DHUD3 is a modular Heads Up Display Addon.
Core Module
Core functionality on which the other modules build up. Lets you set DHUD3 general settings (scale, situation alpha, font, etc). (More info)
Player Module
Bars to show Player and Target Health/Power information, and Target and Target of Target name plates. (More info)
Auras Module
Show player buffs and/or weapon enchants close to expiring. (More info)
Abilities Module
Show/track abilities specific to your class applied to your target (DoTs, HoTs, etc), or Death Knight runes.(More info)
Pet Module
Bars to display Pet's Health/Power information. You can also use them to show Vehicle/Player information when in a vehicle and/or to show druid mana while shape shifted. (More info)
Outer Module
Bars to display Focus' or Target of Target's Health/Power, and/or Threat information. (More info)
Cast Module
Bars to display PLayer and Target cast. The bars overlap with the Player Module. (More info)
- Add more tracking posibilities to the Abilities Module.
- Bar's text and Name Plates "click through"
- Movable bars, or at least the options to increase the horizontal distance form the center (This one I am still thinking about)
Known Issues
Focusing using drop down menu is now a protected function. Using the focus option in DHUD3 drop-down menus will generate an error.
Please see previous answer to post the bug, and YES any type of logs, screen shots, etc, helps a lot in finding out what is going on.
Do you need logs or something from us to help you get a fix for this?
Message: Interface\AddOns\DHUD3\DHUD3.lua:507: TexCoord out of range
Time: 10/09/10 21:22:04
Count: 1431
Stack: [C]: in function `SetTexCoord'
Interface\AddOns\DHUD3\DHUD3.lua:507: in function `UpdateBar'
Interface\AddOns\DHUD3\DHUD3.lua:942: in function <Interface\AddOns\DHUD3\DHUD3.lua:922>
Locals: (*temporary) = DHUD3_rm_Texture {
0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = -1.#IND
(*temporary) = 0.98046875
This a known bug and it's been address in upcoming release.
1. You should be able to access a "Show Bar Values" under the cast bar options menu.
2. Click through is a bit "bugy". There is an option in the general config menu to enable click through of the whole addon, however some icons/parts of the addon do not allow click through even when this option is enabled. (This shoul dbe fixed in next release)
Also I can't click through the Elite Icon when targeting an elite mob.
This option had never crossed my mind. I will add it to the wish list and see what I can do.
It just makes things mentally easier to have a raid member's health bar as green, and mine as red, as it helps me to know not only what my target is, but what my target's target is, at a moment's glance.
The fix is really simple. Look in Abilities.lua and find these two lines:
elseif (class == "ROGUE") then
if ( db.rogueCombos ) then
Insert a line to register for the event callback like this:
elseif (class == "ROGUE") then
if ( db.rogueCombos ) then
I suspect it's early implementation for Cataclysm's Redirect which "Transfers any existing combo points to the current enemy target."
Under general options you can find the alphas section. Alpha is a measure of how much "fade" a bar has, where 0 = invisible 1 = solid. Under the options you can set the alpha of the bars for the different situations like off combat, combat, casting, etc.
The option is still there, under general options, player menu and layout. The key is the nemonics: H for health, P for power, L for left, R for right, I for inner, M for outer. So:
HLPR = helath left power right
HIPM = helath inner, power middle
HLPR = Health Left/Power Right
HRPL = Health Right/Power Left
HIPM = Health Inner/Power Outer
HMPI = Health Outer/Power Inner
I was using DHUD for 3.0 and decided to try this one, as it was still updated. So far it's quite good but, there is one option that I can't find anymore : I can't swap the bars in order to have : player health bar AND power bar at the left and target bars at the right ?
Am I missing something ?
Thanks :)
PS : Sorry for my rough english
Changing vertical ability of buffs and debuffs
Showing all buffs and debuffs for both player and target(including those with no time limit)
Nameplates that can be right clicked on for drop down menus (if i'm using a hud, i shouldn't have to also use a unitframes mod, like xperl, just for nameplate functionality)
Work is undergoing for target buffs and debuffs, which includes the ability to change the number of columns they arr organized in.
Target buffs/debuffs don't have any filter except for mine/all, so even permanent one should be displayed. Player buffs are meant to let you know about procs, special abilities and buffs about to expire so you can reaply.
Nameplates can be right clicked for context menus. There is an option to disable right-clicking to switch this option on/off. Also, right clicking on the minimap button will pop the player menu.