This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.
Database dump for GatherMate
Data is gathered from several sources, including user submitted data.
The coordinates for all the nodes in Eastern Plaguelands are wrong. They added the new area for Death Knights over on the east, and the node data hasn't been moved to compensate.
"That data should still be right.... Ebon Hold is above the ground, not on it."
Wrong. I can confirm the data for EPL is incorrect. Ebon hold may be above the ground, but the entire eastern coastal area where Death Knights do their starting quest chain is on the ground and very much a new part of Eastern Plaguelands. All of the coordinates have been shifted southeast of where they should be.
i was wondering if you were the same maker of the wowhead data that wowmatrix seems to have in their search... if so, why is it that the nodes on the maps are off...
i was trying to use them in darkshore and it says there is a briarthorn but when i get to the location, there's nothing there????? what can i do?
WoW does not spawn every possible node. This is just a map of spawn points. Follow it to make your farming easier so you don't waste time searching in an area without spawn points.
i was wondering if you were the same maker of the wowhead data that wowmatrix seems to have in their search... if so, why is it that the nodes on the maps are off...
i was trying to use them in darkshore and it says there is a briarthorn but when i get to the location, there's nothing there????? what can i do?
need help installing this addon. i downloaded it and extracted in my addon folder, but cannot get it to import the data. am i doing something wrong? thanks in advance
the version number gets bumped weekly, I have an automated script to reharvest all the node data. so it should get more and more wrath data as it goes live as well.
In the settings for Gathermate you can import a database.
What you do is run this beside Gathermate and go into Gathermates Import Menu and Import the data from it.
1 - Get into settings Page (type /gathermate)
2 - Click ImportData, Then GathermateData
3 - (Optional) Put it on overwrite to delete the current found nodes
4 - Click the Big Red button saying 'Import GatherMateData'
Tra da!
Easy as that.
After that Gathermate will have all the known nodes shown on map/minimap.
I have been using the Gatermate. But it only shows nodes after i discover them. I was hoping that this application worked like your cartograper aplication for mining. All the possible nodes would show up on the minimap and when i would get close to the node it would open up to a red circle and if the ore was really there it would show the correct grafic. I seem to have to reload all minig addons every few months so i loose any date from ore discovery and that gets discouraging. This application does not get accepted in my addon screen at login...there is always a descrepency with this application but not with gathermate
I have not been able to get this application to work properly. Is it suppose to do the same thing that cartographer_mining did? All possible nodes are always suppose to show up on the minimap. There is always a discrepency with this application for me. Even if i check the "load out of date" box. I use simplemini map. Ill check to see if that is causing the discrepency issue. Anyone have any sugestion for me???
Not sure what could be causing this, but it seems like my nodes are "shifted" from where they should be - they are showing up a little ways of the right of where they should be? Any ideas?
My gathermate_data says it's outdated, but my gathermate says it's fine on my addons tab. However, when I gather, no node is created, and my data addon doesn't show anything. Is there still bugs?
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Wrong. I can confirm the data for EPL is incorrect. Ebon hold may be above the ground, but the entire eastern coastal area where Death Knights do their starting quest chain is on the ground and very much a new part of Eastern Plaguelands. All of the coordinates have been shifted southeast of where they should be.
i was trying to use them in darkshore and it says there is a briarthorn but when i get to the location, there's nothing there????? what can i do?
i was trying to use them in darkshore and it says there is a briarthorn but when i get to the location, there's nothing there????? what can i do?
In the settings for Gathermate you can import a database.
What you do is run this beside Gathermate and go into Gathermates Import Menu and Import the data from it.
1 - Get into settings Page (type /gathermate)
2 - Click ImportData, Then GathermateData
3 - (Optional) Put it on overwrite to delete the current found nodes
4 - Click the Big Red button saying 'Import GatherMateData'
Tra da!
Easy as that.
After that Gathermate will have all the known nodes shown on map/minimap.