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Keeps track of current money and all your characters on one realm. This is the Broker version of the FuBar_MoneyFu addon.
I just get 3 question marks in my ChocolateBar with this addon instead of the gold amount. Also, no tooltip.
I tried disabling all other addons to see if something was conflicting, but it still just shows "???".
I keep getting an error every time I try to mouse over to see the tooltip (which does not show, only gives me an error instead)
Broker_MoneyFu-v1.0.3\MoneyFu.lua:170: Usage: GetCoinText(amount, fontHeight) <in C code> Broker_MoneyFu-v1.0.3\MoneyFu.lua:170: in function "func" Broker_MoneyFu-v1.0.3\MoneyFu.lua:297: in function "DrawTooltip" Broker_MoneyFu-v1.0.3\MoneyFu.lua:421: in function "OnEnter" ChocolateBar-v2.2.6\Chocolate.lua:212: in function <ChocolateBar\Chocolate.lua:182> _ = <table> { FormatDurationShort = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:438 FormatMoneyFull = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:164 FormatMoneyShort = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:208 FormatDurationFull = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:378 FormatDurationExtended = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:287 FormatMoneyCondensed = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:244 FormatDurationCondensed = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:474 FormatMoneyExtended = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:120 } value = -1.#IND
Character specific cashflow should finally be fixed. No idea about not working with Bazooka, it's just a standard LDB provider, should work with anything and it works fine with ButtonBin.
Addon dosen't work with Bazooka.
I'm posting a comment because the author seems to have disabled creating tickets.
I'm wondering why exactly is Broker_MoneyFu doing during combat that it's using so much CPU?
You can see a profiling here:
same here...Couldn't toggle Character Specific Cashflow option
In v.1.0.1 Couldn't toggle "Character Specific Cashflow option" :(
Both the ZIP file and the enclosed folder paths in release v1.0.0 are incorrectly named "Broker_BagFu".
Will have regular users wondering why the mod fails to work. To get it to work, have to rename the folder paths to "Broker_MoneyFu".
Same problem as the prior comment with release v1.0.0. Both the ZIP file and the enclosed folder paths are incorrectly named "Broker_BagFu".
The folder name is incorrect on file r20111017220156
Users of this plugin will need to rename the folder Broker_BagFu to Broker_MoneyFu
polyhydride Owner
I just get 3 question marks in my ChocolateBar with this addon instead of the gold amount. Also, no tooltip.
I tried disabling all other addons to see if something was conflicting, but it still just shows "???".
I keep getting an error every time I try to mouse over to see the tooltip (which does not show, only gives me an error instead)
Broker_MoneyFu-v1.0.3\MoneyFu.lua:170: Usage: GetCoinText(amount, fontHeight) <in C code> Broker_MoneyFu-v1.0.3\MoneyFu.lua:170: in function "func" Broker_MoneyFu-v1.0.3\MoneyFu.lua:297: in function "DrawTooltip" Broker_MoneyFu-v1.0.3\MoneyFu.lua:421: in function "OnEnter" ChocolateBar-v2.2.6\Chocolate.lua:212: in function <ChocolateBar\Chocolate.lua:182> _ = <table> { FormatDurationShort = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:438 FormatMoneyFull = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:164 FormatMoneyShort = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:208 FormatDurationFull = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:378 FormatDurationExtended = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:287 FormatMoneyCondensed = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:244 FormatDurationCondensed = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:474 FormatMoneyExtended = <func> @Broker_MoneyFu\Libs\..\LibAbacus-3.0.lua:120 } value = -1.#IND
Character specific cashflow should finally be fixed. No idea about not working with Bazooka, it's just a standard LDB provider, should work with anything and it works fine with ButtonBin.
Addon dosen't work with Bazooka.
I'm posting a comment because the author seems to have disabled creating tickets.
I'm wondering why exactly is Broker_MoneyFu doing during combat that it's using so much CPU?
You can see a profiling here:
same here...Couldn't toggle Character Specific Cashflow option
In v.1.0.1 Couldn't toggle "Character Specific Cashflow option" :(
Both the ZIP file and the enclosed folder paths in release v1.0.0 are incorrectly named "Broker_BagFu".
Will have regular users wondering why the mod fails to work. To get it to work, have to rename the folder paths to "Broker_MoneyFu".
Same problem as the prior comment with release v1.0.0. Both the ZIP file and the enclosed folder paths are incorrectly named "Broker_BagFu".
The folder name is incorrect on file r20111017220156
Users of this plugin will need to rename the folder Broker_BagFu to Broker_MoneyFu