DHUD3 is a modular Heads Up Display Addon.
Core Module
Core functionality on which the other modules build up. Lets you set DHUD3 general settings (scale, situation alpha, font, etc). (More info)
Player Module
Bars to show Player and Target Health/Power information, and Target and Target of Target name plates. (More info)
Auras Module
Show player buffs and/or weapon enchants close to expiring. (More info)
Abilities Module
Show/track abilities specific to your class applied to your target (DoTs, HoTs, etc), or Death Knight runes.(More info)
Pet Module
Bars to display Pet's Health/Power information. You can also use them to show Vehicle/Player information when in a vehicle and/or to show druid mana while shape shifted. (More info)
Outer Module
Bars to display Focus' or Target of Target's Health/Power, and/or Threat information. (More info)
Cast Module
Bars to display PLayer and Target cast. The bars overlap with the Player Module. (More info)
- Add more tracking posibilities to the Abilities Module.
- Bar's text and Name Plates "click through"
- Movable bars, or at least the options to increase the horizontal distance form the center (This one I am still thinking about)
Known Issues
Focusing using drop down menu is now a protected function. Using the focus option in DHUD3 drop-down menus will generate an error.
Any idea why this is?
Other than that, I love DHUD and have been using since the original came out in vanilla. Keep up the good work and hope to see it continued to be updated in the future!
Are you getting any kind of error or warning message?
You can set "out of combat" alpha to 0 in the main options window.
There is a drop-down menu for the target bu clicking right in the middle of the target nametag. For a player dropdown you can either target yourself, or right-clicking DHUD3 mini-map button will also work.
I'm coming back to WoW and having difficulty adjusting. :)
Yes DHUD3 can be configured that way. On the options menu (under Player options) there is a layout setting:
Centered: Healt to one side, power to the other
Left: Player health and power left, target's right
Roght: Player health and power right, target's left
Additionally you can choose the side (for centered layout) or the order for left or right:
HIPO: health inner bar, power outer
HOPI: vicersa.
I hope you like using DHUD3!