Data extract for GatherMate2
How to install the data:
- 1.) install GatherMate2_Data
- 2.) Once in game, open gathermate (/gathermate)
- 3.) Select the Import section
- 4.) select the data you want and click import.
- 5.) Profit
State in Shadowlands
GatherMate2_Data and the background tools have been updated for Shadowlands, and early data for both Herbs and Mining locations is already available in the latest update. We'll keep updating the database as more information is uploaded to Wowhead!
it doesnt show any mining am I doing it wrong? plz help :?
Please i have a problem :s
Archeology nodes dont appear on map.
I reinstall and import the last Archeologydata.lua from Gathermate2 menu and activate all archeology nodes, I disable all archeology addon....but nothing.
Thats works for mining, herba.... not for archeo...
Whats is the problem :s
I'm new at addons so i need your help! I've downloaded the addon logged in but i couldn't find it anywhere, so i logged so i pressed the button AddOns in the log in menu, it said dependence missing so it couldn't run it. I've tried to reinstall it, but the same ahppens what should i do about it? please help me
When I gather something it works, but I cannot import the data, I have the data installed and I've selected everything already, but the import button remains grayed out. I've uninstalled and reinstalled both the addon and the data pack, but same problem. Is this a problem with the 64bit client?
So, I got it working and everything, but almost all of the little red circles which are supposed to indicate the location of ore are empty! I honestly feel scammed... I'm having just as much difficulty mining as I did before this. Any help would be appreciated!
You are missing the point. The circles show you where Ore CAN spawn on the map. This saves you from looking in places where the game never spawns a node. This is a huge time saver because it stops you wasting time in areas that ore will never be.
you mean like typing /gathermate2 and then clicking maintenance then cleanup? requesting features that have been there all along show's very little time was spent looking for it
it doesn't do it AT import, but it takes like 5 seconds to do after. You certainly don't have to do it manually.
I'm wondering if there's a possibility of getting an optional tool to cleanup the database as it's imported.
What I mean is, if you go to Winterspring, for example, and search for ore nodes you'll end up with dense clusters of circles on your minimap showing where nodes spawn. It's very easy to miss an actual node because the circles clutter everything up. I've temporarily fixed this by putting the alpha to 50% but this causes me other issues.
I was hoping for a way to remove duplicate nodes if they are within a certain range of each other (very small distances). I do this manually, but every time there's a database update, I end up losing all that work. It's to the point where I've quit updating the database.
i dont know by the other but i can not find in import for Azsharas Schleier.
I didn't state otherwise. I merely stated that the data included here is a raw dump from wowhead. The data is then meant to be cleaned up based on the user's preferences. Early cleanup by the author would mean the loss of data that some users may want or need.
The loss of fishing and cloud nodes is an issue for Gathermate2, NOT Gathermate2_Data. This is ONLY a database. If anyone has such issues, tickets should be posted at Gathermate2. Posting Gathermate2 issues in the Gathermate2_Data comments section isn't very effective.
There are some nodes that should be removed since they aren't in-game (ticket open in GatherMate2) and also Stranglethorn Vale was split in Cataclysm and the database still have data for the zone.
I have been exploring Feralas and Thousand Needles and i didn't found any Solid Chest instead i found:
I believe that this happen in all Azeroth but that would take quite a while to investigate.
@fixitman Fishing pools data and clouds data can't be extracted from wowhead.
Mysterious Camel Figurine do not seem to show up on the imported data am i missing somthing? other than that everything else seems fine
Pleeeeease add it to the data, unless there's a way I can do it manually (without having to find them all).
While Gathermate now logs Maplewood Treasure Chest and Dark Iron Treasure Chest, the data doesn't include information on them. The only ones that are logged are the ones I've found.
Anyone whos having trouble importing the data file. MAKE SURE you put the "GatherMate2_Data" file in your addons folder otherwise the import section on gathermate will be blank and you cant click anything. Hope this helps some people who had the same problem.
You're awesome... I dont have a whol lot of trust for random web clients like curse. Not saying its bad, i just dont like spending hours upon hours reinstalling windows or something along those lines just because i was one of the dumb ones.
But my point is, since i dont use the client, i download the addons, and this little piece is not very intuitive.
Thanks for your note, it helped me a lot.
I have the data file in a couple of places and it still is gray. Any ideas?
Something I've noticed, especially in Northrend, is that the treasure import doesn't include any of the Maplewood Treasure Chests.
This is meant to be a raw database based on user submissions to Wowhead. Cleanup is meant to be done by Gathermate2, based on individual user preferences. I'm glad it is left alone, so I can decide how the data is displayed.