Dungeon Helper
Dungeon Helper provides a few helpful improvements to your daily dungeon grinding.
- Plays an alarm sound when your dungeon invitation pops up (Works with WoW minimized).
- Shows a dungeon invitation timer.
- Post the time needed to complete the dungeon into the party chat. "Dungeon completed in: x Minutes" (Optional)
- Call To Arms Watcher:
Announces "Call To Arms" bonus rewards availability of selected roles to your chat or plays a sound.
Data Broker Plugin:
Dungeon Helper also includes a Broker replacement for the "Dungeon Finder" minimap icon. You will need a LDB-based display addon like ChocolateBar, TitanPanel or one of the many others to see the broker plugin.
![]() Waiting for Tank... |
![]() Call To Arms status |
Fixed with v2.3.3
I can't make the "play bonus sound" option to work. Checked and unchecked the box, changed the sound. Reset settings, nothing.
Is this a reported bug or is one of my other addon conflicting ?
Hi, everytime i SHIFT click the LDB button, I get this error.
DungeonHelper\DungeonHelper-v2.3.2.lua:724: attempt to index field "RaidMicroButton" (a nil value)
DungeonHelper\DungeonHelper-v2.3.2.lua:724: in function "OnClick"
ChocolateBar-v2.3.1\Chocolate.lua:242: in function <ChocolateBar\Chocolate.lua:239>
self = ChocolateDungeonHelper {
0 = <userdata>
icon = <unnamed> {}
settings = <table> {}
obj = <table> {}
name = "DungeonHelper"
text = <unnamed> {}
Update = <func> @ChocolateBar\Chocolate.lua:246
bar = ChocolateBar1 {}
db = <table> {
fontSize = 12
combathidetip = false
scale = 1
combatopacity = 1
combathidebar = false
barSettings = <table> {}
background = <table> {}
petBattleHideBars = true
hideonleave = false
adjustCenter = true
strata = "DIALOG"
moveFrames = true
barRightClick = "OPTIONS"
fontPath = "tekticles\CalibriBold.ttf"
objSettings = <table> {}
fontName = "Calibri Bold"
moreBar = "none"
moreBarDelay = 4
combatdisbar = false
gap = 7
textOffset = 1
height = 21
forceColor = false
iconSize = 0.75
textColor = <table> {}
ChocolateBar = <table> {
OnEnterWorld = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:291
SetDefaultModuleLibraries = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:383
TempDisAutohide = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:442
GetChocolate = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:458
OnLeaveCombat = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:337
modules = <table> {}
baseName = "ChocolateBar"
IterateEmbeds = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:458
AnchorBars = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:527
Printf = <func> @Ace3\..\AceConsole-3.0.lua:69
SetDefaultModulePrototype = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:425
defaultModuleState = true
IsEnabled = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:467
LibDataBroker_DataObjectCreated = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:358
DisableModule = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:366
UpdateDB = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:608
RegisterMessage = <func> @Ace3\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
UnregisterMessage = <func> @Ace3\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181
SetBars = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:470
OnPetBattleOpen = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:296
SetEnabledState = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440
enabledState = true
RegisterEvent = <func> @Ace3\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
IterateModules = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:453
GetBars = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:466
Bar = <table> {}
OnInitialize = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:144
UnregisterAllEvents = <func> @Ace3\..\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:202
GetModule = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {}
OnPetBattleOver = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:307
ChocolatePiece = <table> {}
GetName = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:300
DisableDataObject = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:419
name = "ChocolateBar"
UpdateBars = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:519
orderedModules = <table> {}
Disable = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:330
GetBar = <func> @ChocolateBar\Core.lua:462
Drag = <table> {}
Print = <func> @Ace3\..\AceConsole-3.0.lua:54
dragging = false
GetArgs = <func> @Ace3\..\AceConsole-3.0.lua:144
db = <table> {}
Enable = <func> @Ace3\..\AceAddon-3.0.lua:315
Hello, I really enjoy your addon. I was looking for some help. There used to be a broker_pvplauncher addon that launched the pvp frame and it has been abandoned. Here is the link to the old page http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/broker-pvplauncher/ I was wondering if you could give it a look and see if it might be an easy fix to get working again. All I'm looking for is for it to launch the pvp frame from the data broker. Thanks for the help.
I made a new alpha version for you: http://wow.curseforge.com/addons/broker-pvplauncher/files/14-r8/
You can also set the addon to alpha version at the curse client to get this.
cheers, yess
Received an error that AceDBOptions-3.0 couldn't be found. Add this:
to the TOC and it solved the issue.
sets me as away and cant find an option for it
Still not working for MoP bonus roles, will you update it? Or any1 else know about similar addon? I need to get aware for role bonus while dooing daily etc. This addon was great on CATA!
I will add new bonus roles as soon as I can.
Try this alpha (version r87): http://www.wowace.com/addons/broker_findgroup/files/170-r87/
Thank You! good job...looking forward for bonus roles ;)
Please add the estimated time for each role back again, its the main reason I use Dungeon Helper so i know if i should better switch chars or get a friend to fasten the queue.
Try this alpha (version r87): http://www.wowace.com/addons/broker_findgroup/files/170-r87/
Hey, Any estimate on when this will be updated for MoP Heroic Call to Arms? My dungeon helper only has Cata/HourOfTwilight.
Try this alpha (version r87): http://www.wowace.com/addons/broker_findgroup/files/170-r87
I love this addon. Thanks!
Glad you like it;)
I dont see the Minimap Buttton. In the Options I turn it on but i dont see it. Anyone the same Problem or any Tip how to get the Minimap Button back?
21x DungeonHelper\DungeonHelper-v2.2.4.lua:835: attempt to call field "GetNumPartyMembers" (a nil value)
DungeonHelper\DungeonHelper-v2.2.4.lua:835: in function <DungeonHelper\DungeonHelper.lua:752>
Schould be fixed with version 2.3
This needs to have the scenario queue added to it, as currently once queued into the scenario queue we have no idea how long we have to wait, etc.
Current available scenario is Theramore's Fall (Level 85), requires 3 people (no specific roles).