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GnomeWorks TradeSkill Frame -
a complete replacement for the blizzard trade skill frame.
you can click on a message to force it to fire to see how gw reacts (to help identify if a message needs to be sent in a particular sequence... like maybe there's a case where something's not updating properly and you find that forcing a particular message fixes the problem). if you click on the times/counts, they'll reset themselves.
Somewhat missed that text. Today i'w already made my glyphs and will not have time for my scribe this evening, will try to find a moment to try something tomorrow.
Queued few glyphs. Then was smashing on all those names in debug window. Game freezes from some of them, but nothing changes in queue window, nothing happens.
thanks. that's useful info. max's would be nice to see as well, but i can see that the processing happens when the inventory has been updated (three suspect functions here) and when the skill ranks change (2 suspect functions).
curious how things respond if you clear out the numbers and force either of these messages (click the name). is the processing smart enough to not do anything...?
r108 unusable, spamming chat with initialising, and many errors. Deleting cache dir and gw/lsw lua didn't help.
One of them:
ID: 4
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...rface\AddOns\GnomeWorks\PseudoTrades\Prospecting.lua line 199:
attempt to call method 'RegisterMessageDispatch' (a nil value)
[C]: RegisterMessageDispatch()
...rface\AddOns\GnomeWorks\PseudoTrades\Prospecting.lua:199: in main chunk
Have total issues with r108 where when I first log into WOW it spams "Gnomeworks r108 initialising". I can't open the trades up, and it takes over my chat window. So I am going back to r107.
On another note though, this is has got to be by far the best crafing addon hands down for the serious crafter. Thanks Sparky!
the latest revision has a frame to assist in debugging. gw uses messages to trigger a lot of the internal updates. i've added a simple frame to allow monitoring the messages and their execution times to help me figure out some places where gw might be bogging down. if you are experiencing lags, you can type "/gw debug" to bring up the message dispatch frame. there are maybe a dozen or so messages and probably only a few of them really get used with any frequency.
they are named for what process fired them off or what status has changed, so it might not be totally clear what each message actually relates to in terms of processing. for example, the inventoryScanComplete message actually doesn't include the time it takes to scan the inventory. instead it's the time it takes to update the queue (mostly).
anyway, you can click on a message to force it to fire to see how gw reacts (to help identify if a message needs to be sent in a particular sequence... like maybe there's a case where something's not updating properly and you find that forcing a particular message fixes the problem). if you click on the times/counts, they'll reset themselves. they should be mostly self explanatory. the "hooks" column indicates the number of functions that were listening for that message the last time it executed. the max column is the maximum time it took to process that a particular message.
the times don't exclude submessages (yet) so if one message triggers a function that fires off another message, then both messages are assessed the time of that submessage. i'll change this at some point to get a better accounting for time spent.
hopefully this tool will be useful for people experiencing slowdowns as a means to understand where those slowdowns are coming from.
sprocket, you can change the queue layout to "flat" and it will collapse like recipes/reagents into single entries. adjusting reagent sources at this level affects all entries.
ignoring particular inventories is going to be a big step and it's something i plan on doing soon. i want to approach the problem is a very modular way which requires some reworking of the basic inventory code (which it needs anyway because there's something wrong at the moment). once i rework it to be modular, it will be possible to easily adjust what gw tracks and how it presents that information.
i'm not entirely sure i follow your comment about the grouping of ah purchases. i do agree that the ah scanning can be overwhelming with information that is hard to understand, so i'm working a means to help make it simpler. the latest version lists all reagents you might be interested in from your queued items. this list is only the items it can't find in your bags/on your alts. it's an easy way to comparison shop, but unfortunately there's no way to know what is really comparing to what. i want to organize this better so that it's more clear what your options are. i have some ideas on how to get this working better.
you can always ignore suggestions with gw. the primary design goal with gw is the idea of a dynamic queue that reacts to changing inventory. if it says buy peacebloom and you say f it and buy silverleaf, gw will see you have silverleaf and automatically use it instead. in fact, most of the shopping list buttons aren't actually tied to a particular use. that is, if you click an item in the bank retrieval list while you're at a vendor, gw will try to buy that item from the vendor. i think only the auction items are explicitly linked to firing off auction scans, but i might be wrong there.
I've been using Gnomeworks for inscription for a few months now and rather enjoying the work. I'd like to throw out some suggestions in the hopes that I can help with the project or someone can help me understand how to better use the tool.
I really wish there was a way to alter the source of components at the shopping list level. For example, right now ink-trading is too expensive. So I find myself looking at the shopping list for trades that have been queued and then digging through the queue to find the trades and adjust them to source the actual ink in question. It seems like it would be much easier to do those changes at the shopping list rather than the queue (although I suppose at the queue allows for small tweaks here and there in the work flow).
I'd like to tell GW to ignore the guild bank (or similar sources) entirely during some runs. In my case, our guild bank is well stocked. However, a lot of the time I'm crafting for my own profit making enterprise. The guild bank is not for my own profit. So more times than not, I do not want to source materials from there. However, there ARE times when a guildmate needs an item which is why guild bank resources exist. As GW gets more complex about how it solves the problem of materials, this issue gets more noticeable.
I'm wondering if it would help to group AH purchases under the raw material being sought. In my case, I keep checking out the latest r10x build but always revert to my last known comfortable r83 as I prefer to see that I need X pigment Y to feed my queued production run. With my current AH addon choices, I can grab my shopping list for pigment Y and look over the appropriate herbs. As I'm not entirely happy with how GW is currently solving my sourcing issues, if it at least grouped everything under the raw pigments, I could collapse the group and ignore the suggestions easily during my shopping.
Again - since this is my first time posting, I'd like to thank lilsparky for the work so far. I look forward to see how the project continues to evolve.
asesine, you do have gw running on the alts, right? i changed the way i'm adding up alt inventory to hopefully be somewhat more efficient, but i think it's likely broken as a few people have mentioned incorrect counts. i plan on working on this code again today.
esran, the auction tab ties into the gw reagent price scanner to help you determine what reagents are available at the auction house (and to help identify a good price for those items). queue up your items, visit the auction house, hit scan (from the queue frame or from the auction tab) and it will scan for every reagent that might be useful to your current queued recipes to compare different methods to craft what you want. you can use the auction tab to quickly buy the reagents you need and compare prices between different pathways to your goal.
sarah, the problem with 106/107 is that i'm trying to optimize the dynamic queue computations and i think i've unplugged something related to the update cycle. basically, it used to update the queue on every bag update event (event in the general sense, not the actual api event). so when you'd craft an item, it'd update. when you'd loot something, it'd update. i've tried to optimize this, but now it's missing times where it should update. i'll see where i'm goofing up.
somebody else mentioned an inability to change recipe sources. i wonder if you're experiencing the same problem. not sure what's changed in that regard lately... i've been concentrating on different aspect of the code recently because after taking a few days away from the project, the intricacies of exactly what i was doing were a bit vague. especially since it's been so fluid. maybe coming at it fresh will be a good thing.
i agree that having a "do not use this" option would be valuable. the auction tab contains the full list of all reagents being considered for purchase. that would be a great place to add a temporary flag to avoid that item.
i feel like the auction tab needs some way to help you identify why those reagents were added and which ones are related to each other. maybe it the auction tab reagent list should break down by manual queue entry. so instead of every reagent you need, it would list your queued glyphs and then you could open those glyphs to see all the reagents they need (possibly even adding a count column). i think that would help organize things a bit better. right now, it seems like information overload. ideally, i want the user to be able to comparison shop for the correct items as even if gw was good at pricing, it's still worthwhile to give the user the ability to verify or over-ride for whatever reason.
i haven't really done much to the pricing scheme. i think i'm favoring the manual approach first which will help me debug the automatic approach later. if it's difficult to tell if gw is doing a good job, then the data isn't being presented very well.
i'm still weighing options for how to manage the automated price scanning system... i'll check into the draw issues. it used to not play nice with auctioneer, but i think i fixed that. maybe i've still got a forced ":Show()" in there from when the frame was its own window.
I hold all of my crafted glyphs on 3 alts and they use to display quantity I had on those alts in the inventory column. I want to say sometime have r102/103, the inventory of my alts stopped showing up so it is making it harder to craft more precisely.
When I say I updated my data via Altoholic, I simply mean I logged onto my alts immediately prior to trying to craft so I have the correct inventory count.
Since upgrading to r106, I am seeing a regression of an old bug with the process button. When you create items, it updates very slowly and sometimes fails to update properly at all.
For example, I just had it set to craft 3 shimmering ink and then 1 glyph of exorcism. It slowly counted down to 2 ink and 1 ink, but then got stuck wanting to craft 1 shimmering ink. I waited a good thirty seconds and it never switched to wanting to craft Glyph of Exorcism. Closing all the GW windows and re-opening them made things better.
I am still seeing exactly the same thing in r107.
It doesn't do this every time. There seems to be a race condition, where if there's a little pause (due probably to an inventory tracker add-on) it misses its update and ends up thinking it needs to make one more when it's actually finished.
I also had a lot of issues trying to use r106 and change the recipes I want to use. (Not sure yet if it's the same in r107.) I had a three Dragon's Teeth in the bank, and I queued up a dozen different glyphs like I usually do. I could *not*, no matter how hard I tried, convince GW that I didn't want to buy more Dragon's Teeth when there are tons of much cheaper herbs to use.
(I could buy 5 Khadgar's Whisker for less than the 2 Dragon's Teeth I would've needed to make progress.)
In flat mode, it didn't seem to do anything at all. When I put it in grouped mode, I was able to click, one by one, and tell it not to buy Dragon's Teeth for a particular recipe, but then it would tell me to buy them for the next recipe. Eventually I get down to the tenth recipe and it wouldn't let me pick another source.
I'm not so worried if the auction-house scanner doesn't come up with the perfect mechanism, but there needs to be an easy way to tell GW not to use some resource. I ended up having disable the queueing features altogether and just create each reagent manually, because it was convinced this was the only way to make ink.
The AH scanner is still pretty poor at finding the cheapest path. Have you done any work on this? I think that a truly-optimal solution may be computationally intractable, as well as undefined due to issues like residual reagents and products. Even if you defined an acceptable cost metric and spent the cycles to calculate the truly cheapest mechanism, the solution it found would potentially be unstable as the auction house changed.
(Now I'm remembering why I was so concerned about making this a core feature instead of an optional module….)
I think though that you can do very well using a simple greedy algorithm. Simply put, instead of planning everything out all at once, just figure out the cheapest way to make progress right now. Make that your recommendation. Once the user does that, do the same thing.
I would suggest that if you only need 3 more herbs to make a stack of 5 to mill and they're available in lots of 20, just prorate the cost as if you could buy 3 of the 20. (If you don't do this, the algorithm becomes far more complicated, and I think it's a fair metric anyway. The user will clearly see what is going on.)
This means GW wouldn't necessarily say buy 60 of this herb A and 40 of herb B up front. Instead it would say let's start with this herb, and start snatching it up. But you could, of course, run all the way through the greedy algorithm internally and wind up with that kind of a calculation, as well as an accurate total cost.
I actually did some thinking about this over the holidays and played with a little pseudocode. If you'd like me to take a stab at a prototype I might have some time in the next week or so.
I like the new AH tab better than the old window I think, but it does some really ugly stuff if you tell GW to scan and you're not already looking at the GW tab. You need to either automatically switch the tab or don't do the drawing if the tab isn't open.
are you saying it doesn't list the recipe when your right click, or is the problem that you select it, but it doesn't seem to do anything? the list that shows up is in order of preference, so if the ink recipe is before the vendor conversion, then it will try the ink recipe first.
the way the logic goes, gw will try each successive step to fill your needs. it will use your known recipes to craft reagents that are craftable based on current inventories. by "available" i mean in your bags, bank, etc or known to exist at the auction house. if it can't craft something, it won't bother telling you to craft it (because it knows you can't given the current inventory of items). it's late, i hope that made sense.
can you tell me a bit more about the details of the situation? don't need the sv lua just yet.
well most are but not all as GW wont allow all to be changed from conversion to normal ink
if you want i can upload a lua file with my queue for you to have a go at if you want
hevreka, all recipes in the queue are changeable via a right click. so if you want to use some other recipe instead of an ink conversion, right click the ink conversion and select the direct ink creation. if you view in the flat layout, you can hit all inks of the same variety at one time.
Is there a way to tell GnomeWorks "Not to use Ink Conversion" and just use "normal ink" or could you add an option that could be pass to GnomeWorks to tell in to use normal ink or use ink conversion.??
yeoman, the reason that recipe is showing up is because you've visited the trainer has recorded that it will be available at 470. since you are currently at 469 and have a 100% skill up recipe queued up (int on cloak), gw is predicting that you will be 470 and so it will show that 470 skill recipe as being orange (instead of red). the idea being that as you queue recipes, gw will let you queue up recipes you haven't learned yet so that you can plan ahead when power leveling.
cantar, in the "details frame" (lower left) you can shift-click on the recipe name to link to chat. i've reserved modified clicks in the skill list for group manipulations and multi-selecting (to be activated soon, i hope).
I have looked everywhere I can think of but can't find an answer to this. How the heck do you link recipes in chat using Gnomeworks? I prefer it over ATSW and Skillet but I have to disable it and reload UI to link recipes. Please help.
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Somewhat missed that text. Today i'w already made my glyphs and will not have time for my scribe this evening, will try to find a moment to try something tomorrow.
Queued few glyphs. Then was smashing on all those names in debug window. Game freezes from some of them, but nothing changes in queue window, nothing happens.
thanks. that's useful info. max's would be nice to see as well, but i can see that the processing happens when the inventory has been updated (three suspect functions here) and when the skill ranks change (2 suspect functions).
curious how things respond if you clear out the numbers and force either of these messages (click the name). is the processing smart enough to not do anything...?
gw r109
lsw r110
Things, that have changed when i made glyph 7 times in queue (total queue is around 500-700 glyphs).
oops. forgot i added a new file. sigh.
make sure to exit the client when updating so the file will be seen.
r108 unusable, spamming chat with initialising, and many errors. Deleting cache dir and gw/lsw lua didn't help.
One of them:
ID: 4
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...rface\AddOns\GnomeWorks\PseudoTrades\Prospecting.lua line 199:
attempt to call method 'RegisterMessageDispatch' (a nil value)
[C]: RegisterMessageDispatch()
...rface\AddOns\GnomeWorks\PseudoTrades\Prospecting.lua:199: in main chunk
Used Gnomeworks for a while now.
Have total issues with r108 where when I first log into WOW it spams "Gnomeworks r108 initialising". I can't open the trades up, and it takes over my chat window. So I am going back to r107.
On another note though, this is has got to be by far the best crafing addon hands down for the serious crafter. Thanks Sparky!
the latest revision has a frame to assist in debugging. gw uses messages to trigger a lot of the internal updates. i've added a simple frame to allow monitoring the messages and their execution times to help me figure out some places where gw might be bogging down. if you are experiencing lags, you can type "/gw debug" to bring up the message dispatch frame. there are maybe a dozen or so messages and probably only a few of them really get used with any frequency.
they are named for what process fired them off or what status has changed, so it might not be totally clear what each message actually relates to in terms of processing. for example, the inventoryScanComplete message actually doesn't include the time it takes to scan the inventory. instead it's the time it takes to update the queue (mostly).
anyway, you can click on a message to force it to fire to see how gw reacts (to help identify if a message needs to be sent in a particular sequence... like maybe there's a case where something's not updating properly and you find that forcing a particular message fixes the problem). if you click on the times/counts, they'll reset themselves. they should be mostly self explanatory. the "hooks" column indicates the number of functions that were listening for that message the last time it executed. the max column is the maximum time it took to process that a particular message.
the times don't exclude submessages (yet) so if one message triggers a function that fires off another message, then both messages are assessed the time of that submessage. i'll change this at some point to get a better accounting for time spent.
hopefully this tool will be useful for people experiencing slowdowns as a means to understand where those slowdowns are coming from.
sprocket, you can change the queue layout to "flat" and it will collapse like recipes/reagents into single entries. adjusting reagent sources at this level affects all entries.
ignoring particular inventories is going to be a big step and it's something i plan on doing soon. i want to approach the problem is a very modular way which requires some reworking of the basic inventory code (which it needs anyway because there's something wrong at the moment). once i rework it to be modular, it will be possible to easily adjust what gw tracks and how it presents that information.
i'm not entirely sure i follow your comment about the grouping of ah purchases. i do agree that the ah scanning can be overwhelming with information that is hard to understand, so i'm working a means to help make it simpler. the latest version lists all reagents you might be interested in from your queued items. this list is only the items it can't find in your bags/on your alts. it's an easy way to comparison shop, but unfortunately there's no way to know what is really comparing to what. i want to organize this better so that it's more clear what your options are. i have some ideas on how to get this working better.
you can always ignore suggestions with gw. the primary design goal with gw is the idea of a dynamic queue that reacts to changing inventory. if it says buy peacebloom and you say f it and buy silverleaf, gw will see you have silverleaf and automatically use it instead. in fact, most of the shopping list buttons aren't actually tied to a particular use. that is, if you click an item in the bank retrieval list while you're at a vendor, gw will try to buy that item from the vendor. i think only the auction items are explicitly linked to firing off auction scans, but i might be wrong there.
glad you like it and thanks for the feedback.
I've been using Gnomeworks for inscription for a few months now and rather enjoying the work. I'd like to throw out some suggestions in the hopes that I can help with the project or someone can help me understand how to better use the tool.
I really wish there was a way to alter the source of components at the shopping list level. For example, right now ink-trading is too expensive. So I find myself looking at the shopping list for trades that have been queued and then digging through the queue to find the trades and adjust them to source the actual ink in question. It seems like it would be much easier to do those changes at the shopping list rather than the queue (although I suppose at the queue allows for small tweaks here and there in the work flow).
I'd like to tell GW to ignore the guild bank (or similar sources) entirely during some runs. In my case, our guild bank is well stocked. However, a lot of the time I'm crafting for my own profit making enterprise. The guild bank is not for my own profit. So more times than not, I do not want to source materials from there. However, there ARE times when a guildmate needs an item which is why guild bank resources exist. As GW gets more complex about how it solves the problem of materials, this issue gets more noticeable.
I'm wondering if it would help to group AH purchases under the raw material being sought. In my case, I keep checking out the latest r10x build but always revert to my last known comfortable r83 as I prefer to see that I need X pigment Y to feed my queued production run. With my current AH addon choices, I can grab my shopping list for pigment Y and look over the appropriate herbs. As I'm not entirely happy with how GW is currently solving my sourcing issues, if it at least grouped everything under the raw pigments, I could collapse the group and ignore the suggestions easily during my shopping.
Again - since this is my first time posting, I'd like to thank lilsparky for the work so far. I look forward to see how the project continues to evolve.
asesine, you do have gw running on the alts, right? i changed the way i'm adding up alt inventory to hopefully be somewhat more efficient, but i think it's likely broken as a few people have mentioned incorrect counts. i plan on working on this code again today.
esran, the auction tab ties into the gw reagent price scanner to help you determine what reagents are available at the auction house (and to help identify a good price for those items). queue up your items, visit the auction house, hit scan (from the queue frame or from the auction tab) and it will scan for every reagent that might be useful to your current queued recipes to compare different methods to craft what you want. you can use the auction tab to quickly buy the reagents you need and compare prices between different pathways to your goal.
sarah, the problem with 106/107 is that i'm trying to optimize the dynamic queue computations and i think i've unplugged something related to the update cycle. basically, it used to update the queue on every bag update event (event in the general sense, not the actual api event). so when you'd craft an item, it'd update. when you'd loot something, it'd update. i've tried to optimize this, but now it's missing times where it should update. i'll see where i'm goofing up.
somebody else mentioned an inability to change recipe sources. i wonder if you're experiencing the same problem. not sure what's changed in that regard lately... i've been concentrating on different aspect of the code recently because after taking a few days away from the project, the intricacies of exactly what i was doing were a bit vague. especially since it's been so fluid. maybe coming at it fresh will be a good thing.
i agree that having a "do not use this" option would be valuable. the auction tab contains the full list of all reagents being considered for purchase. that would be a great place to add a temporary flag to avoid that item.
i feel like the auction tab needs some way to help you identify why those reagents were added and which ones are related to each other. maybe it the auction tab reagent list should break down by manual queue entry. so instead of every reagent you need, it would list your queued glyphs and then you could open those glyphs to see all the reagents they need (possibly even adding a count column). i think that would help organize things a bit better. right now, it seems like information overload. ideally, i want the user to be able to comparison shop for the correct items as even if gw was good at pricing, it's still worthwhile to give the user the ability to verify or over-ride for whatever reason.
i haven't really done much to the pricing scheme. i think i'm favoring the manual approach first which will help me debug the automatic approach later. if it's difficult to tell if gw is doing a good job, then the data isn't being presented very well.
i'm still weighing options for how to manage the automated price scanning system... i'll check into the draw issues. it used to not play nice with auctioneer, but i think i fixed that. maybe i've still got a forced ":Show()" in there from when the frame was its own window.
I hold all of my crafted glyphs on 3 alts and they use to display quantity I had on those alts in the inventory column. I want to say sometime have r102/103, the inventory of my alts stopped showing up so it is making it harder to craft more precisely.
When I say I updated my data via Altoholic, I simply mean I logged onto my alts immediately prior to trying to craft so I have the correct inventory count.
What is the GnomeWorks auction tab supposed to do?
Hey LS,
Since upgrading to r106, I am seeing a regression of an old bug with the process button. When you create items, it updates very slowly and sometimes fails to update properly at all.
For example, I just had it set to craft 3 shimmering ink and then 1 glyph of exorcism. It slowly counted down to 2 ink and 1 ink, but then got stuck wanting to craft 1 shimmering ink. I waited a good thirty seconds and it never switched to wanting to craft Glyph of Exorcism. Closing all the GW windows and re-opening them made things better.
I am still seeing exactly the same thing in r107.
It doesn't do this every time. There seems to be a race condition, where if there's a little pause (due probably to an inventory tracker add-on) it misses its update and ends up thinking it needs to make one more when it's actually finished.
I also had a lot of issues trying to use r106 and change the recipes I want to use. (Not sure yet if it's the same in r107.) I had a three Dragon's Teeth in the bank, and I queued up a dozen different glyphs like I usually do. I could *not*, no matter how hard I tried, convince GW that I didn't want to buy more Dragon's Teeth when there are tons of much cheaper herbs to use.
(I could buy 5 Khadgar's Whisker for less than the 2 Dragon's Teeth I would've needed to make progress.)
In flat mode, it didn't seem to do anything at all. When I put it in grouped mode, I was able to click, one by one, and tell it not to buy Dragon's Teeth for a particular recipe, but then it would tell me to buy them for the next recipe. Eventually I get down to the tenth recipe and it wouldn't let me pick another source.
I'm not so worried if the auction-house scanner doesn't come up with the perfect mechanism, but there needs to be an easy way to tell GW not to use some resource. I ended up having disable the queueing features altogether and just create each reagent manually, because it was convinced this was the only way to make ink.
The AH scanner is still pretty poor at finding the cheapest path. Have you done any work on this? I think that a truly-optimal solution may be computationally intractable, as well as undefined due to issues like residual reagents and products. Even if you defined an acceptable cost metric and spent the cycles to calculate the truly cheapest mechanism, the solution it found would potentially be unstable as the auction house changed.
(Now I'm remembering why I was so concerned about making this a core feature instead of an optional module….)
I think though that you can do very well using a simple greedy algorithm. Simply put, instead of planning everything out all at once, just figure out the cheapest way to make progress right now. Make that your recommendation. Once the user does that, do the same thing.
I would suggest that if you only need 3 more herbs to make a stack of 5 to mill and they're available in lots of 20, just prorate the cost as if you could buy 3 of the 20. (If you don't do this, the algorithm becomes far more complicated, and I think it's a fair metric anyway. The user will clearly see what is going on.)
This means GW wouldn't necessarily say buy 60 of this herb A and 40 of herb B up front. Instead it would say let's start with this herb, and start snatching it up. But you could, of course, run all the way through the greedy algorithm internally and wind up with that kind of a calculation, as well as an accurate total cost.
I actually did some thinking about this over the holidays and played with a little pseudocode. If you'd like me to take a stab at a prototype I might have some time in the next week or so.
I like the new AH tab better than the old window I think, but it does some really ugly stuff if you tell GW to scan and you're not already looking at the GW tab. You need to either automatically switch the tab or don't do the drawing if the tab isn't open.
are you saying it doesn't list the recipe when your right click, or is the problem that you select it, but it doesn't seem to do anything? the list that shows up is in order of preference, so if the ink recipe is before the vendor conversion, then it will try the ink recipe first.
the way the logic goes, gw will try each successive step to fill your needs. it will use your known recipes to craft reagents that are craftable based on current inventories. by "available" i mean in your bags, bank, etc or known to exist at the auction house. if it can't craft something, it won't bother telling you to craft it (because it knows you can't given the current inventory of items). it's late, i hope that made sense.
can you tell me a bit more about the details of the situation? don't need the sv lua just yet.
well most are but not all as GW wont allow all to be changed from conversion to normal ink if you want i can upload a lua file with my queue for you to have a go at if you want
hevreka, all recipes in the queue are changeable via a right click. so if you want to use some other recipe instead of an ink conversion, right click the ink conversion and select the direct ink creation. if you view in the flat layout, you can hit all inks of the same variety at one time.
Lilsparky Q for you
Is there a way to tell GnomeWorks "Not to use Ink Conversion" and just use "normal ink" or could you add an option that could be pass to GnomeWorks to tell in to use normal ink or use ink conversion.??
My Best Regards Hevreka
Edit: Thanks for the quick fix! <3 <3
I am also receiving an error every time I loot or move items in my bags:
yeoman, the reason that recipe is showing up is because you've visited the trainer has recorded that it will be available at 470. since you are currently at 469 and have a 100% skill up recipe queued up (int on cloak), gw is predicting that you will be 470 and so it will show that 470 skill recipe as being orange (instead of red). the idea being that as you queue recipes, gw will let you queue up recipes you haven't learned yet so that you can plan ahead when power leveling.
cantar, in the "details frame" (lower left) you can shift-click on the recipe name to link to chat. i've reserved modified clicks in the skill list for group manipulations and multi-selecting (to be activated soon, i hope).
I have looked everywhere I can think of but can't find an answer to this. How the heck do you link recipes in chat using Gnomeworks? I prefer it over ATSW and Skillet but I have to disable it and reload UI to link recipes. Please help.