Elitist Group
Elitist Group's goal is to shift focus away from single scores which don't tell you anything about the users choice of gear. Instead of a single score, Elitist Group shows you a variety of data from the players experience per dungeons and raid (can be broken down by boss), to whether their choice of equipment, enchants or gems fit their spec. You can still see the players average item level as well, but it's not the primary focus and only there to give you an idea of a players gear.
All user data will be compressed on logout to keep the database size more manageable. However, a variety of database management options are included to delete data after a certain period of time, or not save data on people from another server.
Interested in people being able to see your mains experience or request your data, but don't want the entire addon? Take a look at Elitist Group Sender, which does nothing more than respond to experience or data requests.
Slash command: /elitistgroup (/eg) use /eg help for a list of slash commands.
Bugs? Suggestions? Items flagged wrong?
Easiest way to report anything is through the ticket tracker. Should you be reporting an item being flagged incorrectly, make sure you include as much details as to why it's wrong.
How are items categorized?
Based on stats. Spell Power is a caster item, Hit is for DPS, Strength is only for melee dps, Defense for tanks and so on. As you can see in the screenshots, you are given what an items type is. Whether an item is allowed or not is based on spec, meaning Holy Paladins will be flagged for wearing Retribution gear, but a Retribution Paladin will not.
If somebody is missing an enchant or gem, Elitist Group will also tell you that.
To speed up checking out your raid or dungeon group, you can use /eg summary. It will quickly inspect everyone in your group and give you a summarized report on the status of their gear, enchants and gems.
Player notes
Finished a dungeon, was your tank amazing? Notes will allow you to rate him 1 - 5 and leave a comment for future reference, these can even be synced between your friends or guild. You can leave one note per person, with your most recent note being used. Use /eg rate to open this.
Dungeon experience
Quickly see how much experience a player has in a particular dungeon or raid, broken down by hard modes and even by pass. For raids, players are experienced after roughly 3 clears and for 5 mans it's around 6 (combined runs, not 6 of each). The scoring is setup to reward full clears. That way, somebody who can only clear the first 4 bosses of 25-man Trial of the Grand Crusader will have to do a lot more clears to be considered experienced, compared to the person who can full clear it.
To make it easier on players, achievements are factored into the experienced weighting. For example, A Tribute to Insanity and The Immortal will count for a full clear. Even doing 25-man Uldaur hard mods will increase your 25-man Ulduar normal mode experience.
No reason your alt should be left out of the fun because you haven't done a dungeon on the character yet. As of v1.5, you can setup a character as your main and whenever people request your data in Elitist Group they will see your mains experience. No more being left out because of an inexperienced alt!
Item level
To stop 200 item level blues being worth the same as 200 item level epics, simple modifiers are applied to item level based on quality: -0% epic, -5% blue, -10% green, -40% white, -50% grey. Heirlooms are considered 187 item level blues at 80, or 2.22 item level/per player level.
Suggested dungeons are the lowest item dropped -11% for 5-mans, -10% for normal 10 and 25 mans and a -9% modifier for heroic 10 and 25 mans.
Addon communication
Notes and player data can be synced. Players can request your gear or notes at any time; however, you can disable all communications entirely so you will not send or parse to them. Finer control over what channels to monitor is also included in /eg config, you can set it to not listen for gear requests from party or raid, but still in guild.
While in combat, you will not send or parse comm messages.
To prevent people from corrupting your database, Elitist Group will not accept other players gear data unless the player themselves sent it (Johnny can send his gear data, Steve cannot send Johnny's unless Steve is on your trusted list).
As of v1.5, more complicated syncing has been added to allow you to send your entire user or notes database, see here for information.
Portal: Notes requires the server name to differentiate between users with the same name on different servers. Don't really have anyone to display the average for /eg right now, but I'll keep it in mind.
Allowing you to sync your entire database isn't likely to happen as it adds too much trust problems, but I'll think about it.
Ottosen: You can use /eg summary to get data on your group quickly. Not planning on adding searching class, I compress the data to save space and accessing class would mean uncompressing the entire database which I don't really want to do.
Try the alpha and let me know if that fixes the note frame.
I submitted a ticket but I also have some more suggestions:
Thanks, If you could add a feature to mass communicate/build a large database (similar to gearscore) I would appreciate you lots;)
Hey, so far it seems nice. A bit bugger that you have to inspect everything, and not just group with them, for it to log them, but I guess that's a limitation in the game though.
The list of people is nice, but it would be even more nice if you could search for class too. What I was thinking, is that you end up missing a priest, and so you go through your list of priests. Priests with names you might not remember.
Another thing is that it seems the note function is bugged. When I press add note, I can see some UI appearing behind the primary UI, but I can't interact with it. It's right behind the list of instances.
Great addon overall :)
Raid summary error:
Date: 2010-01-09 17:02:47 ID: -1 Error occured in: Global Count: 4 Message: ...terface\AddOns\ElitistGroup\modules\raid_summary.lua line 168: bad argument #1 to 'format' (string expected, got nil) Debug: [C]: ? [C]: format() ...terface\AddOns\ElitistGroup\modules\raid_summary.lua:168: Update() ...terface\AddOns\ElitistGroup\modules\raid_summary.lua:17: Show() ElitistGroup\modules\config.lua:180: value() ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3565: ChatEdit_ParseText() ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3213: ChatEdit_SendText() ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3237: ..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:3233 [C]: ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed() [string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1: [string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1
Known issue, it's been fixed.
[2010/01/08 17:54:00-4561-x4]: ElitistGroup-0.14-beta-7-gf0f6fdf\ElitistGroup.lua:478 attempt to index field 'History' (a nil value)
Broker2FuBar-1.0\pluginPrototype.lua:73 in function `OnUpdateFuBarTooltip'
LibFuBarPlugin-3.0-90063:709: in function `UpdateFuBarTooltip'
LibFuBarPlugin-3.0-90063:1316: in function <...FuBar\libs\LibFuBarPlugin-3.0\LibFuBarPlugin-3.0.lua:1311
I get this error when I mouse over the FuBar icon the first time.
This is in the latest alpha now.
Mmmm, it's not that useful though to separate it by tier at that point. It's probably better to just show the dungeon names then. I need to double check the code, but I don't remember how hard something like that would be to do.
I would venture to say that people wanting to know Hard Mode experience, at that points have a similar experience then.
(+) Dungeons (5-man)
- [xx%] T7 Dungeons
- [xx%] T9 Dungeons
- [xx%] T10 Dungeons
(+) Raids (10-man)
(-) [xx%] T7 Raids
- [xx%] Naxxramas
- [xx%] Malygos
- [xx%] Sartharion
(+) [xx%] T8 Raids
(+) [xx%] T9 Raids
(+) [xx%] T10 Raids
(+) Raids (10-man Heroic)
(+) Raids (25-man)
(+) Raids (25-man Heroic)
Wouldn't that be slightly more appropriate, allowing people to see the content experience they are looking for more quickly? If you are doing a 25m PuG, then its 1 quick click to see experience, and same with a 10m Heroic Pug. Just my observations at least, from using this mod and trying to get a quick idea of 10 or 25 people in a group, using the experience side of things. For every few random people doing the "/eg" though, I guess it's not a huge deal.
The reason there isn't an overall score is because for T7 raids someone who is experienced enough in say Naxxramas + Malygos are essentially assumed to be experienced at Sartharion. But you can't really convert that to the higher tiers, lots of Ulduar 10-man normal mode experience isn't really hard mode experience. Any sort of overall score for those tiers would be inaccurate.
In the "Experience" section of individual inspections, some of the lines show:
+ [100%] T7 Raids
+ T8 Raids
+ T9 Raids
I assume the [100%] is the overall score of the individual scores of Naxx, Sarth, Maly, etc. But, for T8, T9, and T10 there is no [%] score, without individually looking at each section.
If not, this would be a good feature to add, so you don't have to break down everyone's individual instances!
For next push, if you want to preserve your notes:
Delete (if it exists) WTF/Account/<name>/SavedVariables/ElitistGroup.lua
rename WTF/Account/<name>/SavedVariables/SexyGroup.lua to WTF/Account/<name>/SavedVariables/ElitistGroup.lua then open it and replace (at the top) SexyGroupDB with ElitistGroupDB and it will be moved over.
Great. Another addition could be the tradeskills of the person.
Currently I use the mod Examiner for that.. and has avg ilevel.. talent spec, glyphs etc etc. And also has an achievement tab, but I like the experience overview in SG very much. All in one overview.
Essentially that, I was thinking of maybe adding the info to the inspect frame too though, show the item types and if they pass/don't pass.
Hi, great addon btw.
Is it possible to add the score + rating in the tooltip if you for example mouseover a player? But I understand if you don't want to label someone with a score anymore..
Too much of a pain to add something into the DB viewer itself, but the latest version will allow you to use /rate even on people who were kicked.
You have to use /rate when he's there, but it's not exactly very useful after you've kicked him. I'll see about adding something into the DB viewer itself to add comments.
how do I add a comment on a bad player we kicked? I see him on the DB viewer but I cant find the way to add the note
Make sure you are using the latest, not the current tag.