Blood Legion Cooldown
Helps track raid cooldowns visually with icons and bars. It is designed to have minimal impact and be very simple to understand and configure.
/blcd opt :: open the options screen
/blcd show :: toggles visibility of the addon
/blcd reset :: reset all running cooldowns and available counts
/blcd wipe :: reset cooldowns after a wipe
/blcd lock :: lock/unlock the cooldown frame position
/blcd extra :: filter out extra raid members (only the first 10/25 members of the raid will be tracked)
/blcd clearextra :: resets extra filtering to show all players
/blcd rescan :: rescan the raid for talents
When reporting a bug please include the following information:
- What version of BLCD did you see the error in?
- Do you have ElvUI installed and enabled?
- Do you have any other addons installed and enabled? (Please list them)
- The full text of any lua errors (installing BugSack and !BugGrabber will allow you to easily report lua errors)
Todo List:
- Adjustable bar size
- Adjustable bar text size
- Bar texture and font
- Resume current bars after /reload or when joining a group (latter option would require other users to have addon)
- Horizontal layout
In the update tonight.
Would it be possibly to add an option that allows you to display cooldown icons in a configurable grid? (Maybe with sliders for # of columns and rows)
Someone else brought this up and it's in the works. Probably be at least a few versions from now but it's coming.
Is there a way to have the bar snap to the top or bottom of the screen?
Do you mean simply moving the position up/down or rotating the icons horizontal so they are lined up across the top/bottom?
Is there anyway to move the addon lower down, so its not right at the top of the screen? like Affinity has his?
/blcd unlock
OMG thank you!!!!!!! <3
fixed since newest update :)
This is an issue several people have reported. Could you give me the information in the updated description so I can understand exactly what's causing the problem?
Is there anyway to customize which CDs you can track? Such as add Tank CDs for a healer to watch? Right now it seems to only be Raid specific.
Under the options (/blcd opt) you can set the individual CDs to track (they are organized by class).
I'm not sure I completely understand what you're asking so if this isn't what you needed could you elaborate please?