GatherMate2 Classic
GatherMate2 is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map.
This is the version for WoW Classic, the version for Retail can be found here.
GatherMate will remember the location of every herb you pick or every ore you mine, so that you can easily find the positions of the herbs and mines again. Once you come into range of a recorded spot, GatherMate will show an icon representing the type of herb/ore/fish/etc. on your mini map, directly allowing you to decide if its worth checking out. Additionally, all spots are shown on the World Map, to ease navigation to certain types of nodes and making gathering more fun.
To give you a head start, GatherMate2 also offers a pre-filled data module, so you don't need to discover all herbs and mines yourself, but instead can just start gathering right away. Simply install GatherMate2_Data Wowhead Classic and hit a few buttons to import all the provided data, and you're good to go.
- Tracking of all gathering professions and more!
- Herbs
- Mines
- Fishing Pools
- Treasures
- Display of all collected data on the World Map and the MiniMap
- Support for Routes
- Import data via GatherMate2_Data Wowhead Classic
- Share data in your guild with GatherMate_Sharing
Video about configuring this addon.
Using GatherMate2 is straight-forward.
After the installation, GatherMate2 is automatically active and collecting data.
You can configure which data should be shown on the World Map or MiniMap in the Configuration Dialog, which can be accessed either via the /gathermate slash command or be found in the Interface options in the WoW Menu.
Localization (Translation of Nodes)
GatherMate2 relies on the node names to be translated in all languages WoW supports. You can contribute additional translations for your language here using the Localization tool:
Any translations submitted through that tool will be automatically included in the next release.
Hi - no matter what settings I use, I can only see nodes I've actually gathered on both the map and minimap.
How do I display the nodes from an imported database like the one from Wowhead?
Whenever I load in TBC nothing shows up on my minimap
In reply to Darth_Rawwdog:
I have some things show, but only limited things and not ones that match my professions (and I've checked the settings) *shrug* (and I did the data import)
In reply to Darth_Rawwdog:
Things never change...
So after all testing and two weeks in prepatch this addon is still not working.
Comes in handy if no one has a gathering addon but the bots do.
Prices are already at the bottom and are only going more down by everyday.
But who cares? aslong china farmer sees hes notes, everything is fine.
Who made last the alfa version? It's literally broken: herb and mines icons don't turn into colored circles when you approach them, zero reaction. Classic version at least worked.
In reply to Marvis83:
That occurs for me when I have the addon set to "Show only when tracking". Might be a spell ID that needs to be updated.
In reply to MrSardoc:
since one of the last updates, nodes are no longer shown on the minimap with "only show when searching". It only shows when you activate "show always" or "show with profession"
See my screenshot:
Will there be a fix for that or is there a different solution?
Thanks and KR
PS: Sorry for reply message - can't create a new poste
In reply to braatak_twitch:
it still not working for me too, im Herbalism+mining, when i set track only, my map&minimap show nothing, i have to swtich to "show always" or "show with profession"
But the whole map full of points :<
Latest version is working in TBCC but for some reason i see only the herbs in Hellfire. Filters are set to show every TBC herb. Using this for database GatherMate2 Data Wowhead cl... - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge
I see a few herbs in Zangarmash but there are no herbs in the other zones.
I think I have a temporary fix for TBCC (until the dev comes out with an update).
Locate the following files in your addons\GatherMate2 folder:
In each of those files, there is a line a few lines from the top that reads:
Change it so that it reads:
In reply to moonlit_vamp:
How did you manage this? I tried your fix, but the game says, that my mod Version is too old.
I ve never created a wow addon but is there some specific "line of code" where you can set the gameversion or API Version?
In reply to OverKiLL_95:
It may say it's out of date, but if you have the latest version, it will still run if you set WoW to load out-of-date addons. As for your 2nd question, the top line of the GatherMate2.toc file reads:
## Interface: 11305
That means it's for WoW version 1.13.5 (it hasn't been updated in a while). You COULD change it to read:
## Interface: 20501
This would fool the game into thinking it's designed for TBCC (2.5.1), but that's normally not necessary if you have WoW set to load out of date addons.
In reply to moonlit_vamp:
Thank you :) its up and running now. I guess the main part is done by the DB and as GM2 Data is already viable for TBC everything should be fine.
In reply to moonlit_vamp:
Worked for me! Thanks alot!
In reply to moonlit_vamp:
Please note that while this does work, it wipes the existing data - both for Classic TBC, and Classic ERA. Not sure why exactly, but probably has something to do with this information being stored at the below location, with no backup in the add-on folder itself.
World of Warcraft/[version]/WTF/Account/[your account]/Saved variables
My guess is this change wiped the information here for some reason, but it does appear to work with new node onwards. That said, for those who can't be assed going through this, and don't mind the data loss, here's a link to a copy of the edited version:
Pretty sure links can't be posted though, so please edit the [dot] after www to . when you copy paste into your browser
In reply to wyr3d:
Yeah, I'm not sure why existing data is cleared. TBCC still uses the "_classic_" WoW version folder, so there's no change there. it's the NEW Classic that changes... that's now "_classic_era_". My best guess is that the entire reason the WOW_PROJECT_ID line is there in the first place is to determine whether it should also offer to keep track of things such as Archaeology, Gas Extraction, etc. My guess is that when that was suddenly wrong (you weren't using a classic client, so it thought you were using a retail client), it added these extra items. When you went back to running a "classic" client by updating the WOW_PROJECT_ID, those options were no longer valid, and so it considered the database corrupt, and cleared it. I haven't really gone through the code enough to verify that, but as I said, it's my best guess. If that's the case, then you could, in theory, keep your data as long as you fix GatherMate BEFORE logging into TBCC, but alas... that point is probably moot now.
In reply to moonlit_vamp:
My guess is coz the lua changed for TBC that it didn't recognise the old data after the update and wiped it. Previously I could see the old data, but no new ones would be added.
As for Classic, that data probably never got copied when they made the new folder. I had reinstall all the add-ons, after all. I just never thought to copy/paste the saved variables from the old classic folder, so when it got wiped for TBC, I lost it for Classic :P
In reply to moonlit_vamp:
That fixed my problem! Thanks!
In reply to moonlit_vamp:
That fixed my problem! Thanks!
In reply to moonlit_vamp:
this worked for me. thanks.