GatherMate2 is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map.
This is the Retail version of GatherMate2, the version for WoW Classic can be found here
GatherMate will remember the location of every herb you pick or every ore you mine, so that you can easily find the positions of the herbs and mines again. Once you come into range of a recorded spot, GatherMate will show an icon representing the type of herb/ore/fish/etc. on your mini map, directly allowing you to decide if its worth checking out. Additionally, all spots are shown on the World Map, to ease navigation to certain types of nodes and making gathering more fun.
To give you a head start, GatherMate2 also offers a pre-filled data module, so you don't need to discover all herbs and mines yourself, but instead can just start gathering right away. Simply install GatherMate2_Data and hit a few buttons to import all the provided data, and you're good to go.
- Tracking of all gathering professions and more!
- Herbs
- Mines
- Gas Clouds
- Archaeology Digs
- Fishing Pools
- Treasures
- Display of all collected data on the World Map and the MiniMap
- Support for Routes
- Import data via GatherMate2_Data
- Share data in your guild with GatherMate_Sharing
Video about configuring this addon.
Using GatherMate2 is straight-forward.
After the installation, GatherMate2 is automatically active and collecting data.
You can configure which data should be shown on the World Map or MiniMap in the Configuration Dialog, which can be accessed either via the /gathermate slash command or be found in the Interface options in the WoW Menu.
Localization (Translation of Nodes)
GatherMate2 relies on the node names to be translated in all languages WoW supports. You can contribute additional translations for your language here using the Localization tool:
Any translations submitted through that tool will be automatically included in the next release.
GatherMate2_Data has been updated with all fresh data from Wowhead, including support for Shadowlands, and will be continously updated throughout the coming expansion.
If you are looking for a pre-filled database for GatherMate2, get GatherMate2_Data here:
Also this week the slashcommand will revert back to just /gathermate
I dont know if their dataminer is grabbing fishing nodes. I know i send them the code to do track them but no idea if they added it in yet or not.
Also word of advise I would suggest you do a overwrite import for herbs, minerals and treasure so any old data left in your database is cleaned up and you only have the new node data.
looks good!. i'll try to do like i did before and collect massive amounto f fishing data, although maybe i'll install the wowhead dataminer instead so they get the data instead as most of my northrend and outlands fishing data is still missing on wowhead and only custom to gathermate database now heh.
wow nevermind, their client is utter crap, not configurable, if you accidentally typo your login it just fails to authenicate non stop without any configuration to allow re-entry. the addon you're supposed to install in wow is out of date and not evenc ompatible with 4.x, it uses "this" and "arg1" functions. how does wowhead expect to get any data now? guess i'll be submitting my fishing data directly to you again. :\
And there is no sign of the old ones that used to exist in Azeroth, except for in dungeons, it seems.
Also, these treasures now exist in Northrend (and presumably Outlands, haven't checked yet)
The problem is, when I loot one, it doesn't record it as a treasure node. Please make it so it does, these are MUCH more rare than the old ones and always have good loot (blues) inside of them, so knowing where to look would be very helpful.
[408] = 85,
[410] = 105,
[413] = 150,
[414] = 150,
[415] = 160,
[429] = 270,
[453] = 450,
I'm one of those people that wants to build his own database of nodes rather than download the gathermate2 data file, but I think with all of the world changes that have happened, surely a lot of old data (locations) is now incorrect.
ahh never mind ill let the weekly updates run, wowhead has purged thier old world databases.
Well ill stop the data extract from running weekly till wowhead updates thier DB in the mean time i would suggests purging all the old zone in your db and start rebuilding data indexes.
local NL = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("GatherMate2Nodes", "deDE")
if not NL then return end
-- NL["'Small Obsidian Chunk"] = "'Small Obsidian Chunk"
NL["Abundant Bloodsail Wreckage"] = "Blutsegelwrackteile"
NL["Abundant Firefin Snapper School"] = "Ein ergiebiger Schwarm Feuerflossenschnapper"
NL["Abundant Oily Blackmouth School"] = "Ergiebiger Schwarm öliger Schwarzmaulfische"
NL["Adamantite Bound Chest"] = "Adamantitbeschlagene Truhe"
NL["Adamantite Deposit"] = "Adamantitablagerung"
NL["Adder's Tongue"] = "Schlangenzunge"
NL["Ancient Lichen"] = "Urflechte"
NL["Arcane Vortex"] = "Arkanvortex"
NL["Arctic Cloud"] = "Arktische Wolke"
NL["Arthas' Tears"] = "Arthas’ Tränen"
NL["Azshara's Veil"] = "Azsharas Schleier"
NL["Battered Chest"] = "Ramponierte Truhe"
NL["Battered Footlocker"] = "Ramponierte Schließkiste"
NL["Black Lotus"] = "Schwarzer Lotus"
NL["Blindweed"] = "Blindkraut"
NL["Blood of Heroes"] = "Blut von Helden"
NL["Bloodpetal Sprout"] = "Blutblütensprösslinge"
NL["Bloodsail Wreckage"] = "Blutsegelwrackteile"
NL["Bloodthistle"] = "Blutdistel"
NL["Bloodvine"] = "Blutrebe"
NL["Bluefish School"] = "Blauflossenschwarm"
NL["Borean Man O' War School"] = "Ein Schwarm boreanischer Galeeren"
-- NL["Bound Adamantite Chest"] = "Bound Adamantite Chest"
NL["Bound Fel Iron Chest"] = "Beschlagene Teufelseisentruhe"
NL["Brackish Mixed School"] = "Brackwasserschwarm"
NL["Briarthorn"] = "Wilddornrose"
NL["Brightly Colored Egg"] = "Bunt gefärbtes Ei"
NL["Bruiseweed"] = "Beulengras"
NL["Buccaneer's Strongbox"] = "Geldkassette des Bukaniers"
NL["Burial Chest"] = "Grabtruhe"
NL["Cinder Cloud"] = "Aschewolke"
NL["Cinderbloom"] = "Aschenblüte"
NL["Cobalt Deposit"] = "Kobaltablagerung"
NL["Copper Vein"] = "Kupferader"
NL["Dark Iron Deposit"] = "Dunkeleisenablagerung"
NL["Deep Sea Monsterbelly School"] = "Ein Schwarm Tiefseemonsterbäuche"
NL["Dented Footlocker"] = "Verbeulte Schließkiste"
NL["Draenei Archaeology Find"] = "Draenei Archäologie Entdeckung "
NL["Dragon's Teeth"] = "Zähne des Drachen "
NL["Dragonfin Angelfish School"] = "Engelsdrachenfischschwarm"
NL["Dreamfoil"] = "Traumblatt"
NL["Dreaming Glory"] = "Traumwinde"
NL["Dwarf Archaeology Find"] = "Archäologischer zwergischer Fund"
NL["Earthroot"] = "Erdwurzel"
NL["Elementium Vein"] = "Elementiumader"
NL["Everfrost Chip"] = "Immerfrostsplitter"
NL["Fadeleaf"] = "Blassblatt"
NL["Fangtooth Herring School"] = "Ein Schwarm Fangzahnheringe"
NL["Fel Iron Chest"] = "Teufelseisentruhe"
NL["Fel Iron Deposit"] = "Teufelseisenvorkommen"
NL["Felmist"] = "Teufelsnebel"
NL["Felsteel Chest"] = "Teufelsstahltruhe"
NL["Feltail School"] = "Teufelsfinnenschwarm"
NL["Felweed"] = "Teufelsgras"
NL["Firebloom"] = "Feuerblüte"
NL["Firefin Snapper School"] = "Feuerflossenschnapperschwarm"
NL["Firethorn"] = "Feuerdorn"
NL["Flame Cap"] = "Flammenkappe"
NL["Floating Debris"] = "Schwimmende Trümmer"
NL["Floating Wreckage"] = "Treibende Wrackteile"
NL["Floating Wreckage Pool"] = "Floating Wreckage Pool"
NL["Fossil Archaeology Find"] = "Archäologischer fossiler Fund"
NL["Frost Lotus"] = "Frostlotus"
NL["Frozen Herb"] = "Gefrorenes Kraut"
NL["Ghost Mushroom"] = "Geisterpilz"
NL["Giant Clam"] = "Riesenmuschel"
NL["Glacial Salmon School"] = "Ein Schwarm Winterlachse"
NL["Glassfin Minnow School"] = "Ein Schwarm Glasflossenelritzen"
NL["Glowcap"] = "Glühkappe"
NL["Gold Vein"] = "Goldader"
NL["Goldclover"] = "Goldklee"
NL["Golden Sansam"] = "Goldener Sansam"
NL["Goldthorn"] = "Golddorn"
NL["Grave Moss"] = "Grabmoos"
NL["Greater Sagefish School"] = "Großer Schwarm Weisenfische"
NL["Gromsblood"] = "Gromsblut"
NL["Heartblossom"] = "Herzblüte"
NL["Heavy Fel Iron Chest"] = "Schwere Teufelseisentruhe"
NL["Highland Mixed School"] = "Mischschwarm des Hochlands"
NL["Huge Obsidian Slab"] = "Sehr große Obsidian-Platte "
NL["Icecap"] = "Eiskappe"
NL["Icethorn"] = "Eisdorn"
NL["Imperial Manta Ray School"] = "Ein Schwarm imperialer Mantarochen"
NL["Incendicite Mineral Vein"] = "Pyrophormineralvorkommen"
NL["Indurium Mineral Vein"] = "Induriummineralvorkommen"
NL["Iron Deposit"] = "Eisenvorkommen"
NL["Khadgar's Whisker"] = "Khadgars Schnurrbart"
NL["Khorium Vein"] = "Khoriumvorkommen"
NL["Kingsblood"] = "Königsblut"
NL["Large Battered Chest"] = "Große ramponierte Truhe"
NL["Large Darkwood Chest"] = "Große Dunkelholztruhe"
NL["Large Iron Bound Chest"] = "Große eisenbeschlagene Truhe"
NL["Large Mithril Bound Chest"] = "Große mithrilbeschlagene Truhe"
NL["Large Obsidian Chunk"] = "Großer Obsidianbrocken"
NL["Large Solid Chest"] = "Große robuste Truhe"
NL["Lesser Bloodstone Deposit"] = "Geringe Blutsteinablagerung"
NL["Lesser Firefin Snapper School"] = "Kleiner Feuerflossenschnapperschwarm"
NL["Lesser Floating Debris"] = "Lesser Floating Debris"
NL["Lesser Oily Blackmouth School"] = "Kleiner Schwarm öliger Schwarzmaulfische"
NL["Lesser Sagefish School"] = "Kleiner Weisenfischschwarm"
NL["Lichbloom"] = "Lichblüte"
NL["Liferoot"] = "Lebenswurz"
NL["Mageroyal"] = "Maguskönigskraut"
NL["Mana Thistle"] = "Manadistel"
NL["Mithril Deposit"] = "Mithrilablagerung"
NL["Moonglow Cuttlefish School"] = "Ein Schwarm Mondlichtsepia"
NL["Mossy Footlocker"] = "Moosbedeckte Schließkiste"
NL["Mountain Silversage"] = "Bergsilbersalbei"
-- NL["Muddy Churning Water"] = "Muddy Churning Water"
NL["Mudfish School"] = "Matschflosserschwarm"
NL["Musselback Sculpin School"] = "Muschelrückengropperschwarm"
-- NL["Nerubian Archaeology Find"] = "Nerubian Archaeology Find"
NL["Netherbloom"] = "Netherblüte"
NL["Nethercite Deposit"] = "Netheritablagerung"
NL["Netherdust Bush"] = "Netherstaubbusch"
NL["Netherwing Egg"] = "Ei der Netherschwingen"
NL["Nettlefish School"] = "Ein Schwarm Nesselfische"
NL["Night Elf Archaeology Find"] = "Archäologischer nachtelfischer Fund"
NL["Nightmare Vine"] = "Alptraumranke"
NL["Obsidian Chunk"] = "Obsidianbrocken"
NL["Obsidium Deposit"] = "Obsidianbrocken"
NL["Oil Spill"] = "Ölfleck"
NL["Oily Blackmouth School"] = "Schwarm öliger Schwarzmaulfische"
NL["Ooze Covered Gold Vein"] = "Schlammbedeckte Goldader"
NL["Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit"] = "Schlammbedeckte Mithrilablagerung"
NL["Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein"] = "Schlammbedecktes reiche Thoriumader"
NL["Ooze Covered Silver Vein"] = "Schlammbedeckte Silberader"
NL["Ooze Covered Thorium Vein"] = "Schlammbedeckte Thoriumader"
NL["Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit"] = "Schlammbedecktes Echtsilbervorkommen"
NL["Orc Archaeology Find"] = "Orc Archäologie Entdeckung "
-- NL["Other Archaeology Find"] = "Other Archaeology Find"
NL["Patch of Elemental Water"] = "Stelle mit Elementarwasser"
NL["Peacebloom"] = "Friedensblume"
NL["Plaguebloom"] = "Pestblüte"
NL["Practice Lockbox"] = "Übungsschließkassette"
NL["Primitive Chest"] = "Primitive Truhe"
NL["Pure Saronite Deposit"] = "Reine Saronite Ablagerung "
NL["Pure Water"] = "Reines Wasser"
NL["Purple Lotus"] = "Lila Lotus"
NL["Pyrite Deposit"] = "Pyritvorkommen"
NL["Ragveil"] = "Zottelkappe"
NL["Rich Adamantite Deposit"] = "Reiche Adamantitablagerung"
NL["Rich Cobalt Deposit"] = "Reiche Kobaltablagerung"
NL["Rich Elementium Vein"] = "Reiche Elementiumader"
NL["Rich Obsidium Deposit"] = "Reicher Obsidianbrocken"
NL["Rich Pyrite Deposit"] = "Reiches Pyritvorkommen"
NL["Rich Saronite Deposit"] = "Reiche Saronitablagerung"
NL["Rich Thorium Vein"] = "Reiche Thoriumader"
NL["Sagefish School"] = "Weisenfischschwarm"
NL["Saronite Deposit"] = "Saronitablagerung"
NL["Scarlet Footlocker"] = "Scharlachrote Schließkiste"
NL["School of Darter"] = "Stachelflosserschwarm"
NL["School of Deviate Fish"] = "Deviatfischschwarm"
NL["School of Tastyfish"] = "Leckerfischschwarm"
NL["Schooner Wreckage"] = "Schiffswrackteile"
NL["Silver Vein"] = "Silberader"
NL["Silverleaf"] = "Silberblatt"
NL["Small Obsidian Chunk"] = "Kleiner Obsidianbrocken"
NL["Small Thorium Vein"] = "Kleine Thoriumader"
NL["Solid Chest"] = "Robuste Truhe"
NL["Solid Fel Iron Chest"] = "Robuste Teufelseisentruhe"
NL["Sorrowmoss"] = "Trauermoos"
NL["Sparse Firefin Snapper School"] = "Spärlicher Feuerflossenschnapperschwarm"
NL["Sparse Oily Blackmouth School"] = "Spärlicher Schwarm öliger Schwarzmaulfische"
NL["Sparse Schooner Wreckage"] = "Sparse Schooner Wreckage"
NL["Sporefish School"] = "Sporenfischschwarm"
NL["Steam Cloud"] = "Dampfwolke"
NL["Steam Pump Flotsam"] = "Treibgut der Dampfpumpe"
NL["Stonescale Eel Swarm"] = "Steinschuppenaalschwarm"
NL["Stormvine"] = "Sturmwinde"
NL["Strange Pool"] = "Strange Pool"
NL["Stranglekelp"] = "Würgetang"
NL["Sungrass"] = "Sonnengras"
NL["Swamp Gas"] = "Sumpfgas"
NL["Talandra's Rose"] = "Talandras Rose"
NL["Tattered Chest"] = "Ramponierte Truhe"
NL["Teeming Firefin Snapper School"] = "Wimmelnder Feuerflossenschnapperschwarm"
NL["Teeming Floating Wreckage"] = "Teeming Floating Wreckage"
NL["Teeming Oily Blackmouth School"] = "Wimmelnder Schwarm öliger Schwarzmaulfische"
NL["Terocone"] = "Terozapfen"
NL["Tiger Lily"] = "Tigerlilie"
NL["Tin Vein"] = "Zinnader"
NL["Titanium Vein"] = "Titanvorkommen"
NL["Tol'vir Archaeology Find"] = "Archäologischer Fund der Tol'vir"
NL["Troll Archaeology Find"] = "Archäologischer trollischer Fund"
NL["Truesilver Deposit"] = "Echtsilbervorkommen"
NL["Twilight Jasmine"] = "Schattenjasmin"
NL["Un'Goro Dirt Pile"] = "Erdhaufen von Un'Goro"
-- NL["Vrykul Archaeology Find"] = "Vrykul Archaeology Find"
NL["Waterlogged Footlocker"] = "Durchnässte Schließkiste"
NL["Waterlogged Wreckage"] = "Treibholzwrackteile"
NL["Wicker Chest"] = "Weidentruhe"
NL["Wild Steelbloom"] = "Wildstahlblume"
NL["Windy Cloud"] = "Windige Wolke"
NL["Wintersbite"] = "Winterbiss"
so what's going to happne to data now for changed 1-60 zones? i know gm2 itself supports phasing so is it just gonna ignore nodes from old old world that are in data? is gathermate2 data gonna have that data removed as we collect new data now for those zones? data size will be double if gathermate2_data still contains two versions of all that data on import, even if one is ignored. so i'm curious on whether the new 1-60 is included as "classic" data or "cataclysm" data, so i know what not to import :)
Cleanup takes a long time to run just be patient it will complete.
gas nodes should be working. GatherMAte2_Data simply doesnt have a lot of gas nodes in it.
17 October 2010 16:15:57 (4 weeks ago)
You can if you wish import your GatherMate1 data into GatherMate2.
Todo so: enabel GM1 and GM2
type /gathermate2
goto Import and select convert GM1 database
Also, do I need to import on every character that uses this or will one import work for all characters/accounts?