Blood Legion Cooldown
Helps track raid cooldowns visually with icons and bars. It is designed to have minimal impact and be very simple to understand and configure.
/blcd opt :: open the options screen
/blcd show :: toggles visibility of the addon
/blcd reset :: reset all running cooldowns and available counts
/blcd wipe :: reset cooldowns after a wipe
/blcd lock :: lock/unlock the cooldown frame position
/blcd extra :: filter out extra raid members (only the first 10/25 members of the raid will be tracked)
/blcd clearextra :: resets extra filtering to show all players
/blcd rescan :: rescan the raid for talents
When reporting a bug please include the following information:
- What version of BLCD did you see the error in?
- Do you have ElvUI installed and enabled?
- Do you have any other addons installed and enabled? (Please list them)
- The full text of any lua errors (installing BugSack and !BugGrabber will allow you to easily report lua errors)
Todo List:
- Adjustable bar size
- Adjustable bar text size
- Bar texture and font
- Resume current bars after /reload or when joining a group (latter option would require other users to have addon)
- Horizontal layout
I just want to do one small thing, and for the life of me, I can't find it in your code. I only track shaman CDs, and we have a custom Shaman channel. Where on earth is your code line that sends the text to the Raid channel so I can change that to outr shaman channel?
Nice addon but I would love to be able to create another bar, like having separate bars for raid-wide cds and single cds.
On my priest the tracker is showing two for every one of the priest cool downs. I have tried everything I can think of for it short of reinstalling the add on again.
There's one known bug that I've been trying to track down for a while if you are using ready mode. Sometimes the bar will be created but isn't shown, it usually happens for talented CD's. If you get this problem, just /reload and it should fix it no prob. Reloading should preserve the cooldown roster now so reloading isn't a big deal.
I moved the bars to the right hand side of my screen and even with unlock I can't move them.
I've tried using the reset or uninstalling and re-installing without luck.
I'm using 3.53
I'm not able to reproduce this. Using both ElvUI and the default UI. When did this start happening?
You could temporarily installing and older version such as 3.51 or 3.22 and see what that does.
I'm having the exact same problem as Rustyboy, i moved the addon to the right hand side of my screen and now it's stuck. I can't move it at all ive even tried uninstalling it and using a previous version to reset it so atm the addon is unusable for me :/
I am having the same exact issue even when I have no other addons enabled. It happened within 5 mins of having the addon (I just installed it). All I did was unlock it and drag it to the right side of my screen and now it's stuck. I tried using different versions of it and that didn't help. It speciffically got stuck right there. lol
If you have a problem, create a ticket about it. Include any errors you get.
I know that sometimes cooldown bars can be missed. I'm still tracking that problem down.
This is only for the "Available bars" feature. The rest of the addon should be fine.
I created a ticket for the alpha r45. I can't get anything to work with the alpha except that all available cooldowns are shown but nothing is tracking, no bars are shown, no countdowns, nothing.
Do I have to delete the addon altogether and download it again? I don't know if that would help, but gonna give it a try. I love the ElvUI look, this means I don't need to use my modified code anymore to get the ElvUI look without ElvUI. But I don't know how the bars looks like when they work properly.
I have a custom code that made the bars into a grey blizzard-like bar with black border and also classcolored borders for the icons.
Edit: Thanks so much for the update with the fix. It works now.
Hey there
I have been using this addon for a while and it is working very good. However, I can't seem to be able to track Ancestral Guidance (seems like the only ability I can't track).
I've also tried to add it manually by adding spell id etc
Any ideas?
Love the addon BTW. Is there a way to position it to or flip it 90 degrees so it rest at the top of the screen? Or does it have to stay verticle. Thank you.
This has been asked for a bit as well. How would you like the bars to be displayed? Jutting out from the bottom (or top) of the icon with the text kinda unreadable?
Any chance we can get an option to display bars for players who have a particular cooldown ready? I do a lot of random raids and while it is useful to know that a particular cooldown is available, it would be tremendously helpful to know the name of the player who has it without being forced to check the tooltip first.
I think this would require a large rewrite of the main portion of cod which handles cooldowns and the bars.
BLCD is meant to be minimalistic and I don't think this would be fitting. I lead randoms all the time and don't have problems with calling CD's if needed.
That being said, I will put it on a low priority to-do. But don't get your hopes up.
Small update.
I was playing around and it looks like this wont be too majorly hard. I'm gonna see what I can come up with. I've got exams coming up so it could take a bit.
Thanks, I'm also interested in a way to quickly see who has the CD available without having to mouseover the tooltips. Like you, I'd like that information to be as unobtrusive as possible.
I've just implemented it in the latest alpha build. Try it out! I've tried to get as many as the bugs possible ironed out before I released it to alpha. There will be more testing before it goes into "release."
Try the new alpha build!
Was thinking about if you could add support for Paladin's talent Clemency that gives paladins 2 charges of the Hands. Thank you very much for an amazing addon.