DHUD2 has reached is End Of Life. There will be no more updates or bug fixes.
Please use DHUD3 which has all DHUD2 functionality (and more)
3 sets of Health/Power (mana, rage, energy, focus, happiness) Bars that change colors as they diminish and that give a number value of the status shown
- 4 main bars to show player's and target status
- 2 pet bars to show pet status or druid's mana when shapeshifted
- 2 extra bars to show target's target or focus status
- The number value can be shown in different styles using DogTags
- Bar's text can be moved (alt + left click)
- 16 Player buffs slots
- Show auras as well as weapon buffs (main and off-hand)
- Buffs shown filtered by left duration
- Configurable color to highlight when the buff is close to expiring
- Ability to filter out buffs with duration longer than 30 minutes
- Support for Shaman totems
- Support for Druid/Rogue Combo Points
- Support for Sunder Armors and Lacerates - Option to show time left
- Show level, name, and class of Target
- Show level, name, and class Target's Target
- Target and Target of Target text style configurable using DogTags
- Support for up to 40 target buffs and debuffs
- Status indicator icon to show if the mob is elite
- Status indicator icon to show if you're resting
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in combat
- Status indicator icon to show if you're in PvP - Mouseover time left
- Status indicator icon to show Target PvP Status
- Status indicator icon to show raid icons (X, circle, skull, etc)
- 6 Transparency (Alpha) settings for:
- In Combat
- Casting
- Target Selected
- No Target
- Regenning
- Dead
- Configuration via '''/dhud2''' menu
- Show Druid mana while Shape shifted
- Casting Bar with Spell Name, Casting Time and Casting Delay for both player and target.
- Drop down menus for self and party actions
To do
- Movable Bars
- Death Knight Runes
- Minimap - Fubar button to acces player menu
- Move buttons and auras icons soi they are closer to the outter most displayed bar
- Change the long duration buff filter from 30 minutes default to selectable
- Localizations
- Filter player buffs by name.
- Range check
- Show Class Icon
- Show Target PvP Rank
- Independant frame scaling
- Add other MetaHud features
Known Issues
- Focusing using drop down menu is now a protected function. Using the focus option in DHUD2 dropdown menus will generate an error.
Caeryn Dryad
Markus wrote: HUD is DEAD - There will be no new Version of DHUD because of People only change some textures and do a branch of DHUD without my Permisson. New Versions are only for my Guild from now on. Thanks to goes to all People that supported DHUD until now. Everyone who want's can take over this Project.
Could you add support for DruidBar, because I can't find SmartyCat anywhere, whereas DruidBar is everywhere.
Also, the options to select which bar is displayed where in the HUD are confusing and could use clarification or optimisation; if I select Player - Left, then select HP--PR, what I'd expect to happen is to have my health in the outer ring on the left and my mana/rage/energy on the inside left ring, with it mirrored on the right for my target. Instead, selecting HP--PR reverts the display to player/target information being split across both sides, meaning I have to reselect Left to get both my stats back on one side... Perhaps these menus should be combined, because you cannot use options from both at the same time.
Player Auras always seem to be displayed on the right. Using the Auras toggle seems to do nothing at all, they stay on the right and they stay in the same order... As I'm trying to keep all the information about my char on the left, can the Auras be made relocatable to match?
Lastly, I can't work out what the clicking options are supposed to do; nothing seems to change with the way I interact with the interface regardless of how I set them - are they implemented, or am I missing something obvious that's supposed to happen?
This is a nice, seemingly light HUD that works very well in most areas... it's just these little things that could make it excellent IMO ;)
You can find smarty cat here http://files.wowace.com/SmartyCat/SmartyCat-r68266.1.zip , if wowace repository dies as it has been announced y will post the new location of SmartyCat in the addon info.
About the menus I declare my self guilty as charged... I know is confusing but haven't sitted down and try to figure out how to make it more user friendly. The first thing u need to choose is the "Player Layout": Left, centered or right. The dafult is centered and in the "Player Bars" option you should have HL-PR (health left, power right) and HR-PL (helath right, power left). If you change "Player Layout" to left or right the "Player Bars" options should change to "HI-PM" (health inner, power outter - M casue now the outer bar is the middle bar :D) and "HM-PI". If the menu options are not changing accordingly then it is my bad. If they do choosing "HM-PI" should do what you want. I promise I will look into this menus and try to come up with something new and more user friendly.
The auras toggle is for the targets auras (one more thing to fix in the description), and there is at the moment an option to change the players auras side. I think this can be done and will go to my ToDo list.
The click ones once again I declare my self guilty as charged. That functionality is not implemented yet (and I still can't figure out if it will ever be) and next release will have that menu options removed.
Thanks for your comments, all the feedback I get from users like yourself will help me make it excel.
Thanks for the quick reply :) I've not seen it do those changes to HL-PR - HI-PM etc., so I'm guessing it's not quite working as intended. ** edit ** Well that'll teach me to pay better attention: today when I logged in, I had the HI-PM options showing and working as intended. It quite definitely didn't work this time when I first tried it though... Perhaps that was because I didn't have any settings saved due to it being a fresh install? Never mind, it works now :)
As for auras, maybe I'm talking about the wrong thing; I'm refering to the circles with short-duration buffs in them - no matter what I try, they only appear on the right. I like these on the whole, but it would be nice if long-period buffs didn't start popping up when they run low - could there be an option to ignore AB/PW:F/GotW/Blessings? When raiding, a lot of these are timed to expire at roughly the same time, and this can lead to a lot of unnecessary circles... I'm more than happy with using a seperate Buff display system like CT_Buffs, so it's not like I need them added to the HUD as well.
After further playtime, I've found another couple of small areas that could use a little extra attention, if you're able:
Casting: I like your castbar, but there's no indication of what spell is being cast or any feedback on the duration of the cast. Could this be shown somewhere, perhaps in the middle of the HUD?
Target debuffs: The default UI has a duration display overlaid on the debuff, so the player can tell when they need to refresh curses, stings, etc. Can this be added to your debuff displays as well?
Thank you for linking SmartyCat, but if you could also support DruidBar that would be great as it does a lot more than just manabar calculation such as hotkeys for swapping forms and other things, so I'd really like to keep using what I've got if I could.
I will look into your suggestions, there are some I like. About target debuffs.... that would change a lot in DHUD... I am just brain storming here but if you think of DHUD as a truly heads up display... you want fisrt hand info on your self and your target. That would make debuffs apllied on your target by you the ones really important, perhaps have somting simmilar to the player ending buffs to show target ones... I would have to think about it from a layout point of view, I dont want to fill the screen with too many buttins and icons and stuff.
About the cast bar: Time to cast and delays should be shown for both you and your target on the top of the cast bar. Spell names shuld be easy to add, but once again cluttering and layout is the hardest part to figure out.
Could you please add the warriors Sunder Armor count?
In the target's debuff icons you can see the number of sunders applied to your target. Is that what you are looking for or are you thinkng about them showing somewhere else? The player aura circles would be no good cause I dont want to mix players auras with targets debuffs.... maybe use the icons used for totems and combo points?
While you do display the number of stacked debuffs, it's very hard to see when the UI is set to a smaller size. I have a 24" iMac, and so I have the UI scaled as small as possible because I just don't need to have it big, and the debuff buttons are really tiny - could a way to scale them independantly be added?
So Mobhealth3 should work perfectly with the hud as opposed to Mobhealth2 at this point?
Probably will, I have data base logging activated on MobHealth3 and for certain you get a valid mob health value when you target it. I have been using MobHealth2 soley for the past 2 weeks and still don't get values when I target a mob. In raids I even only start getting a value after 2 or 3 hits. But as I told you it can be a problem with how I am using the MobHealth2 API. I will try and figure it out, but in the mean time I would recomend using MobHealth3.
BTW, I DO use MobHealth2 all the time as I like the enhanced tooltip with loot percents and drop loot from mobs, but I run MobHealth3 to feed data to DHUD2.
I'm having a slight problem... it might be my fault, i was using the old dhud at first and decided to download this one but i forgot to erase the original so when i logged into the game i realized one hud was under to other one so i closed one but it turned out to be dhud2 so now when i try to pull up the config using /dhud2 nothing happens it just shows that dhud2 is on standby.
I've tried deleting all the addons and reinstalling them and it still won't come back up.
Please tell me how i can fix this?
the error that i see: Dhud2 (standby) - 1.16 r57887
I have never tried it, but scince DHUD2 is child to the original DHUD many of the frames and other stuff can have name conflicts with it. I guess you could ahve both installed but only one enabled at a time. My only guess would be to delte the addon's saved variables in the WTF folder: "drive X:...\World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\ACCOUNTNAME\SavedVariables, DHUD2.lua.bk and DHUD2.lua. Then try again but remember only to enable one at a time if you are doing a comparision.
well i took ur advice and deleted the savedvariables but there was no dhud2.lua.bk or dhud2.lua to delete; do you think that might have something to do with it? the minimap icon doesn't show up at all and i can't type /dhud2 menu cuz when i do i get an error message basically telling me that its not a valid slash command it won't allow me to enable it through ace2 config window either. i even tried downloading an previous version on dhud2 but that didn't work either it just shows 2 blank drop down boxes... and they don't disappear until i disable dhud2 in the addons menu on the character select screen. i really like this addon but for now i can't use it until i figure out how to fix this problem.
I know your all gonna think I am a noob for saying this.
But this is my first addon and I can't figure out how to ork it.
Please tell me how.
We all have had a first time in everything we ahve done in life. I was once to using my 1st addon.. and then even making one! :D.
What can't you figure out? The addon should be working just fine with the dafault configuration. What are you missing or trying to make it do for you?
I download it but I cant figure out how to make it show in game.
After you loggin to the game you should be in the character selction screen. In the left bottom corner you should see a buton labeled "Addons", click it. A screen should pop listing all the installed addons the game found in your ".../WorldOfWarcraft/Interface/Addons" folder. You should see DHUD2 there. If you see a red warning message saing "Out of date" next to DHUD2 check the "Load out of date addons" at the top. The TOC can be wrong but DHUD2 is compatible with the latest patch.
If you don't see DHUD2 there, then you didn't unzip it correctly into the Addon folder. Check the Addon folder and you should have a DHUD2 folder. If not you need to unzip it again.
is there a way to get the Target of Target to show a name and beable to click that person? it would make it easier to use righteous defense
The problem with that is that as far as I know wow API is not "wierd form" frames friendly... this means that basically you can make square frames. Round and curve buttons as the ones used by DHUD2 are an image contained in a square frame. If I wanted to make the bar clikable it would actually be a huge rectangle that will cover all 3 bars. If some one knows a work arround I am glad to hear it.
I personally would recomend you asigning that action to a key either with a macro or a keybind.
i tried to edit my last post to get this but is there a way for you to get this to work with clique? hoping to beable to use it soon cause im having to use meta atm and its kinda retarded compared to this
Never used clique, what does it do and what are you trying to make them do togheter?