InspectEquip attaches a panel to the inspect window that shows a list of the character's equipment sorted by source (i.e. Raid: Dragon Soul, Vendor, Crafted...). This gives you a quick overview of a character's equipment.
InspectEquip also adds detailed item source information (including boss names, item prices for vendor items etc) to all item tooltips.
Currently supported items include (no green items):
- All raid items with detailed boss information, including Mists of Pandaria raids
- Dungeon drops for all instances
- Quest rewards for dungeon/raid quests, including legendary items
- Justice/Valor Point items
- Honor/Conquest Point items
- Reputation items sold by faction vendors
- Crafted items
- Darkmoon Faire items, including the cards and the new rewards
- The Kirin Tor rings sold in Dalaran
- World Event items
- The Argent Tournament rewards
- Guild Vendor items
InspectEquip also works with Examiner and includes support for cached Examiner characters.
Please report bugs and missing items in the ticket system or leave a comment on this page. If you want to contribute a translation, please visit the Localization page. Thank you!
WoW 6.x/Warlords of Draenor support:
The latest version of this addon is compatible with WoW 6.0. Please note that the dungeon and raid drops are updated automatically via the Encounter Journal (i.e. they should be available immediately when a new WoW patch is released). Other data, such as vendor or crafted items, still require an addon update.
For some reason my IE window attached to my character frame is overlapping the char frame scroll bar a bit making it nearly impossible to use the scroll bar. Anyone else having this issue?
i can cheat the dungeonbrowser if i optimise for max ivl in outfitter, mixing heal and retribution gear, so its not all about bank items
Blizzard uses GetAverageItemLevel() to get the average ilvl of the player. I don't think there is an API to get the average ilvl of other players. However, they use all items including those in your bags/bank to calculate the max possible ilvl. I think that's the reason why their number is different. InspectEquip calculates the average ilvl of the currently equipped items (except shirt/tabard, but I guess Blizzard excludes those too).
also the average ivl InspectEquip calculates is not the same number that blizzard prints in the characterframe, do you know how they calculate their version , which they use in the dungeonbrowser?
Yeah, I know :( That will be changed in the next update, too.
i think the currency for the old icc items which you could buy with frostemblems is not updated yet.
That the cataclysm raid&instanceloot is missing, you know already i guess ;) if the gemmed stuff is possible id like to see it, ill have a look how reliable it is now
If you're talking about the value in the character panel (for your own character), that's the average item level of your highest ilvl items and not necessarily the item level of your currently equipped items. E.g. during leveling you receive lots of green items, which have higher ilvl than lvl 80 epics (AFAIK Blizzard doesn't distinguish between green/blue/epic in the ilvl calculation, so a 278 green > 277 epic). Could be because of that... But I'll check if they maybe use different weights for different slots in their calculation or something.
@yoshimo: It currently only checks if the item is enchanted, not if it is gemmed - because gem information was sometimes not immediately available pre 4.0 and I didn't want to incorrectly mark all items as ungemmed. I'm not sure if this works reliably now (well, inspect doesn't really work reliably at all in 4.0.1), but a gem check is on my todo list. I just don't have much time for WoW and addons right now, and the #1 priority is getting InspectEquip ready for cataclysm (mostly adding the new items, currencies etc.).
As a small note the "is this item gemmed"-check fails for the 4.01 change to relics.
My libram of renewal has a red socket, but isn't marked as missing a gem by inspect-equip ;)
only store (or load) LvL 80 epic Items (or for Cata: Lvl 85)
Do you have the same problem ?
I've tested this quite a bit, and the same problems occur with no addons loaded, so I'm quite sure this is not an addon problem. Inspect just sometimes (e.g. once you enter an instance, it doesn't work anymore) breaks and doesn't work until WoW is restarted.
@Althena: Concerning the T10.25, the T7/T8 sets are labelled T7.0/T7.5 etc. in InspectEquip. I didn't use that naming system for T9 and T10 because there are now 3 sets (emblems only, 25 man, 25 man heroic) and there are quite a few different naming schemes (T10.0/T10.5/T10.75, T10.251/T10.264/T10.277 etc...), so I decided it would be better to just use the same set name for all. They differ in source however. The ilvl 251 items have source "Emblem of Frost", ilvl 264 comes from "Icecrown Citadel-25" and ilvl 277 from "Icecrown Citadel-25 (heroic)". I think that's the best solution. (Thankfully we won't have that problem in Cataclysm :))
Concerning the "-Shadow", I assume that means it's the shadow priest T10 set? That's actually a nice idea. I didn't add the class because it's kinda obvious (you can't wear other classes set items), but for hybrid classes it is indeed interesting to see if they're using the shadow or healing set for example. Maybe I'll add that in a future version, but unfortunately probably not before Cataclysm. (I'm going to change the database and right now it's not so easy to modify it to include information like that. Also, it would need to be translated to all languages, which is not the case with the simple "T10". That's not possible with the current format.)
The Dropinfo shows like:
Quelle: Raid: Icecrowncitadelle-25 (T10)
A better way is:
Quelle: Raid: Icecrowncitadelle-25 (T10.25-Shadow)
The outdated Addon TierTooltip has show it in this Way and it seems to be a faster Way to see what Item it is.
Hidiho Althena
bad english i know.
Maybe you can try (temporarily, of course) disabling some other addons to see if the problem still occurs. That way you should be able to find out which other addon needs to be enabled so that the bug occurs. Maybe we can find a solution then... :\