Separate indicator with timer (and counter) for: Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Riptide, Earthliving, Earth Shield, Renew, Grace, Prayer of Mending, Power Word: Shield, Weakened Soul, Divine Aegis, Inspiration, Ancestral Fortitude and Beacon of Light.
Notice that GridStatusHots does not output icons, only colors and texts, so it will not work if displayed in e.g. the "Center Icon" indicator.
IMPORTANT (r174 alpha / beta or newer): ALL STATUSES SHOULD NOW BE DISABLED BY DEFAULT SO YOU WILL HAVE TO MANUALLY (RE-)ENABLE THEM! (e.g. Grid -> Status -> My Hots -> My Renew -> check enabled)
appreciate it
"Flash of Light no longer heals for an additional 100% over 12 sec if the target has the Sacred Shield effect.
Infusion of Light now causes your Flash of Light to heal the target for an additional 50/100% over 12 sec."
don't know if this affects your code, but there it is just in case
Anyways, both Earth Shield and Gift of the Naaru look and work great in your r123 build.
5 colors for Earth Shield is definitely more than enough, personally I'm actually just setting it up to show 1 color for 3 or more charges, 1 for 2 charges, and 1 for 1 charge, as re-shielding at any more than 2 is rarely necessary and usually a waste of mana. But to each their own, some may find a use for it.
Thanks a ton for your time on this man.
Works great! Would love support for Gift of the Naaru though :)
That said, this is a wonderful and indispensable addon, thank you very much for your work on it.
said Wowace- I meant Wowinterface. I'm tired :P
1. Make sure you have the latest version.
2. Open the gridstatushots.lua file in your interface/addons/gridstatushots folder with notepad.
3. Search for the following line:
local bname,brank,btexture,bcount,btype, bdur, bexptime, bismine = UnitBuff(unitid, i)
4. On the line directly underneath it paste:
if bismine == "player" then
bismine = true
bismine = false
works on mine :)