FlagRSP2 is an AddOn for World of Warcraft that allows players to add additional information about their characters into the game. It is designed to support role players and allow others with MSP compatible AddOns to easily see if the character is a role player or is even in character. Characters can be fleshed out with additional names, titles, and detailed descriptions.
FlagRSP2 is a continuation of flagRSP 0.5.6 by Flokru. FlagRSP2 is a completely new code base designed to be more efficient and play well with other AddOns. As of 2.5, FlagRSP2 uses the new Mary Sue Protocol to communicate, and no longer uses chat channels.
If your FlagRSP2 copy is OLDER than 1.5.x you should delete the FlagRSP2 directory first!(The Curse Client will do this for you if you use that.) Copy the "flagRSP2" folder into your World of Warcraft AddOns folder. Before selecting your character and entering the game other MSP RP AddOns such as MyRolePlay must be disabled to prevent conflicts.
If you really like this AddOn and would like to help support it, there are a couple of things you can do. You can help by providing clear bug reports that try to accurately describe the problem and screenshots are helpful. Submit your trouble ticket here.
FlagRSP2 is a continuation of flagRSP 0.5.6 by Flokru. FlagRSP2 is a completely new code base designed to be more efficient and play well with other AddOns. As of 2.5, FlagRSP2 uses the new Mary Sue Protocol to communicate, and no longer uses chat channels.
If your FlagRSP2 copy is OLDER than 1.5.x you should delete the FlagRSP2 directory first!(The Curse Client will do this for you if you use that.) Copy the "flagRSP2" folder into your World of Warcraft AddOns folder. Before selecting your character and entering the game other MSP RP AddOns such as MyRolePlay must be disabled to prevent conflicts.
If you really like this AddOn and would like to help support it, there are a couple of things you can do. You can help by providing clear bug reports that try to accurately describe the problem and screenshots are helpful. Submit your trouble ticket here.
I do hear you with that, however. Might be able to do something with an option.
For more information; take a look at Etarna's posts and the description for the MRP mod.
FlagRSP does not show guild ranks.
But if you prefer the feel of flagRSP2, I'm updating that too, as above, and it's currently in alpha. Hopefully won't be too long, although there are still a couple of small issues (e.g., the edges of the tooltip are still black when they're not supposed to be, but that was in 2.4 as well).
I know people simply prefer the UI and feel of different RP AddOns for different reasons, which is why I'm working to bring compatibility back between them so people can choose which they prefer to use.
I don't know when the last time you used MRP was but at least in its current state, it's tiny and exceedingly efficient. It uses a fraction of the memory to store its data, does not require a global channel presence and thus also uses a fraction of the bandwidth.
As far as I can tell, generally there's only two legitimate reasons people dislike MRP. The first is the UI. People don't like the multiple fields or the way they're presented. The second is the way it handles tooltips. Otherwise; MRP is technically superior in every way to any RSP-based project.
I hope you also realise that one of the additional project authors, Etarna, is also the project manager for MRP.
It might be a little while, but I'm working on something...
Main reason being:
We have Highborne now, but there still claseed as Nightelves.
My Dwarf [Paladin] would look better as an [Pensioner].
Will we ever see the day?