[string "@Blizzard_SharedXML/Classic/UIDropDownMenu.lua"]:897: in function `UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue'
[string "@BetterAddonList/BetterAddonList_Classic.lua"]:157: in function `?'
[string "@BetterAddonList/BetterAddonList_Classic.lua"]:43: in function <...eBetterAddonList/BetterAddonList_Classic.lua:43>
same on sod
When I load a set of addons and there are addon state changes (enabled/disabled) that will require a 'reload ui', it would be nice to have a simple toggle that could only show those addons that now 'require reload'.
Hello, im Using Elvui and Addonskins, there is an issue with skinning or something diffrent im not 100% sure. Addons are Enabled the tickbox is red but on some it is grey. But if Addons are Disabled the tickbox is also grey. The only diffrence i can see if an addon is enable/disabled is the memory usage indicator. Any way to fix that? I have included a screenshot for you to see.
Hi! Is it possible to enable an addon set on all characters at once by using this addon?
The preset feature is no longer functional as of the prepatch, but the search still works.
For the time being, you can use the search feature from this addon alongside this addon,, to have relatively the same functionality. There is also as an alternative. Simple addon manager is really worth checking out if you like this addon.
In reply to psydfexrein: Any chance you can add collapsible grouping for sub-addons, like Addon Control Panel has? Prime example would be for all the DBM modules
every time I try to save, rename, create, or delete addons set nothing happens and then I cant press anything on my keyboard or even move my character. I have to force close the game and restart to get functionality back. then when I come back there is a new addon set created with random letters (probably from me pressing buttons in a panic trying to get my character to move) Can anyone help to fix this? the only thing that works is to load one of my already saved addons sets that I made a months back. I am trying to update/create new sets.
In reply to CryMSyndicate: My comment on a fix keeps getting deleted (not sure why as I'd welcome LUA fixes/suggestions for my of my mods) - I will send you the fix in DM
A fix is pushed, comments aren't where you fix things. make a pull request if you're that motivated to help.
In reply to nebula169: I did for the owner/author of the library as I thought that they would be the ones to correct it. Given that people were faced with the same issue and posted here I thought that I would also help those while waiting for the library author to update. I wasn't blaming you, or anyone else for that matter and am sorry if I offended you as that was the furthest thing from my intent.
Good day
I get errors like this when I try to create a new set or overwrite an existing one
Any plans to implement nested tree?
(Meaning - not only sets of addons, but also sets of sets.)