Blood Legion Cooldown
Helps track raid cooldowns visually with icons and bars. It is designed to have minimal impact and be very simple to understand and configure.
/blcd opt :: open the options screen
/blcd show :: toggles visibility of the addon
/blcd reset :: reset all running cooldowns and available counts
/blcd wipe :: reset cooldowns after a wipe
/blcd lock :: lock/unlock the cooldown frame position
/blcd extra :: filter out extra raid members (only the first 10/25 members of the raid will be tracked)
/blcd clearextra :: resets extra filtering to show all players
/blcd rescan :: rescan the raid for talents
When reporting a bug please include the following information:
- What version of BLCD did you see the error in?
- Do you have ElvUI installed and enabled?
- Do you have any other addons installed and enabled? (Please list them)
- The full text of any lua errors (installing BugSack and !BugGrabber will allow you to easily report lua errors)
Todo List:
- Adjustable bar size
- Adjustable bar text size
- Bar texture and font
- Resume current bars after /reload or when joining a group (latter option would require other users to have addon)
- Horizontal layout
Is there anyway to not track cooldowns of people that are dead? not sure if there's a way to enable that or not.
Added in 3.18
Hey there just wondering if it is possible to add shield wall into the Warrior CDs? :) thanks for an amazing addon helps RL so much
Is it possible to have different scale values for both the icon and the timer bar?
This should be possible with a relatively minor change. I'll look into doing it for the next update.
I really like how this addon works, however there are many cooldowns I'd like to track that aren't included. Would it perhaps be possible to give the option of adding custom cooldowns (since adding everything that someone, somewhere finds interesting to track might clog up the interface)? DBM can be set to track these abilities but their implementation of it is really, really bad compared to BLCD.
If not, I'd love to be able to track many individual cooldowns like shield wall effects/ice block/divine shield/cloak of shadows/deterence/PvP tinket etc. In PvE it is really nice to see what abilities the tanks/soakers themselves have availible, and in PvP it would be really nice to know exactly what cooldowns I can call on teammembers to use or predict that they will.
I want to add the ability to track anything but the current method of building the cooldowns makes it difficult. This is on my list for a future version but I'm not sure when it will be happening.
For now my plan is to expand the list of available cooldowns greatly to hopefully cover more of what people want. A major update to the list will probably happen within the next month, though the timing of 5.3 will effect when this is released.
hey great work I really like the addon. One Request though.I would really like a feature where you can sort the cooldowns by yourself. Currently they are sorted by class. I would really like to sort them by CD. Or say that you could place the external CD like PainSup, Guardian Angel, Hand of Sacrafice etc. on a diffrent spot.
When I add custom grouping you will be able to sort in any way you want, but for now so much of this is hard coded that it can't be added quickly.
Great to see someone taking up this addon again!
You mistakenly added Clemency's ID ( spellID = 105622 ) to Hand of Salvation ( spellID = 1038 )
Possible additions
-=Single target Damagereduction=-
Hand of Purity ( spellID = 114039, cast = 6, class = "Paladin", talent = 4) possibly default.
Intervene ( spellID = 3411, CD = 30, cast = 10, class = "Warrior" )
Safeguard ( spellID = 114029, CD = 30, cast = 6, class = "Warrior", talent = 5 ) replaces Intervene
-=Raid Cooldowns=-
Light's Hammer ( spellID = 114158, CD = 60, cast = 18, class = "Paladin", talent = 6 )
Tranquility Symbiosis( spellID = 113277, CD = 480, cast = 8, class = "Priest", spec = 258 )
From what I've heared it's not that strong but can't really confirm since we don't have a shadow prriest.
-=DPS Cooldown=-
Shattering Blow Symbiosis( spellID = 112997, CD = 300, cast = 10, class = "Druid", spec = 103 )
Stampeding Roar ( spellID = 106898, CD = 120, cast = 8, class = "Druid" ) possibly default
Stampeding Shout Symbiosis ( spellID = 122294, CD = 300, cast = 8, class = "Warrior" spec = 71 or 72 )
I haven't managed to implement the Symbiosis spells cleanly (haven't delved into lua or wowaddon syntax that deeply),
If you get the custom grouping done, it would be nice to have kockback ,pull spells and possibly AoE Stuns added as well (right now it would just add bloat).
Spell I'd have in mind would be: Typhoon, Ursol's Vortex, Thunderstorm, Capacitor Totem, Binding Shot, Ring of Peace, Charging Ox Wave, Leg Sweep, Clash, Death Grip, Remorsless Winter, Gorefiend's Grasp, Shockwave, Mocking Banner, Shadowfury.
Hand of Salvation fixed.
Implementing Symbiosis didn't work out last time I tried but I'll look into it again (leveling my Druid so I can test it myself).
Safeguard doesn't work right now, not sure if it's my code or something else, so it isn't in this update.
Other spells added.
Add the option to announce the list of available cooldowns to RAID_WARNING instead of just RAID?
Coming soon™
Could you please add Hand of Salvation to the paladin cooldowns?
In tonight's update.
Edit: update is out.
Currently, Void Shift and Hymn of Hope have their tooltips reversed; IE Hymn of Hope has Void Shift's tooltip and vice versa.
Edit: This is only happening in the options frame when I mouse over the names of the spells to turn them on or off. Ver 3.13
Edit 2: Also, after any CD comes off CD the number doesn't change back to 1 from 0 on the icon. Refreshing UI sets them back to 1.
Using Soul Stone on someone before they die doesn't set Soul Stone on CD in the frame either.
Edit 3: Can we get an option added for a grow direction of up instead of down?
Edit 4: Would it be possible to get a channel set for announcing? For example, Raid Warning rather than Raid, or /5 for a healer chat or something similar?
Edit 5: Can Heart of the Wild be added to Druid CDs?
Sorry for all the edits, lol.
Tooltips will be fixed in next update.
The CD number refreshes correctly for me, I'll have to look into this in more detail.
I'll have to do some research on Soulstone to set that up correctly, once I have I'll put out an update.
Setting grwoth direction will be included when I make changes to allow custom grouping since both changes require rewriting all of the positioning functions.
I'll get a channel selection option in within the next couple updates.
Heart of the Wild added in the next update
Could ancestral guidance/holy avenger be added to this at some point if possible?
Sure, look for them in the next update.
Much appreciated :)