
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Keep track of skills that can be learned from trainers.


  • Keep track of skills you can learn from trainers (class, professions, demon).
  • Skill information is available anywhere after you have visit a trainer.
  • Create map notes automatically with trainer if you have Cartographer installed (I can probably add support for other map note add-ons easily by request).
  • Colored skills:
    • Green if trainable.
    • Yellow if trainable next equal level, i.e. 6, 20 or 56.
    • Red skills you can not learn yet.
  • Shows training cost and total cost for all trainable skills.
  • Delete a trainer or all trainers of a type shift-ctrl-click on it.

Note: This mod works without FuBar. If running without FuBar it shows a icon on the minimap instead.


For the demon skills to work properly you have to have all of your different demons (i.e. Imp, Succubus) out at least once after you have installed the addon. If you don't demon spells that you already know or can't train yet might be shown as trainable. There might also be a glitch when you reach levels where you can obtain new demons, TrainerFu will probably tell you that you can learn spells for a demon you don't have yet.


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