BLT Raid Cooldowns
Inspired from BloodLegion Raid Cooldowns. ElvUI greatly improve the core design.
BLT Raid Cooldowns tracks raid cooldowns (offensive and defensive), announces casts and availability, and provides a report on CD usage after boss fights.
Configure the options in the blizzard option panel (type /bltrcd config to open directly the panel)
There are 5 default categories :
- AOE_HEAL : CD to protect the raid (tranquility, revival, ...)
- SINGLE_HEAL : CD to protect one member (eg the tank)
- DEFENSIVE : tracks self defensive CD (personal cd)
- UTILITY : tracks some utilities (Gorefiend's Grasp, Aspect of the fox, ...)
- AOE_STUN : Shockwave, Binding Shot, Leg Sweep, ...
Move categories panel using /bltrcd sim
You can add/edit/remove category and cooldown in the configuration panel using /bltrcd config
Icon tooltip show who can cast the spell, and how much it was used after each bossfight.
Left click on a CD icon to report who can cast the CD
Right click on a CD icon after a bossfight to report usage
- /bltrcd config - Open configuration panel.
- /bltrcd show - Show/Hide the frame.
- /bltrcd sim - Lock/Unlock and Enable/Disable Simulation for each category of cooldown.
- /bltrcd report - Show the report frame.
Please remember that we are always interested by your feedback. About anything you want to share or ask. You may file tickets from our project page about anything, and you may also contact us on IRC: @
If you type /bltrcd sim, you should be able to drag and drop the frames, ... normally...
My wow can't find the addon; any tips why? working on one of my computers but not on the one i need it on... Its installed, but cant find it in game
do you have LUA errors enabled in your wow options?
I have no idea ... you can try to delete the whole BLTRaidCooldown directory from Interface/Addons wow directory. Also try de delete the BLTRaidCooldowns.lua file in your WTF directory.
Seem to have fixed the problem; But another one has appeared :/ I can't acces the config panel. nothing happens when i write /bltrcd config, and when i type /bltrcd sim i can't even send the message (its not getting sent when i press enter). I do not have LUA activated; although when i did activate it and tried again i got Lua error popups.
Can you copypaste the LUA errors you have ?
a) Is there a way to let the CD´s grow up instead of down?
b) any idea of implementing the option to make the icons from the cooldonws as small as the bars? so that every CD from every player got an own small icon?
Cds are bugged when in cross realm raid. Let's say there is one resto druid from another realm in the raid. When druid use tranq, a second lil bar will appear on tranq with the druid's name + realm. One bar with only druid will show and the other one with druid's name + realm name.
Should be fixed in the last release version (3.8) !
Thx for the report. Should be better in next alpha
Take a look at Power Word: Barrier it's not fixed.
Hi, I would like to see all CDs like in your Cooldown-Tracker, no matter if the Casts are useable or not. Like Hermes does, but with your Elvui skin ;)
I am not sure I understand your request.
You want to see all CDs even if they are not available in your raid ?
I like the "CD´s in use" bar:![](
This is how I would like to see all available Raid CD´s, not only the ones which are active. The timer should show "rdy in X mins/secs", if the raid CD isn't used the bar should be filled completly or nothing should be filled. I hope you understand me now ;)
I,m adding a pic tomorrow, I'm not at home right now.
/€: Like this, where you can see in the lower left corner all available raid CD´s
Hey, Awesome addon. Been searching for a while for a customisable addon like this!
Have you thought of any way to handle the new Battle Res mechanic? It's obiously going to be tough since it will be different depending on raid size etc., but what i guess would be nice for people doing Mythic 20 man raids is to just have one bar tracking the avaliability of a Battle res, and the timer of it's CD (Taking into account the shared cooldown, not the individual 10 minute cooldown)
Battle res will be in the next release, before WoD.
We will handle raid size. We aim to put a single icon and a timer to next available rez
Sounds incredible!
Thanks for all the good work.
Love the reporting options!
Tested on ver 3.6.3 in party mode. Left click reports to party chat channel, right click however reports to /say. Clicking on the report links in the report window also outputs results into /say. However in a raid group the output goes to the correct channels :)
There are also some colored bars where I positioned certain categories. Also it leaves very jarring gaps for the areas where the CDs = 0 are if the raid has little CDs available. Is it possible to arrange so that the 2nd or 3rd category clips to the 1st maybe with a slight gap, so you can tell it's from a different group?
screenshot: (colored bars and report area doesn't seem to be displaying correctly?)
Thx !
I will have a look to reporting options for right click.
For strange bars, it is still something I would like to solve, i need to understand what are the causes, still unclear for me. According my experience, it is happening with bltrcd sim but I almost never had the issue in real situation.
Im have a lot of buggy issues with this... It's so hard to move categories around. Things disappear and colored bars remain behind when I move stuff, things can't be moved sometimes. Not sure what's going on, but seems very buggy.
release or alpha ?