Makes a sound when your current target (or focus**) starts casting. To configure settings type '/fis' (or go to Interface Options).
Also has basic functionality to announce successful interrupts.
** Use with [target=focus] macros for interrupts (Counterspell, Spell Lock, Wind Shear, ...).
Arcane torrent was removed from the default list of Player Interrupt Spells because ranged users found it annoying. You can customize this by typing /fis and adding "Arcane Torrent" to the "Player Interrupt Spells" textbox. Remember to press the small "Okay" button just below the text box (otherwise, the change won't be registered).
I'm releasing a new revision that adds Avenger's Shield to the default list. Thanks for the report.
It seems that this isn't working as of 6.0.2 I am not seeing any specific errors but there is no sound when a interuptable spell is being cast. Thank you for your hard work on this mode I love it! :)
I'm investigating. Right now it seems that WoW refuses to play my sound files (which are mp3), but it will play DBM's (which are ogg). Will try to find an OGG converter to see if that fixes the issue.
Update: uploaded new version
Hey Corg, having an issue with the sound not working, it was working perfect 2 Mo's ago, im getting no errors, chat is working when i interrupt, everything works, but the sound. any ideas?Edit: uninstalled/reinstalled, works perfect now :)
Yes, I am a Blood Elf. I did what you said, thank you. But, I am confused, what does being a Blood Elf have to do with it and what did I just do? This is an alt and I never even knew that I had this talent. I see it in my general spell book tab. LOL, not much of an interrupt concidering the cool down...
Yeah, I added it when I saw some pvp rogues use it as an interrupt, but given the long cooldown and the range requirement, I'm thinking of removing it by default.
P.S. Arcane torrent does regen some mana, so you should be using it on cooldown on your Holy Priest..
Is there a way to disable this for one spec, Holy, while leaving it enabled for another, Shadow? FIS does not work for my Holy priest. It constantly honks and I have no way to interrupt. Also, I honks non-stop on the fire arrow shooting guys up on the tower in the second wing of SoO. These guys are at least 3 times the distance for anyones to hit with anything. It also drives me crazy on the second wing. For some reason She always causes my UI to target her throught the fight and when it does, honk honk honk honk...
I love FIS all all my toons but the Holy Priest causes me to turn off my speakers.
Are you a Blood Elf? If so, try going into the /fis dialog and delete the line that says "Arcane Torrent" (remember to press the "Apply" button next to the textbox.
Is there an option for target ONLY interuppt sound? Even if I have a different or friendly focus? Am I missing this option?
I see the option where you can "fallback" to target if a no focus is set. But what I do sometimes (especially when healing) is focus a friendly or different target then the one I actually am goiing to interrupt.
Can this option be implemented?
it doesnt work when mage casting poly, can u tell me how to config this addons?
Thank you for this very useful addon. Is it possible to have an option to change the sounds, or at least adjust the volume? The sounds are very loud compared to the other game sounds and I'd like to turn them down or substitute them with something a bit more quiet (without changing the general game sound settings).
edit: I was able to fix the issue by edting the MP3 files that come with the addon, found in the <WOW directory>\Interface\AddOns\FocusInterruptSounds\ directory. I used the open source sound editor Audacity, but any programme that can edit and save MP3 files should work.
So I got this addon and really love it. The problem I am having is that I created a KB to the number 1 key so as soon as I hear the sound i just press 1. about two times a 3 Hour raid I hear the sound, press number 1 to interrupt and WOW crashes to the screen that allows me to state what I am doing when this happened that will update it to blizzard. I am using ElvUI with just a few additional addons. This never happens unless I use this addon. Is there a way I can save this and troubleshoot this somehow?
I've used FIS for awhile and love it...I am almost always top interrupter, but within past week? or so it hasn't been announcing in the Instance channel. Please investigate :)
Have you upgraded to the latest version? (r83 uploaded March 15)
Assuming that's not the issue, could you describe what kind of group & instance you were in? (e.g. Group queue with two guildmates in Throne of Thunder LFR)
Is the sound also broken or just the announce?
When im in a regular raid and interrupt it trys to announce to /instance which im not in.
My main is a lock, and I didn't know about this side-effect of Grimoire of Sacrifice. ><
I'll try to patch it tonight.
Edit: Spoke too soon. It turns out that the spell is called Command Demon regardless of what pet you have or whether or not you've Sacrificed it. Further investigation is required, so I'll try to figure something out this weekend.
Can you please add interrupt sound for affliction warlocks that use grimoire of sacrifice on their felhunter?
Is there a way to make this work with my Monk? I have gobs of ways to interrupt, this tool never sounds off, so I assume it is unaware? Suggestions?
Could you try this? I don't have a monk, so I don't know if it will work.
yay, makes noise, thanks