BG Spy
BG Spy
BG Spy is an enemy team talent specialization reader and reporter for use in battlegrounds.
Full team listing and specific role listing is supported.
Lists can either be displayed in the players chat box or sent to the battleground channel.
/bgs or /bgspy and include any additional parameters:
help - Show this help screen
r - Report list to Battleground chat
f - List players of friendly team
Different list types:
s - List talent spec numbers on team
t - List tanks on team
h - List healers on team
d - List DPS on team
k - List players possible of knockback effects on team
Example - /bgs rfh - Report friendly healers
The knock back command is a good idea. The AddOn is only able to read talent specs not individual talents or pets. As such, players without the appropriate talents or pet will still be reported in the list.
As Goldenclaw said below, flag carrier reporting would be a very useful feature. I have been trying to come up with a good implementation of this idea since the first version and I think it's time for some feedback to get it going.
At this point, the four tank classes would be: Blood DK, Feral Druid, Prot Pally and Prot Warr. But I've been told by those more experienced at RBGs than me that Protection Warriors are the only valid flag carriers for higher ratings and that the others would only be there for support or DPS.
The plan is to count those four classes as melee for the general list but have them all reported in the tanks list as well as in the DPS list. So I'm looking for any other ideas concerning handling these tank classes.
As for the 'd'ps command, that will be implemented along with 'k'nock back and 't'anks, for consistency.
Great! Glad to hear you'll be implementing those. I understand you don't want alphabet soup of commands, but it's still handy.
One way to get around the classes with "possible" knockbacks is to split the knockback list into two halves: definite vs. possible knockbacks.
Definite are elemental shamans and boomkins. Possibles are arcane mages (if talented), beastmaster hunters (rhino pet only), and warlocks (succubus pet). Next to each type of possible on the list you can specify the condition necessary to be a knockback.
I also agree with the idea that names be displayed as well. Something like:
2 x Discipline Priest (Vaugn, JoeSchmoe)
Would be nice to auto detect flag carrier spec, which names are vital for
yo, the names for sure and i don't know if there is a command to list our raid groups stats, but that would help alot too.. since alot of people dont usually run with raid interfaces or take the time to look up the stat boards to see who is what.
To list your own team type:
"/bgs f" to list your teams composition or
"/bgs rf" to report that list to battleground chat
I will add an option to show the names of players for that list.
Love it. Nice addon.
I will add an extra slash command argument to list only the healers with their names and probably their race too to help with visual IDing.