Enigma Unit Frames
This is a continued maintenance project of the Enigma Unit Frames ( EN_UnitFrames ).
The project is originally started by a player named 'Enigma' in 2006, who has quit wow game and stopped the maintenance of this addon in 2007.
Another famous addon author from China, xazhaoyang829, continued the maintenance of this addon until wow version 3.0.3.
Nowadays, Enigma Unit Frames ( EN_UnitFrames ) is maintained by Taiwan players from 2008 to present.
Enigma Unit Frames ( EN_UnitFrames ) provides basic extended functions from the original built-in unit frames: Elite or rare frames adds upon players' frame and shows 3D-animated unit model.
The official publish site is on http://wowbox.tw with Chinese Traditional mainly. (not any more)
Previous project maintained on Google code: wow-enigma-unit-frames
Since 2018, publish site is on WoWAce and Curse: https://www.wowace.com/projects/en_unitframes, source code repository is on Github: https://github.com/yukinoba/en_unitframes
- Enhance of original WOW basic unit frames
- Optional Class Portrait and 3D Portrait
- Player's Coordinate indicator
- Optional Player's Dragon frame
- Show Player, Target, and Focus' HP / MP information ( Value, Percent or Both )
- Show Target of Target's target
- Show Target and Party members' classes and level
- Show Party members' targets and cast bars
- Show Party members' buffs and debuffs
- Movable Party Frames: Shift + Left key ( 4.1.1 changed )
- Show Party members' Raid Icon ( 4.1.1 changed )
- Display movement speed information ( 7.0.4 changed )
Maintainance History
- ver 4.3.0 - ver 8.0.1 : 野雷@鬼霧峰TW (yukinoba)
- ver 4.1.1 - ver 4.3.0 : 誰機@鬼霧峰TW (seigi)
- ver 4.0.3 - ver 4.1.1 : 誰機@鬼霧峰TW (seigi)
- ver 4.0.2 - ver 4.0.3 : 誰機@鬼霧峰TW (seigi)
- ver 4.0.1 - ver 4.0.2 : 野雷@鬼霧峰TW (yukinoba)
- ver 4.0.0 - ver 4.0.1 : 誰機@鬼霧峰TW (seigi)
- ver 3.3.5 - ver 4.0.0 : 誰機@鬼霧峰TW (seigi)
- ver 3.3.3 - ver 3.3.5 : 野雷@鬼霧峰TW (yukinoba)
- ver 3.3.1 - ver 3.3.3 : 野雷@鬼霧峰TW (yukinoba)
- ver 3.2.2 - ver 3.3.1 : 野雷@鬼霧峰TW (yukinoba)
- ver 3.0.3f - ver 3.2.2 : 誰機@鬼霧峰TW (seigi)
- ver 2.5.5 - ver 3.0.3f : 曉魚 (xazhaoyang829),友情修改支持:jerry99spkk
- ver 1.12.3 - ver 2.5.5 : 國服-死性不改
- ver 1.0.0 - ver 1.12.3 : luodan
Known Issue
- 已知與其他UI的衝突
- 使用compactRaid時會導致隊伍框架被位移
- party member debuff frame does not display
- now is correct
- Contributed by son8868
- 德魯伊的經驗值條框架無法取消 滿級也不會消失(7.0就這樣了) (Druid class xp bar error)
- 已知問題原因。8.0.1有對職業能量條進行調整修正,移除了部份職業專精的能量條,另一部份職業的能量條新增或更名。
- 術士:WarlockPowerFrame(已移除) / 薩滿:TotemFrame / 死騎:RuneFrame / 牧師:PriestBarFrame / 聖騎:PaladinPowerBarFrame / 德魯伊:EclipseBarFrame(已移除)
- 已移除的職業或其他職業:PlayerFrame.classPowerBar
- 參考:PlayerFrame_HideVehicleTexture
- 修正:EN_HpMpXp::PowerFrame_Position
- 寵物buff跟debuff的圖示是透明的
- 原本使用的TargetBuffFrameTemplate似乎有異常,改用PartyBuffFrameTemplate、PartyDebuffFrameTemplate、與PartyPetDebuffFrameTemplate
- 參考:PartyFrame.xml、PartyFrameTemplates.xml
- 修正:EN_Buff::PartyBuff_Toggle、EN_Buff::PartyBuff_UpdateAll
- 還有像靈獸的幽魂步伐是黃方塊顯示
- Contributed by Ziyue_Fang
- 8.0.1後UnitBuff、UnitDebuff、UnitAura變更,原本的rank欄位已被移除
- Contributed by Ziyue_Fang
- 寵物的buff圖示之前修正後 就全部不顯示了
- 賊的連擊點數燈跟術的碎片燈 位置都有點問題 應該都要在經驗值條框架底下
賊是跟經驗值條框架重疊 所以取消掉經驗值欄後 能量條會完全消失 位置被連擊燈取代掉
術士就不管有沒有經驗值條框架 法力條位置都會被碎片燈取代掉
- 德魯伊的經驗值條框架無法取消 滿級也不會消失(7.0就這樣了) (Druid class xp bar error)
- 8.0.1 fixed:
- SetTextStatusBarTextZeroText(TargetofTgFocusHealthBar, TEXT(DEAD)) to SetTextStatusBarTextZeroText(TargetofTgFocusHealthBar, DEAD)
- GetPlayerMapPosition("player") to RunScript('pos = C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player"), "player")')
- increase player max level to 120
- check ReputationWatchBar ~= nil
- remove VOICE_STATUS_UPDATE event
If you need to provide your own localized translation to EnigaUnitFrames, please feel free and visit to http://www.wowace.com/addons/en_unitframes/localization
If you need project managers to review your translation, please e-mail to [email protected]
I shall response to your translation asap after the mail received.
我下了r29版 EN_3DPortrait.xml用的旧版本的 头像恢复了本来的距离。。至此感觉完美了。。。
请问作者是哪里人 台湾?
额。。头像感觉还是原本的好。。毕竟要和目标头像一致呀....拉近感觉看不到整体 毕竟每个种族都不一样。近了不能照顾到全部。。。 作者给力啊 这么快就更了
Glad to see you too, Seigi ! :D I will continue the maintenance of Enigma Unit Frame for its functionality, but hard to add new features since I have no much time for this, lol.
It's fine that you keep the manager role, I'm fine as long as I can commit the code change and publish release.
Best regards to you, Sincerely
to basten1899,
選項勾虛假問題已經在r29版本修正了,問題的原因是CheckButton:SetChecked(value),原本是使用數字的 1/0 值當作勾選/不勾,但後來改為布林值的 true/false 所以造成了這個問題,請下載新版本就會正常顯示了
to y45853160, 其實不是被拉近,而是我覺得原本的玩家頭像大小稍微小了點,所以把他放大了而已 XDDDD 下個版本會考慮改回來。選項勾虛假問題已經在r29版本修正了,問題的原因是CheckButton:SetChecked(value),原本是使用數字的 1/0 值當作勾選/不勾,但後來改為布林值的 true/false 所以造成了這個問題,請下載新版本就會正常顯示了
R28版本 玩家自己的3D头像被拉近一格。与目标玩家3d头像 远近距离不一致,已用回旧版本。。作者大大加油 还有就是选项勾虚假问题。
to basten1899, 有,我看到你說的情況了,我這邊也會有這樣的狀況出現,這看起來是在讀取設置內容、顯示出來時,顯示上的問題,會盡快修正,感謝您!
譬如 我在设置中将玩家信息中的 " 显示扩展边框 "勾掉, 这样 就不显示扩展边框了,但是再重新打 开设置 会发现 "显示扩展边框 "前面的勾 还是勾上的, 但这是 效果是不显示扩展边框的
OMG! yukinoba!!!
It's such a big surprise that knowing you are still playing wow.
I stop playing any games, but still keep an eye on wow and also keep in touch with old wow friends.
EUF is a simple, elegant, and functional frame. Thank you very much taking over this project.
Would like to know if you were willing to be EUF's project manager. Please let me know.
sincerely, seigi
to basten1899,
你是說設定時,選項都是顯示勾選、但是有些有作用,有些沒有作用,重新取消勾選再打勾後,才會恢復正常對嗎?這是因為魔獸世界資料片每次在升級後,大部分 UI 的設定檔都會需要重新產生喔!
report a bug ,when i join a little term,the parterner 's icon is disappear , so i diable the euf addon then it comes good ,i'm sure i cleaned the config files in the WTF folder but it's not work
还是用中文再打一遍吧,我猜你也华人. 我用你的这个插件好多年了,很喜欢,但是最近用curse更新 完发现有BUG
组队的时候总是看不到队友,我后来发现进那个游戏默认的设置团队的地方点一下使用团队框架点一下启用再点一下变回默认原来的设置,就又能看到小队队友头像了,后来把EUF插件的配置文件全清了又从新安装了一遍发现也不行,禁用你的这个插件用游戏默认的一切正常,看来应该是插件本身的问题了,最后说一下我确定我只用了一个头像插件,并没有什么冲突 ,因为WOW打了几年了一直是用CURSE更新 插件没出过什么错
to williswa,
你選擇了使用EUF的框架 --> 把暴雪遊戲中的框架隱藏 --> 顯示EUF的框架 --> 暴雪遊戲發現你決定要使用團隊風格框架 --> 把EUF的框架隱藏
謝谢了,問題解決了,不過還有一個BUG就是設置EUF的時候再進設置所有的勾的地方也都是勾上的,但是設置還是原來的,只是顯示有點問題,這個BUG能修復一下嗎thx a lot
to williswa,
問題解決了,選項顯示錯誤的原因是,原本 CheckButton:SetChecked(value) 是使用數字 1/0 當作 勾選/不勾選,但是後來更新後,改採布林值的 true/false,才會造成這個顯示的問題,現在r29已經修正好了。
另外,因為勾選了 "使用團隊風格的隊伍框架" 而造成框架不見的問題,也已經修正了。現在EUF會在啟動時,當event "VARIABLES_LOADED" 發生時,去檢查玩家的這個選項,並使用 SetCVar("useCompactPartyFrames", 0, true) 來強制關閉它
设置 勾选 显示有问题 勾去掉后 再打开 显示还是勾的 但是作用已经作用了
great addon! actually i love the long dead SquidFrame, hope u can include some of it's portrait frames into your addon, that would be perfect! :D
to cheebc,
Glad to see u love this old fashioned Addon :) I will take your opinion as consieration, and download SquidFrame to find out whether it provides suitable TGA files for frames.
If Squid has its frame TGA files included in the Addon pack, It may easily import them into the EUF options, and this will be in the future update list. ;)
to cheebc,
I have downloaded the SquidFrames, and may start by the migration of Player Frame, later the bar-sided skins. Please have patience to wait for future updates.