GatherMate2 is an addon to collect and track herbs, mines, fishing pools, gas clouds, archaelogy finds and treasures, and displays them on the world map and the mini map.
This is the Retail version of GatherMate2, the version for WoW Classic can be found here
GatherMate will remember the location of every herb you pick or every ore you mine, so that you can easily find the positions of the herbs and mines again. Once you come into range of a recorded spot, GatherMate will show an icon representing the type of herb/ore/fish/etc. on your mini map, directly allowing you to decide if its worth checking out. Additionally, all spots are shown on the World Map, to ease navigation to certain types of nodes and making gathering more fun.
To give you a head start, GatherMate2 also offers a pre-filled data module, so you don't need to discover all herbs and mines yourself, but instead can just start gathering right away. Simply install GatherMate2_Data and hit a few buttons to import all the provided data, and you're good to go.
- Tracking of all gathering professions and more!
- Herbs
- Mines
- Gas Clouds
- Archaeology Digs
- Fishing Pools
- Treasures
- Display of all collected data on the World Map and the MiniMap
- Support for Routes
- Import data via GatherMate2_Data
- Share data in your guild with GatherMate_Sharing
Video about configuring this addon.
Using GatherMate2 is straight-forward.
After the installation, GatherMate2 is automatically active and collecting data.
You can configure which data should be shown on the World Map or MiniMap in the Configuration Dialog, which can be accessed either via the /gathermate slash command or be found in the Interface options in the WoW Menu.
Localization (Translation of Nodes)
GatherMate2 relies on the node names to be translated in all languages WoW supports. You can contribute additional translations for your language here using the Localization tool:
Any translations submitted through that tool will be automatically included in the next release.
GatherMate2_Data has been updated with all fresh data from Wowhead, including support for Shadowlands, and will be continously updated throughout the coming expansion.
If you are looking for a pre-filled database for GatherMate2, get GatherMate2_Data here:
"Please note this has been replaced with GatherMate2 for WoW 4.0"
This one says:
"GatherMate2 will have a conversion tool to convert older GatherMate1 data over to the new GatherMate2"
Does that mean that there's no conversion tool yet? Any chance there's going to be some additional info on installing this? If the current GatherMate_Data won't work with this what do we need to do to convert all our old GatherMate1 data?
it was a bug in teh display, not detecting professions properly.
MAke sure you got the latest build of both gm1 and gm2 and enable gm1 so you can do the import. I did a fishing node import this morning.
i cannot get it to import fishing data no matter what I do. and my fishing data for northrend is extensive just does not import it from gathermate1 data
GatherMAte sharing should work with both original GatherMate and GatherMate2.
Ive updated GatherMate_Sharing this morning to fix an issue when you had GatherMate2 installed.
Just a question on this, I know previously with the old Gathermate (1) you needed Gathermate_Sharing to sync and share with guild members, will this be built-in as an option for 2 or will Gathermate_Sharing be updated to work w/ 2?
It is "Kupferader" not "Kupfererz"
I think all german ores have changed to this style: "Anyore"ader
Zinnader, Goldader...
But i dont know exactly if its so
Evialor: ok didnt know your using the german client. Can you please go check the German translation for Copper Vein. I copied it from Gathermate 1, however that doesnt mean blizzard didnt change the translation. if a given node name isnt found via name lookup it isnt recorded.
For example whenever new nodes are added, Gathermate has to be updated to include those new names, since there is no way in game to determine without error the name of the node your harvesting so we have the localized names as part of the localization for gathermate. If those translations are wrong then if wont find the name of the node and not record it.
i dont get it ...
Maybe it is because i am using a german beta client? Herbing works like a charme, but with Kupferader / Copper Vein i have my problems.
Have checked the Filters and they are all checked
Will do.
That's excellent news.
If you want me to try out anything, just drop me a PM and I'll try importing from my live db.
I shoul dbe starting the Gathermate2Convertor this weekend
Excellent work on Gathermate(2)
Long time user of Gathermate and find it essential as a mad altoholic crafter.
Raised ticket 2 as in the beta the nodes for Obsidium are called "Obsidium Deposit" and not "Obsidian Chunk". End result is that the nodes don't get tracked.
Simple update of locale and Constants.lua files for Mining[233] and they are tracked again.
Keep up the great work!
Edit: Confirmed that build 20100921205621 corrects this issue. Many thanks for a very speedy fix.
Check your filter settings as it was working for me with a brand new char, that just learned mining and herbalism.
still mining problems. No markings on the map from gathered copper vein.
Latest Beta Build + Latest Addon Build
the FPS problems are over with last build.
EDIT: The bug is in the blizzard Debug tools. O posted on the cata forums.