Type /ld50_abar for commands.
A swing timer that works for a change. It also correctly supports dual Wielding
- Correctly Supports Dual Wielding
- Shows what causes the swing timer to reset
- Has a latency Overlay
- Works with 2 handed weapons
- A very directed scope to just a swing timer.
- Out of combat fade out.
- Update frequency setable (fps)
- the left numbers are the current swing speed
- the right numbers are the time left on the swing
- the overlays show the latency
- the center text shows what caused the swing timer to reset.
but it would be awesome if there's an option to hide specific bars completely .. like the castbar for example.
Would you rather a suspend the timer when you slam and come back to a swing timer just like it was before a slam
Would you like to come back to a new swing bar with just the time remaining.
I ported all three of the LD50 addons to Ace3 and clean up a few rough points, so the next release is soon.
* I autoswing. The timer shows 3.5s and counts down.
* With 3.0s, I start a slam, which has a 1.5s cast time untalented.
* I perform Slam with essentially 1.5s left on the swing timer.
* The swing timer reset to 3.5s. This is the part that is now wrong.
* About 1.5s later, I autoswing. The swing timer resets again, showing 3.5s left. It is now in sync again.
This may also be an issue with hunters and steady shot as I believe it follows similar behavior. Both Slam and (I believe) Steady Shot now push back the autoattack/autoshot in the case of overlap instead of consuming it. Let me know if you have any questions or if the description did not make any sense.
Lots of developers having issues this week :)
Anyways, I just had to edit the embeds.xml file to make the folder path agree with the name of the LibSharedMedia folder from my Omen install.
I noticed that two libraries were left out of the release that are listed in embeds.xml:
If you update from v48 or earlier, you won't notice the error unless you use an updater that deleted the folder before upgrading. If you update to this version directly without having a previous version, you get errors about missing libraries.
If you update from v48 or earlier, you won't notice the error unless you use an updater that deleted the folder before upgrading. If you update to this version directly without having a previous version, you get errors about missing libraries.