LilSparky's Workshop
LilSparky's Workshop adds auction-derived pricing information for trade skills right into the trade skill recipe frame. Each skill is evaluated for material costs and potential value of the item created. These two numbers are listed next to each skill in an easy-to-read format.
Supported Auction Scanners:
- Auctioneer
- AuctionLite
- AuctionMaster
- Auctionator
Optionally Requires:
- Informant (for vendor availability)
LibPeriodicTable (for vendor availability)
Trade Skill Interfaces Supported:
- GnomeWorks
- AdvancedTradeSkillWindow
- Skillet
- Blizzard's Standard UI
- Doublewide Tradeskills
- Tradeskill HD
Auction pricing models can be selected by right-clicking either the value column or the cost column (each can have a different pricing method attached).
The Value column can be left clicked to cycle through the different valuation methods for the resultant item: Auction Value (a), Vendor Value (v), Disenchant Value (d) or the greatest of the three different values (the default). Any instance of an item Value being greater than the Cost to create it will have a highlighted Value entry. Optionally, the Value column can be displayed as a percentage of the Cost column.
The Cost column simply sums up the costs for each reagent and reports the total.
Both columns can be combined into a single "Profit" column which simply reflects the Value minus the Cost.
Tooltips for each column give more details about the price breakdowns LSW is considering.
A note regarding vendor availability:
LSW utilizes supplied item databases to determine when an item is readily available from a vendor. Occasionally this may not be accurate, usually because the item is a trade in for another item and not buyable with gold. I have provided a simple way to over-ride the vendor database:
/script LSWConfig.vendorOverride[item#] = (true/false/nil)
The item# is the item ID for the specific item. It is a single number. For example, 2589 is Linen Cloth.
Setting the value to "true" means the item is available at the vendor.
Setting the value to "false" means the item is not available at the vendor.
Setting the value to "nil" means to use the provided databse.
There is now also a right-click option to override the vendor availability and also to hand enter specific prices for items.
A note about frame/auction support:
LSW utilizes a plug in scheme to handle support to handle pricing and frame support. I am unlikely to add additional plugins directly into LSW. The goal of the plugin system is to provide basic templates that other addon authors could employ to provide LSW support on their end while at the same time providing functionality for a base set of common mods. Addon authors are free to contact me regarding the plugin system if issues arise or the system doens't make sense.
This is important because those items that aren't in the AH, yet are popular, can sell for a lot. I can't find a mod to do this, but yours is the one that comes closest to the idea and since you already use scan data, it seems like it would be something doable for you.
I haven't figured out a way to do this with Auctioneer if it's possible.
Is it meant to be the skill level at which you learn the recipe?
Or the level requirement to use the result?
I use Skillet, Altoholic, and of course LSW. With only one of these three enables at a time they work fine, and also if I enable any two. The errors only pop up if all three are running at the same time. I'm using latest release or beta versions (whichever is newer) from Curse.
When I open the crafting window for any profession, I get several errors, and the sorting is not correct. Also, when scrolling through the recipes, the list doesn't always draw correctly, and more errors occur.
There seem to be mainly two kinds of errors: One is about invalid arguments to GetSellValue that happens when Altoholic calls SetTradeSkillInvSlotFilter() or SetTradeSkillSubClassFilter() (which is weird because I don't see how those functions further call GetSellValue(), they're Bliz API, so I figured maybe something is hooking those functions, which is what led me to suspect LSW), and the other is about LSW performing arithmetics on a nil value (presumably from the failed call to GetSellValue()). I've pasted some examples of the errors here:
If you need any more info please let me know.
it is slightly unstable, but mostly works.
see if that helps.
In other words, LSW isn't lining up with the "Undercut" value visible in the tooltip of a given item, even though clicking the Appraiser tab in Auctioneer will prompt Auctioneer to price at the Undercut level (assuming it's within user-defined parameters for undercutting)
Thanks for taking a look!
You mentioned changing the popup to a frame attached to the tradeskill window. If this 'side' frame could be toggled on an off from the tradeskill window prehaps and made static then we would initailly see all the stuff that was in the popup. So thats purchase breakdown and sale price which are two columns in the tradeskill window at the moment. Why not add the level info there to this 'side' frame.
Benefits: Only one set of codeing needed for 'side' frame rather than a few to manipulate what you see in the tradeskill window.
More room in the tradeskill window, allowing larger fonts! Yeay!
Draw backs might be that the info in the 'side' frame only appears when you mouse over or highlight/focus that item in the tradeskill window.
A '*' could be added to those items that can be made to sell at a profit in the tradeskill list, alerting the user to check out the info in the 'side' frame.
Hope this makes sense and is helpful. :)
As for the popup, I am using a wide screen so my thoughts as to where I would like it will not suit everyone, hence the request to be able to move it. For ASTW, without this addon the text is larger, my poor old eyes need as much help as they can get. I have used UI scaling with other addons (like move anything, but it will not work with ATSW), I think this is not possible because you are 'feeding' to ATSW. I wondered if it would be possible to alter what was fed to ATSW (i.e. remove the level column) and thus increase the font size slightly?
the rationale for the popup was really to help people verify that numbers made sense -- like wtf does this item cost XX? it's really not something i intended for people to really refer to very often.
i could attach it to the tradeskill window, perhaps. like maybe stick it onto the right/left. it'd be easier to see and still out of the way.
i shrink the text in atsw because i need the space for the additional columns. not really sure what else to do about it. perhaps i could shift things if i allow you turn off the level display.
i suppose if i give an option to toggle the level display, perhaps i could add an option to toggle the price/value columns as well... lemme give that one some thought. maybe i could give an option to collapse the two columns into a single "profit" column (value - cost).
all things to ponder...