InspectEquip attaches a panel to the inspect window that shows a list of the character's equipment sorted by source (i.e. Raid: Dragon Soul, Vendor, Crafted...). This gives you a quick overview of a character's equipment.
InspectEquip also adds detailed item source information (including boss names, item prices for vendor items etc) to all item tooltips.
Currently supported items include (no green items):
- All raid items with detailed boss information, including Mists of Pandaria raids
- Dungeon drops for all instances
- Quest rewards for dungeon/raid quests, including legendary items
- Justice/Valor Point items
- Honor/Conquest Point items
- Reputation items sold by faction vendors
- Crafted items
- Darkmoon Faire items, including the cards and the new rewards
- The Kirin Tor rings sold in Dalaran
- World Event items
- The Argent Tournament rewards
- Guild Vendor items
InspectEquip also works with Examiner and includes support for cached Examiner characters.
Please report bugs and missing items in the ticket system or leave a comment on this page. If you want to contribute a translation, please visit the Localization page. Thank you!
WoW 6.x/Warlords of Draenor support:
The latest version of this addon is compatible with WoW 6.0. Please note that the dungeon and raid drops are updated automatically via the Encounter Journal (i.e. they should be available immediately when a new WoW patch is released). Other data, such as vendor or crafted items, still require an addon update.
First of all: I really like this addon, i've been using it for quite some time now.
But somehow the ilvl of inspected players isn't quite accurate. For example, on my Warlock inspect it shows me that I have an item level of 541, but the blizzard one says that I have 546 and when I look it up on Armory it also shows 546. When I inspect my Spriest it shows 552 but the true ilvl is 557.
Sometimes when I inspect some other players and it's item level is 560 or something, it only shows 551 on the addon, when I search the person up in the armory it shows 560.
So somehow it misses some of the total points (upgraded ones?). Sometimes there's only a difference of 3 ilvl but sometimes a difference of 11 item level points.
How can this be? I don't know anything about lua codes and stuff so I haven't been able to fix it myself.
Is it possible to fix this?
I confirmed.
updated with the beta release, seems to be getting correct item levels again.
Thunderforged and Warforged items don't seem to get detected by the addon.
Those cloaks always come upgraded 2/2 at item level 608. The epic predecessor can be upgraded, but I left mine because it was almost immediately upgraded to the legendary and I got the upgraded 2/2 version of the legendary cloak.
Hi, can you please give me a name or link to the cloak and both the currently displayed and the correct item level? Thanks!
Qian-Le, Courage of Niuzao
Qian-Ying, Fortitude of Niuzao
Jina-Kang, Kindness of Chi-Ji
Xing-Ho, Breath of Yu'lon
Fen-Yu, Fury of Xuen
Gong-Lu, Strength of Xuen
ilvl 600 on all to start with
upgrade 1/2 ilvl 604
upgrade 2/2 ilvl 608
The addon only shows ilvl 600 even tho it's upgraded.
Thanks for the information!
I've pushed an alpha version that should fix the item levels. If you want to try it, you can install it via the Curse Client or manually from I'm still working on adding new items and will hopefully have a new release out in a couple of days.
By first look, it looks ok. I have checked my own gear and a random player. Looks to be working again with the legendary cloak.
Using the Alpha
The legendary cloak does not update ilvl properly. So the addon shows the wrong ilvl right now.
Any chance of an update soon? :)
Hi and sorry for the delay. I'll try to update it soon (hopefully next week, but I can't promise anything right now). It's a bit difficult since I don't have an active subscription at the moment, so I can't test it myself.
If you could post any problems that you have (error messages etc.) that would be very helpful.
Emelio pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase update !!!!
Examiner is updated now and work well, can you do the same !?
Don't inspect myself with 5.4, other targets work...
Do you receive an error when inspecting yourself or does the InspectEquip panel simply not appear?
nice addon my only feature that i would want is a button in the corner of the character screen to open / close the addon. the mod doesnt update ilvl unless you reopen character select screen. sometimes i find i dont need the addon. i assume a load on demand would be better than having it open by default for resource purposes. i do understand that i can just hit the x button but im sure my request would be more efficient over all. a option of a button and a interface option to load the addon each time would offer multiple functionalities to all parties. great addon.
Great addon!
Only thing I'm missing is faster inspects. Let's say your in a team of 5. And I inspect one player. Then left click next player. I would like the addon to switch to that player and show that persons gear. Right now I have to r-click and do "inspect" again.
Have a look at Examiner. It replaces the standard inspect window and also has some nice features such as keybindings. For example, you can use a key to inspect the selected player or even the player under the mouse cursor. I believe it also switches the inspected player when you click on someone else. It should also work with InspectEquip :)
I love this addon! It's the best addon in the world - couldn't live without it!
Thank you very much for updating it to 5.2 =)
Hi guy,
so first at all, thanks for this great addon. Sadly, it has not been upgraded for 5.1, so there are some features missing just like
* Removed Head-enchant
* Showing the correct itemlevel per item line
* Calculation the Avg. item lvl
So, after seeing novaeye's post, I fixed the bugs and uploaded my core.lua to pastebin, you can get it here:
Enjoy. :)