Simple right click casting.
Double right-click to cast while a fishing pole is equipped. Options included to enhance the various telltale signs that you've caught a fish (upping the volume, enhance the pool "sparklies") and automatically applying a lure to your pole.
Double click casting can result in lost catches in rare situations where the loot window and casting overlap. I haven't figured out if this is due to a slow computer or a slow connection, nor have I found a way around it yet.
Updated for WoD.
No, completely removed old version and reinstalled, works a treat now, no Lua errors!
Cheers matey!
no errors anymore :D (@ least for now lol ^^) ,
though i noticed the addon is no longer adding lures to the pole from items like Nat's fishing hat ?, or is that only when you are in current content zone's ?
Double-clicking to cast (fishing rod equiped):
Version 0.8.8 errors ticket ( )
I'm getting these LUA errors on login and some of them whenever I click anything on my screen:
Message: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\LibFishing-1.0-90997.lua:51: Cannot find a library instance of "HereBeDragons-2.0".
Time: Tue Jul 24 15:21:41 2018
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\LibFishing-1.0-90997.lua:51: Cannot find a library instance of "HereBeDragons-2.0".
Message: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\FishingAce-0.8.7.lua:258: attempt to call method 'CreateSAButton' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Jul 24 15:21:41 2018
Count: 1
Stack: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\FishingAce-0.8.7.lua:258: attempt to call method 'CreateSAButton' (a nil value)
Locals: <none>
Message: Couldn't open Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0-7\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
Time: Tue Jul 24 15:21:48 2018
Count: 4
Stack: Couldn't open Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0-7\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
Locals: <none>
Message: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\FishingAce-0.8.7.lua:425: attempt to call method 'GetFishingSkillInfo' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Jul 24 15:22:08 2018
Count: 3
Stack: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\FishingAce-0.8.7.lua:425: attempt to call method 'GetFishingSkillInfo' (a nil value)
Locals: <none>
Message: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\FishingAce-0.8.7.lua:352: attempt to call method 'IsFishingReady' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Jul 24 15:22:10 2018
Count: 3
Stack: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\FishingAce-0.8.7.lua:352: attempt to call method 'IsFishingReady' (a nil value)
Locals: <none>
Message: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\FishingAce-0.8.7.lua:382: attempt to call method 'CheckForDoubleClick' (a nil value)
Time: Tue Jul 24 15:28:25 2018
Count: 3
Stack: Interface\AddOns\FishingAce\FishingAce-0.8.7.lua:382: attempt to call method 'CheckForDoubleClick' (a nil value)
newest ticket with errors ( )
Double click casting does not work. Is it just me??
In reply to Freelife:
Seems the addon is not working. It was ok now while trying to cast nothing happens
hello again, just posted a ticket about BFA patch 8.0.1 Lua error :) ( )
@Sutorix , ty for updating this simpler and worthwhile addon again :D
tested the new Alpha build and so far i did not see any issue , it changed the sounds and reverted it after pole removed, auto lured my fishing hat and watched the bobber so it wont cast first ....
can't wait for a new "Release" version soon ^^
there is a new Alpha version from Sutorix seems to works fine again so far :)
In reply to reaper66673563371:
Updated all the libs I could update. Now I only get the LibTourist error. but the addon works just fine now
Update: Got arround the libtourist error by using the one from Fishing buddy
CopyPaste from my post at WoWInterface
I did update the libs and stuff for this addon and uploaded it to MEGA
Changes I did
*Used 0.8.5 of Fishing Ace! And still got errors with that one... Soo..
*Updated all Core ACE3 Libs using r1169-alpha
*Used the LibTourist from latest FishingBuddy 1.8.3 Beta 1 to eliminate an error (Creddits to Sutorix)
*Updated all lib TOC to make addon up to date according to WoW
In reply to Forge_User_60609594:
Still broken! Is anyone working on this addon any more?
So sad that it keeps giving me errors. However, it does work.
In reply to woofpup: