Raid Tracker
Keeps account of attendance, loot and DKP for raids, parties, battlegrounds, arenas and now solo for questing.
Works with SexyMaps, Minimap Button Frame, Titan Panel, FuBar, and others for easy access menus, and a minimap icon if no other manager or bar is installed. Provides export strings for DKP for most popular DKP posting formats. Supports loot filtering via loot options window /rt io, or on the minimap menu.
Chat commands: /rt - main window /rt o - options /rt io - item options /rt help - help /rt hide - hide or show the application icon
Curse site release updates are working normally again. Raid Tracker, Hellbender DKP, Tell Track, AddOn Studio. Use links to get files same as before. Enjoy.
<time>09/06/08 23:29:22</time>
<time>09/06/08 23:30:59</time>
<time>09/07/08 00:46:39</time>
<time>09/07/08 13:33:46</time>
I looked at the code too, far as i can tell the ui code calls teh same time code in the same way as it ui. could be an EU bug in for api?
function LibKarmaUtil:GetDate( n, tz, fmt ) -- convert timestamp,[tzoffset],[format], or now to formatted string
return date(fmt or "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S", (n or time()) + (tz and (tz * 3600) or 0))
H - 24 hour hour, small h is 12 hour hour.
the event UI code uses the default format in the function above, same as the export code: "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"
look at events in the UI, which shoudl show like 19:27:11 and compare to the xml file export, and see if those are realy different.
i was wondering if it could be made possible to add an option that describes the exportet time format (12AM/12PM vs 12:00/24:00)? as most EU plays in the PM time we have to manually change every single raid and add 12h to every single item/boss/player.
that was our reason to switch to the ml_raidtracker cause he uses the same database and exports in 24h time format... a pity to install 2 addons for the same purpose.
the export format for most formats actually exports with a timestamp, like 124589333, not 10:03pm or 22:00, so the time exported is safe from issues reguarding military or standard time. it is also stored in the database this way, so ther are no issues converting fopr export.
the time recorded is that of the login server time such as if you log into ysera, then it woudl be ysera time for any and all users on that server, no matmatter the time zone they are in physically. this makes it possible to share databasesd, and so that any export form anyone on the server wil be consistant.
what i need i think is for you to explain better what yu mean by "describe"
are you playign ion a US server? what is the difference in hours between the time of the server you pay on what what you expect for export?
the additional problem is thqat ther is no solid way to knwo descretely which items one missed and which are duplicares as well. basically we are talking about raid table merges.
one major issue is jsut knowing items and player leaves and joins are th4 same or if they are different ones. the timer is not exact so i cant use time, that is the time on your computer vs someoen elses,. rt tries very hard to get down to econd acuracy for all events, but they may be 2-5 minutes off between computers. time updates fro the server may be up to 5 mins inbetween, so its hard to keep it all floating correctly. time woudl be one of my only keys to know.
ill think about it some more. and i wish event guids existed for loot drops, but these arnt even real events from the blizz api, i have to scrape them from the chat log.
a few problmes are that if the current DL decides go go pee and nto say thand they are away form the action you are screwed, tehre will be a hole. everyone woudl have to be aware and worry about if the current DL is awake. another problem is that if the times ar off enough you cold have leave and join times overlapping on a merge otherwise clean. adn things liek that.
it also gets harry of someoen laggs for liek 10 seconds or longer, he wil be lagged and beliving hes the DL, and if you change the dl TO SOMEOEN ELSE AND WHEN HE COMES OUT OF LAGG HE WILL SUDDENDLY GET ALL THE EVENTS AT ONCE AND WILL BE DUPLICATES. oops caps :) ive sen peopel lag for longer than a minute and often.
group calandar really doesnt have any of thse issues. each person gts to make events descretely and GC knows they are different because differnt eopel made them. this is much harder
I have one request though. I use this addon a lot with the guild i'm in. I also use a modified version which allows me to formate the export correctly in BBCODE. While my guild leader uses it as well. He doesn't export the data. What i'm looking for is a way to sync the data from his raid tracker to mine. Or perhaps sub-addon they can install which records the data without the main addon and allows them to dump the information to me.
The thing I'm missing is a sync option so I can sync the looting with the other officers, that is because sometimes an officer step out we can bring another person in or the officer was not present in that day at all.
for wintergrasp jsut make sure the settings in options are set to off for both battelgrounds and arena