Adds manabars to the sides of Grid frames.
GridManaBars consist of two parts: a new bar indicator and a status which provides the power (mana, energy, rage, runepower) of an unit as a status. If you register the mana status with the bar indicator you get a mana bar (which should be set this way per default).
In case of Problems
Please use only the release versions of this addon! While I keep sure that every release version works with the latest Grid release I do not care if the latest alpha or beta versions do. I care even less if the latest alpha or beta of GridManaBars works with the latest alpha or beta of Grid. So if you encounter problems first make sure you are using the release version because if not it might happen I'll just ignore your ticket/question/whatever :-).
Note: GridManaBars has to hack itself somewhat into Grid in a way not supported by Grid. Most times this works well but it can cause trouble (especially after an update of Grid). So if you encounter any Problems with Grid and you have this addon installed try disabling GridManaBars before you create a ticket for Grid itself. If the problem disappears when you disable GridManaBars you can create a ticket for this addon instead for Grid itself. The authors of Grid have enough tickets to handle they don't need to handle tickets caused by this addon too.
to fix for BFA in GridStatusMana.lua change UNIT_POWER to UNIT_POWER_UPDATE in two places.
If anyone else is looking how to not have the mana bar color inverted, go to line 152 in GridManaBar.lua and swap the two lines after "then" and "else".
When are you going to update your addon?
Is there a way to rewrite the AddOn to track a shield with such a bar relative to max HP of the unit?
Will there be a update for this?
Some classes are re-worked and new power-bar color are introduced.
How do I change the mana bars to not be inverted in colour?
Perhaps someone could help me out with this... I personally loved this plugin for healing/tanking because I could pop cooldowns and such according to healers mana levels in raids, however I do have grid working in the current WoD patch, but I haven't been able to get the mana bars for this plugin to load on my grid since early Cata. Does anyone have any information that might help?
It has now been 10 days since I last wrote begging fo rthis to finally be sorted out. Nothing has been done. Seems the people for GRID are not interested in the ticket I started either. They simply deleted it.
Is there another addon which is as good as GRID USED TO BE? I cannot use the later versions of Grid ... because no matter what I do, when loaded, with the post Patch 6.0.2 version Grid completely vanishes and no matter what I do, I cannot get it to show again. So I am plodding along on an old version which is so buggy it is hideous ... causing major issues in instances.
He did reply to your post explaining what the problem likely was for you, and telling you what you could do while waiting for Grid to be finished their updates. If that didn't work, perhaps you could have replied letting him know.
Aight. Thx for your fast response.
I know. But there isn't much I can do about that right now since the fix needs some changes in Grid itself. Which are scheduled by Phanx but not yet done. Until then it actually would be easiest for the other Gridaddon to solve this by re-parenting itself to the manabar instead of the healthbar if GridManaBars is present. But I doubt that the author would want to take care of that (I wouldn't :-)
Im using r119 and mana bar covers indicators. Not the Grid default ones.
Its acting kinda weird. 1-2 indicators are shown infront of the mana bar, while the other one is hidden. I do a reload and then all indicators are hidden.
I excitedly did the update ... only to find that Grid COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED.
I was then told "You need RELOAD" ... whatever that is.
I went back to the original version ... everything was working again, although there are STILL issues with Grid refusing to resize. I then updated only Grid ... MESS. Grid COMPLETELY disappeared from my screen, and NO COMMANDS would bring it back. ... Reinstalled pre-6.0.4 patch ... everything working again, but for the resizing issue.
Then updated GridManaBars ... and the whole mana bar vanished again.
There are currently some changes going on in Grid that will improve its stability in the long run but cause issues with a lot of ThirdParty Grid addons like GridManaBars at the moment.
Your Problem could be caused by a lot of reasons, including other Grid addons and therefore is hard for me to pin down. If you want a working version of Grid you should revert Grid and all of its Plugins to a version before the release of WoW-PrePatch 6.0 and activate the checkbox "load outdated addons" in the addon screen in wow.
I did this ... still running on the pre Patch 6.0 version right now, although I do have to keep resetting the frame to get it to accept the right size, it is better than having GRID vanish completely.
I have tried contacting the Grid people to explain that the new version of Grid vanishes completely, and no matter what I type, I cannot get it to open. Cannot get the format box up or anything. They ignore me. So as a result I just gave up ... and am running old Grid, which, as I said at least still shows up. Every time I install the post patch 6 stuff it vanishes. So I am trying to be patient.
The latest release version of GridManaBars should run with the latest release version of Grid. If not it could be caused by some other addon for Grid that doesn't support the new Grid version yet.
To find out which addon causes problems you can disable every Grid addon except Grid itself and try if that works. If it works you can try enabling the grid addons one by one until you find the one that breaks everything.
For everyone having problems with other indicators hidden behind the manabar or being at the wrong position please try the following alpha version:
This is only a temporary solution and does only work with grids default indicators (corners and text). It does not work with indicators added by third party addons for grid (like GridSideIndicators or whatever its called :-).
Again, please let me know if it works for you.
edit: updated file link
FYI it is working right now with GridIndicatorExtra:
By the way this update fixed my issue. Thanks a ton for updating this!
Glad to hear that it works. Thanks for the feedback!