DHUD2 has reached is End Of Life. There will be no more updates or bug fixes.
Please use DHUD3 which has all DHUD2 functionality (and more)
3 sets of Health/Power (mana, rage, energy, focus, happiness) Bars that change colors as they diminish and that give a number value of the status shown
- 4 main bars to show player's and target status
- 2 pet bars to show pet status or druid's mana when shapeshifted
- 2 extra bars to show target's target or focus status
- The number value can be shown in different styles using DogTags
- Bar's text can be moved (alt + left click)
- 16 Player buffs slots
- Show auras as well as weapon buffs (main and off-hand)
- Buffs shown filtered by left duration
- Configurable color to highlight when the buff is close to expiring
- Ability to filter out buffs with duration longer than 30 minutes
- Support for Shaman totems
- Support for Druid/Rogue Combo Points
- Support for Sunder Armors and Lacerates - Option to show time left
- Show level, name, and class of Target
- Show level, name, and class Target's Target
- Target and Target of Target text style configurable using DogTags
- Support for up to 40 target buffs and debuffs
- Status indicator icon to show if the mob is elite
- Status indicator icon to show if you're resting
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in combat
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in PvP - Mouseover time left
- Status indicator icon to show Target PvP Status
- Status indicator icon to show raid icons (X, circle, skull, etc)
- 6 Transparency (Alpha) settings for:
- In Combat
- Casting
- Target Selected
- No Target
- Regenning
- Dead
- Configuration via '''/dhud2''' menu
- Show Druid mana while Shape shifted
- Casting Bar with Spell Name, Casting Time and Casting Delay for both player and target.
- Drop down menus for self and party actions
To do
- Movable Bars
- Death Knight Runes
- Minimap - Fubar button to acces player menu
- Move buttons and auras icons soi they are closer to the outter most displayed bar
- Change the long duration buff filter from 30 minutes default to selectable
- Localizations
- Filter player buffs by name.
- Range check
- Show Class Icon
- Show Target PvP Rank
- Independant frame scaling
- Add other MetaHud features
Known Issues
- Focusing using drop down menu is now a protected function. Using the focus option in DHUD2 dropdown menus will generate an error.
Caeryn Dryad
Markus wrote: HUD is DEAD - There will be no new Version of DHUD because of People only change some textures and do a branch of DHUD without my Permisson. New Versions are only for my Guild from now on. Thanks to goes to all People that supported DHUD until now. Everyone who want's can take over this Project.
in 3.0.2 energy mechanic was changed
sorry for my bad english $)
You are half right :D. Yes power (mana/rage/energy/runic power) mechanics changed and if you see blizz's unit frames or the text value of the power var you will see it change rapidly. The thing is that DHUD2 uses the "ON_UNIT_POWER" event which was not changed by blizz and keeps poping at the same interval, which is slower than the new power value refresh time. I think I could use the "ON_UPDATE" event, query the unit's power on it and change the bar color/height, but I think rendering all the bars so often (this events triggers very few miliseconds appart) can/will affect performance. I would have to do some tests but for the mean time I don't think it will be changed.
I know how to do this but as I stated before it could affect performance. DHUD2 bar's color method involves changing the anchor of the texture used to show the bar color, doing this too offten is what can affect performance. Again let me do some tests to see more into this matter.
@deleynard, megaoptimus: /dhud2 error seems to come form AceConfig library which is the one that hooks DHUD2 to Blizz Interface options window. Still need to check if something in there changed.
-Outter bars works for me... be sure to set the Layout->Outer Bars options to select what you want to track. By default it will track TargetTarget Health and Focus Health. Then choose the display options in the Outer Bars menu
-Be sure to that the check the Target->Target Name Plate->Show. Also now name plates are build using DogTags. If you changed to a custom tag it might be something wrong with it. If you are using a custom tag be sure to use the LibDigTag test option (/dog) to test your tags.
-Target Buffs are placed further away from the Target Tag as a result of using DogTag. There is no way for me, atm, to know the actual size of the name plate and adjust the icons position to it, so I set them up at a "reasonable" distance to acomodate longer names. I am still thinking on a work arround for this.
-Movable bars/texts are on my todo list :D.
- /dhud2 is not working, bug has been reported and I am looking into it. Open Blizz Interface Options->Addons and you should find DHUD2 options menu there.
I think Metahud (as well as DHUD2) are sons of the original Markus DHUD, as such the surely will seem similar. For code... I think I have made so many changes that little is left of the original DHUD code. Yes I have a SVN channgel. Please look at http://www.wowace.com/projects/dhud2/ if you want svn info, acces to alpha/beta releases and ticket managing.
@Risutoru. Be sure /dog works, if it does be sure to test your custom tags there b4 using them on DHUD2. If not please make sure you have the latest version and that you have a LibDogTag-Unit-3.0 folder inside your Addons/DHUD2/Libs folder.
- The outer bars don't want to display no matter what I set them to.
- /dhud2 doesn't work, I have to go into the interface -> addons menu to configure DHUD2.
- Target of Target nameplate doesn't want to show, no matter what style I use.
- Setting the Target nameplate to "<name> [<class>]" or certain other templates instead causes "Syntax error" to be displayed.
- Not sure if it's a bug or a setting I can't find, but the buff icons are way too far away from the target's nameplate. They are not even directly under the bars themselves, but far to the right (and the debuffs are far to the left).
There is only one feature suggestion I can think of:
- Add the abilities to move the HUD up and down relative to the screen, and increase the distance between the bars.
This was with all addons engaged, haven't tried without. Great work so far. Do you have an SVN channel? Are you basically reusing/optimizing metahud code?
is the current error i'm getting, not quite sure how to fix that.
You should be able to. On the configuration menu on the Layout-Player/Target Bars should do the trick. Is this option not working?