Customize the PlayerPowerBarAlt display that is used during the Atramedes encounter as a sound meter, or the Cho'gall corrupted bar meter, or for that matter anything that'd use the default Blizzard alternative power bar.
The addon replaces the Blizzard default bar with a more customizable bar.
Customization options:
- Bar: Move/Scale/Width/High/Texture/Colour
- Border: Size/Texture/Colour
- Text: Font/Outline/Percentage/Size/Position/Colour
- Flash: Max Power/Given Percentage
/cppba to bring up the configuration menu where you can use the Show/Hide button to configure the bar
Shift + Left click on a the bar will print out your current power status in the raid chat. (Only works if you actually have more than 0 power and you are in raid)
You can help out with localization: here
Not updated :(
Does this still work for 6.0?
You should add a profile select option under interface.
I could really use this as I need the bar moved to a different location on another toon.
To my knowledge, ignoring the very buggy moveanything, this is the only addon at this moment that is able to move the altpowerbar, therefor I thank the author infinitely. However I really don't like the appearance, could we get an option to keep the blizzard skin but still be able to move it? That would be awesomely epic.
Yes, please allow this as an option!
Does this addon cause any problems with the new UI buttons(Ultraxon, Madness of DW) in 4.3 then?
This mod allow you to move the new button that you click for ultraxion in 4.3?
Yes, please implement something clickable!
Actually this addon will probably not get this feature, since I'm working on an addon similar to the Atraemdes Shield Clicker.
So like on Ultraxion you will beable to spam click over the button, but the click will only register when you actually have to use the button.
Sadly that addon will probably won't be public till progress is over.
Thanks in advance!
i have tried this addon in the Maw of Madness in the Twilight Highlands. It shows up but it is not working there for me. It shows 'CPPBA' the whole time and the bar does not move. Is it just there? I am afraid using this addon in a real raid if this will also happen there for me.
I am using a german client if this does matter. I would really like to use this fine addon.
When I was developing the addon I was there myself quite a lot to debug. Try landing on the ground pull a mob or two inside the maw you should see the bar moving and text appearing on it.
Is there any reason you have this on-combat-condition in?
Keep up the great work