Makes a sound when your current target (or focus**) starts casting. To configure settings type '/fis' (or go to Interface Options).
Also has basic functionality to announce successful interrupts.
** Use with [target=focus] macros for interrupts (Counterspell, Spell Lock, Wind Shear, ...).
any plan for localization/multi language support?
In reply to ekrid1107:
Switching the Spell Names to Spell ID #s is on my TODO list, hopefully that's enough to make it work on non-English clients. However, I don't really intend to localize all the UI.
This still works for WOTLK Classic, right? Unless I'm mistaken, I used to use this during TBC Classic. I even have a folder from my old TBCC installation named "FocusInterruptSounds" so I'm fairly certain it was this one.
EDIT: I think I was using a special, older version of FocusInterruptSounds. I'm gonna see if I can find it, otherwise not likely to work (as pointed out in some other comments)
In reply to Hasselshoff:
Yeah sorry, it's been reported that the old versions don't work in Classic/BC/WotLK. Unfortunately, I don't play those versions, but if anyone wants to step up to maintain it, they have permission to fork a new project.
I'm getting 10 lua errors when loading this addon in Dragonflight (from the alpha CurseForge client)
Here is the list of errors:
2x FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:4 Error loading FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua
2x FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:5 Couldn't open FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
2x FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:6 Couldn't open FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.xml
2x FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:7 Couldn't open FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/AceGui-3.0/AceGui-3.0.xml
2x FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:8 Couldn't open FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfig-3.0.xml
2x FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:9 Couldn't open FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/AceConsole-3.0-7/AceConsole-3.0.xml
2x FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:10 Couldn't open FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/AceDB-3.0-27/AceDB-3.0.xml
2x FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:11 Couldn't open FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/AceDBOptions-3.0-15/AceDBOptions-3.0.xml
2x FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:12 Couldn't open FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.xml
2x Interface\FrameXML\Bindings.xml:1 FocusInterruptSounds/embeds.xml:4 Error loading FocusInterruptSounds/Libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua
It appears to me that the addon is not able to load its dependencies. Any idea how to fix this?
In reply to Tonkah:
I wonder if you are using one of the -nolib files. I'd try redownloading and reinstalling r139.
In reply to corgatag:
Unchecking the "Install Libraries Separately" in the curse client for this addon fixed the issue. Thanks for the tip!
Any chance to host on other sites or adding release tags to github so 3rd party addon manager like WoWup can keep your addon up to date?
In reply to kingreboot:
It's on Wowinterface as of 4 days ago.
In reply to corgatag:
Thanks, I think I missed it last I checked. Found it
In reply to corgatag:
your wowinterface download is outdated, do you automate uploading?
In reply to corgatag:
Can you please make this addon work for classic wrath? It's just too damn good not to have in arenas!
In reply to heia87:
Sorry, I don't play classic, but if it's the same as it was 14 years ago the 3.x.x versions of this addon might work:
In reply to corgatag:
None of the 3.x.x version works sadly
Love this addon. It has been a game changer for me :D
One bug I noticed: In Mists of Tirna Scithe dunegone, Mistcaller casts "Patty Cakes" on the tank. As the tank, I have not been getting interrupt sound notifications for that spell. Only the tank can interrupt this spell.
In reply to Tonkah:
Thanks for the feedback!
That one's tricky, for the reasons you mentioned. I might add it to the global override list, so everyone gets a sound, but it won't be the usual interrupt sound so people don't instinctively waste their kicks.
So is anyone going to update this addon by chance? Its not working in shadowlands with the updated version on the 11/19/2020 release.
The only change for pre-patch is marking the Addon as ready for 9.0. I didn't see any Lua errors in my testing.
If you know of any classes whose interrupts changed, or if you encounter any errors, let me know. Thanks!
In reply to corgatag:
Any chanse this addon could be made to work for TBC ?
I used it in retail and i miss i a lot now that i play TBC...