BG Spy
BG Spy
BG Spy is an enemy team talent specialization reader and reporter for use in battlegrounds.
Full team listing and specific role listing is supported.
Lists can either be displayed in the players chat box or sent to the battleground channel.
/bgs or /bgspy and include any additional parameters:
help - Show this help screen
r - Report list to Battleground chat
f - List players of friendly team
Different list types:
s - List talent spec numbers on team
t - List tanks on team
h - List healers on team
d - List DPS on team
k - List players possible of knockback effects on team
Example - /bgs rfh - Report friendly healers
Okay, I will try that. Many thanks as this addon is great! I could always get it to show the full breakdown for my Alliance team, but never detailed for the Horde like you show in the pic above. Cheers!
I'm in love with this Addon.
Can you please Add Server check or something like that, that will show us if its a premade or not!
Thank you sir!
feature request: list health? sort by health?
i.e. I want to know about the dk with 170k health, and I want to know about the rogue on my team with 70k health.
An option like this is currently out of the scope of this AddOn. I may look into it for a later version.
Any chance we could get iLvl at least for friendlies?
An option like this is currently out of the scope of this AddOn. I may look into it for a later version.
An old mod I use to have would tally the number of players from a single server, and then post a "% premade" stat. ie, 3 people from same server in a 10 man, "30% premade", and then if 5 people in a 5 man, "33% premade." Would you be willing to add a similar feature to bg spy? It would be awesome and appreciated.
In the next version I will probably add a feature like this to the summary command (/bgs) that reports the highest number of people from a single server. I may also make it a seperate command.
I had also used that premade check addon and found your addon in my attempt to find it again. If you can integrate that into this addon, I would be extremely grateful.
please lets do a portuguese-br language pack soon :(
Hello, I'm using your addon a lot since last patch, I must say I really like it and for what I've read about the new changes I think it's even better, but unfortunatly I couldn't test it myself yet... I'm a Brasilian and since this patch my WoW Client is in PT-BR, our languague, the problem is that your addon is not prepared for this languague and the classes and specs on their portuguese name is nome being recognized by the addon and it is reporting only "BG spy: Team Summary." when I try to report it... do you think you could update it to work with portuguese pack? I could help you on the translates if you want
I will look into implementing the ability to enable others languages. As English is the only language I know I will need help for each language required. Details regarding contacting me for help translating will be announced soon.
Hey everyone, just updated BG Spy to version 1.2.0. The main changes are the move of the original "/bgs" command to "/bgs s". Also added were the user requested tank (flag carrier), DPS and possible knockback lists. The commands with no list type ("/bgs" and "/bgs r") now report just the summary ("Horde: 7 melee, 2 ranged, 1 healer" etc.) but for both teams at the same time.
Any feedback, such as suggestions and bug information is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for using BG Spy and I hope you enjoy the update.
awesome ty! this add on is great and now with the upgrades, even more epic
Awesome addon, ive being using this alot on random bg's and many asked me what's this addon called.. Soo i've link them to this one! Keep it up the gooood work and have a good day :D
Any chance to update it to show the names of enemys and frindlys units on report?
This functionality will be added in the next version.
anyway you'd consider adding a feature that would automatically place flag carriers as your focus? nice as a healer to be able to keep an eye on the fc's health while healing others.
Unfortunately, the ability to set a focus target is restricted to Blizzard code only.
I suggest adding a few new letters:
-- "k" for Knockback. To detect anyone capable of a knockback. Useful when you're in Arathi Basin games. This would include Arcane Mages (talented), Beastmaster Hunters (via their Rhino), Warlocks (via succubus), Elemental Shamans, and Balance Druids.
-- "t" for Tanks. Useful for identifying potential flag carriers.
-- "d" for DPS. If you're going to have "h" for healer, then you might as well offer "t"ank and "d"ps as well.