Search, filter and craft gems in the game!
For non-Jewelcrafters, GemHelper serves as a encyclopedia for gems much like what AtlasLoot Enhanced is for instance and reputation loot. With many search filters for the exact gem colours, stats and materials, users can quickly find the best gem to socket into their new equipment without having to harass a Jewelcrafter or check a website about what gems are available.
For Jewelcrafters, GemHelper goes a step further and allows users to craft gems directly from the GemHelper UI with extra options such as "Have Materials" that Enchanters currently have. Jewelcrafters are also able to replace the default Blizzard Jewelcrafting UI.
The gem tooltips will list the materials needed to craft it or the location where the gem can be found/purchased. Currently, the database contains 565 gems. All gems should be (more or less) safe to query the server for (the link) because if someone has the gem on the server (in inventory, bank or socketted in gear) and has logged on since the last server reboot, it will be safe to query.
To use GemHelper, type /gh or /gemhelper ingame. If you are a Jewelcrafter, you open the GemHelper window by pressing the Jewelcrafting button on your actionbar or spellbook.
This addon can be used along with CraftList2, ATSW, Skillet.
If you open the GemHelper window via the slash command (/gh or /gemhelper), you will not be able to craft gems from it. You must open the GemHelper window via the Jewelcrafting button on your actionbars/spellbook. This is NOT a bug and is a limitation of the WoW game engine.
What I need
Localization information for various languages:
With the changes before Cataclysm was released many gems got renamed, new names introduced, some removed, etc. I'm unable to accurately update the existing non-English translations of GemHelper. I have enabled the Localization pages for everyone who can, to submit translations to be used for GemHelper.
Also, please review this ticket and post whatever information you can on non-English name structures.
Beta Testers: Astrae, Karenwise, Grum
And many thanks to Xinhuan's guild members for helping with gems!
Translators: Thanks to everyone who provided translations for GemHelper.
GemHelper 6.? versions will start appearing soon. GemHelper 6.? is to be used with World of Warcraft 6.0 (Warlords of Draenor) beta servers.
Continue to use GemHelper 5.4.? versions for Mists of Pandaria servers. Running GemHelper 6.? on Mists of Pandaria servers may not work.
What needs to be updated?
If you're referring to the issue reported here then I'm aware that it exists. If there is something else wrong, please create a ticket with the details.
I am away from home on vacation and won't be back until next week.
Please, update this add on.
Just an FYI, GemHelper versions 4.3.28 and r174 are the last working versions for World of Warcraft 4.3.x (Cataclysm).
All versions newer are intended to be used on the new beta World of Warcraft 5.0 Mists of Pandaria and may display errors if used on the current live servers.
Thanks, Tiker! I'll forward the link to my guildies and I'll get to testing it myself!
The first attempt at a broker LDB addon has been posted.
Any questions or problems - post them over there. :)
Ok. I'll see what I can do. :)
That would be cool, Tiker! I just read your reply to a guildie and he said that would be great!
The titan panel GemHelper mod was actually done by someone else and was never part of the main GemHelper mod.
The mod on WOWInterface says it's only maintained on now but the link is now invalid so I don't think it's maintained any more.
I should be able to put together a quick little broker mod for GemHelper if you want.
Sorry but the "have mats" option is for the materials you have on your character available to cut immediately no matter where you are.
I like your Addon very much, but would it be possible to have the addon besides checking you bags for mats, also check your Bank via the have materials checkbox?
The only thing I would suggest for this addon is the ability to further filter for gems by the item level in which you intend to use the gem on. Aside from that, I really like this addon so thank you for making it. It's a great alternative to bouncing out of the game to go to gem finder website to find a suitable gem, and even that website doesn't have the ability to filter by item level.
GemHelper (r144) in the files section here includes the epic gems coming in 4.3. Test this if you can on the PTR servers. If all is good it will be the next version for the live servers after the patch.
There are a handful of gems which are not crafted, same as crafted gems but are "Bind On Pickup". If anyone from the PTR servers know where these gems are from, please post a note in the ticket here and I'll update the in-game tool tips for them.
The build I just posted changes the layout a bit.
Gem materials section is now scrollable to fit more gem materials without increasing frame size.
Gem materials in that frame have been moved around a bit:
- newest gems (cataclsym) are at the top of the window... as more raw gems come out with future expansions, all current gems will move down the list.
- 6 columns - blue, red, yellow, green, orange, purple
- every 3rd or 4th row are the odd gems - metas, prismatics, etc..
Now to add the new gems from Cata's release.
Sounds good to me. I'll keep ya posted.
Not a problem. I'm just posting updated versions as I update the current gem information.
Please let me know if you run into problems as I release updates..
Here's the plan:
- Update all of the existing gems in GemHelper to make them filter correctly (from dropping spell power, etc. before Cataclysm)
- Fix any errors that pop up (I still occasionally get an error opening the default tradeskill window from GH when I first login)
- Add the new gems (need to figure out the best way to add the new ones - making the GH window wider will be too wide for anyone running Warcraft on the low resolution settings)
Other things planned but may or may not get done:
- Start rewriting things better support localizations
- Add more filters or something for the special bonuses from meta gems
- Anything else that comes up.....
Tiker, I just want to say 'thank you' for your efforts to revive this addon. I've been using this since you uploaded r112 and it seems to be working as it should (other than missing gems). I just downloaded r113 so we'll see how that goes....
Thumbs up!
I'm going to try and update it and get it working on my system here. If I'm successful I'll submit a request to have this project transferred to me (or at least get access to update it).