Gnomish Yellow Pages
The Gnomish Yellow Pages will monitor all chat traffic to identify people advertising trade skills. As trade skill ads are identified, they are recorded and stored for later retrieval.
type: /gyp
to bring up a window with all information in an easy to read table.
strangers names appear in white
guildmates are displayed in green
friends are displayed in yellow
anybody in your local zone is shown in cyan
all offline players are red
the row of trade skill buttons will access the entire database of trade recipes so you can search for whatever recipe you wish. click to open whatever trade skill browser you use.
when browsing a trade skill, selecting a recipe will cause gyp to update the trade link color to light blue if that recipe is contained in that link. also any searches in the trade skill browser will be reflected in the gyp link color -- links that contain none of the recipes returned by the search will be dark yellow; normal yellow links indicate that at least one of the recipes in the browser window matches the trade link.
sorry, there's no way to query the trade skill of a player.
Date: 2009-02-10 17:45:26
ID: 23
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...ace\AddOns\GnomishYellowPages\GnomishYellowPages.lua line 1759:
GetSpellInfo(): Invalid spell slot
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[C]: GetSpellInfo()
...ace\AddOns\GnomishYellowPages\GnomishYellowPages.lua:2653: value()
[C]: ChatEdit_ParseText()
..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2930: ChatEdit_SendText()
..\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2951: ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed()
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1:
[string "*:OnEnterPressed"]:1
if you're handy with a text editor, you can change line 1755 to remove the trailing "|h" from:
local _,_,tradeID,level,bitmap = string.find(link, "trade:(%d+):(%d+):%d+:[0-9a-fA-F]+:([A-Za-z0-9+/]+)|h")
so that it reads:
local _,_,tradeID,level,bitmap = string.find(link, "trade:(%d+):(%d+):%d+:[0-9a-fA-F]+:([A-Za-z0-9+/]+)")
or you can download the alpha from wowace's project files.
One thing I noticed when I first logged in after patch 3.0.9 is that 1) the formula database had to rebuild and 2) all of the existing user data had been nuked.
My primary reason for using this mod is to track down people with rare formulas. It's sometimes very difficult when they aren't online a lot or don't have the habit of linking their trade in chat (I have to bug them to do so). It would be great if the old data could somehow be kept or converted.
I'd also like to see a text search field where I can type in a part of the name or component like "frost" and see results, rather than have to discover the exact name of the formula.
starting with my next release, i'll include the current patch's data so that you'll only need to scan if a new patch comes out and you run gyp before i have a chance to update the data.
i'm leaving searching out of gyp in favor of leveraging whatever trade skill ui you're using. if you want to find a specific recipe, click on the trade icons in gyp. those have the complete list of all trade skills so you can use your trade skill ui to search for "frost". if you find the one you like, click it and the people who have it will have cyan trade links.
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...ace\AddOns\GnomishYellowPages\GnomishYellowPages.lua line 2589:
Usage: SliderID2:SetValue(value)
[C]: ?
[C]: SetValue()
...ace\AddOns\GnomishYellowPages\GnomishYellowPages.lua:3267: ?()
Swatter, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
AdvancedTradeSkillWindow, v
ArkInventory, v3.02
AucAdvanced, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
AucFilterBasic, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.3.4105.2531
AucMatchUndercut, v5.3.4105.2531
AucStatClassic, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
AucStatHistogram, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
AucStatiLevel, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
AucStatPurchased, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
AucStatSales, v5.3.4105.2842
AucStatSimple, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
AucStatStdDev, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.3.4105.2530
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.3.4105.3311
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.3.4105.2530
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.3.4105.3175
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.3.4105.3142
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.3.4105.2530
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.3.4105.3583
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.3.4105.3108
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.3.4105.2545
AucUtilScanButton, v5.3.4105.2530
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.3.4105.2530
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.3.4105.2530
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.3.4105.3655
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.3.4105.0
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.3.4105.2530
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.130
BeanCounter, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
BonusScanner, v4.7
BrokerBonusScanner, v1.0b
ButtonFacade, v3.0.225
Carbonite, v3.001
CarboniteTransfer, v1.01
ChatMOD, v131
Chinchilla, v
Coconuts, v2.6.162
Configator, v5.1.DEV.130
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.130
DoIKnowYou, v1.02
Dominos, v1.8.3
DominosBuff, v
DominosCast, v
DominosRoll, v
DominosXP, v
Enchantrix, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
EnchantrixBarker, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
EnhTooltip, v5.1.3715 (SnaggleTooth)
GatherMate, vv1.16
GnomishYellowPages, vr35
Informant, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
ItemDataCache, v1.303
LightHeaded, v278
Outfitter, v4.5b2
PitBull, vv3.2.9
PitBullAura, v2.0
PitBullBanzai, v1.0
PitBullBarFader, v0.1
PitBullCastBar, v2.0
PitBullCombatIcon, v2.0
PitBullCombatText, v2.0
PitBullComboPoints, v2.0
PitBullExperienceBar, v2.0
PitBullHealthBar, v2.0
PitBullHideBlizzard, v2.0
PitBullHighlight, v2.0
PitBullLeaderIcon, v2.0
PitBullMasterLooterIcon, v2.0
PitBullPortrait, v2.0
PitBullPowerBar, v2.0
PitBullPvPIcon, v2.0
PitBullRaidTargetIcon, v2.0
PitBullRangeCheck, v0.2
PitBullReadyCheckIcon, v2.0
PitBullReputationBar, v2.0
PitBullRestIcon, v2.0
PitBullSpark, v2.0
PitBullThreatBar, v2.0
PitBullVisualHeal, v2.0
PitBullVoiceIcon, v2.0
Quartz, v1.0
QuartzBuff, v1.0
QuartzFlight, v1.0
QuartzFocus, v1.0
QuartzGCD, v1.0
QuartzInterrupt, v1.0
QuartzLatency, v1.0
QuartzMirror, v1.0
QuartzPet, v1.0
QuartzPlayer, v1.0
QuartzRange, v1.0
QuartzSwing, v1.0
QuartzTarget, v1.0
QuartzTimer, v1.0
QuartzTradeskill, v1.0
QuestGuru, v0.9.8
SlideBar, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
Stubby, v5.3.4105 (DingoIII)
Talented, v1.9.6
Titan, v4.1.8.30000 (Revision 180)
TitanBag, v4.1.8.30000
TitanClock, v4.1.8.30000
TitanCoords, v4.1.8.30000
TitanGoldTracker, v4.1.8.30000
TitanItemBonuses, v4.1.6.30000
TitanLootType, v4.1.8.30000
TitanPerformance, v4.1.8.30000
TitanRegen, v4.1.8.30000
TitanRepair, v4.1.8.30000
TitanVolume, v4.1.8.30000
TitanXP, v4.1.8.30000
VendorBait, v3.0.3.2
WIM, v3.0.10
you can filter via the column headers. right click on the player header and you get options to filter out offline players and/or strangers (ie, not guild or friends).
if you have a trade skill window open when links are posted, they will not make it into gyp until you close your trade skill window. this is because gyp uses the trade skill api to validate the links before recording them. this might make it appear links are not being recorded.
is that what you meant by your alchemy list is staying void -- that links were not being recorded when it seemed they should?
it also understands when you link somebody else's trade link that the link belongs to that other person and not you.
for guild related recipe stuff, you might also wanna look at "guild craft" which does auto syncing with other guildmates (assuming they're also running guild craft).
i've since added a discovery system to account for most patching issues (gyp will take a moment to collect the necessary info to encode/decode trade links for the current build when it's necessary to do so).
when you say explode, you just mean it collects lots of data, right?
you can filter the display by right-clicking the headers.
player filtering options are:
"show offline" -- uncheck to only show players currently online "show strangers" -- uncheck to only show friends/guildmates
you can also filter by trade level, explicit profession, and age of link...
at some point (soon i hope) i'll add the ability to ignore or purge links by the same kind of system. in the meantime, you can hand delete items you don't want. drag-clicking (or shift clicking) will select multple entries -- delete/backspace to delete them.
that would be lovely with the friend/guildie filter cause atm.. just loggin into dalaran = gyp nearly explodes with all the links in trade chan :)
well, at this point, i've removed libtradelinks from my system so that's not necessary anymore. good to know, tho.