What this addon does
MacroBank is an addon to allow you to save macros for future use.
- Create macros inside the macro bank without having to create them in the main macro window first.
- Macros can be given a category to group similar macros together.
- Categories can be within other categories (Use '\' in between categories: Category1\Category2\Category3)
- Macros can also be given a description to distinguish them between other macros with the same macro name.
- Change both the macro text and icon in the macro bank.
- Save a macro from the main macro window directly to the macro bank.
- Load a macro from the macro bank to your main macro list.
- Replace an existing macro with a macro from the macro bank.
- Delete a macro from the macro bank.
- Load macro groups when swapping talents.
- Send macros to other MacroBank users.
Opening MacroBank
- Open your normal macro window (/macro)
Saving Macros into the MacroBank
- Select the macro from the main macro window.
- If you have some categories already defined in the MacroBank, select the category for which to save the macro into. (If no category is selected/defined, a temporary category will be created)
- Click Save.
Creating Macros in the MacroBank
- Select a category in the MacroBank for which to create a new macro into. (If no category is selected/defined, a temporary category will be created)
- Click Create.
Loading macros from the MacroBank to your main macro window
- Select the macro from the MacroBank you wish to use.
- Select the tab in the main macro window you wish to load the macro into (General or Character Specific)
- Click Load.
- If the Macro with the same name exists, it will be replaced, otherwise a new macro will be created if there is enough room for another macro.
Replacing macros from the MacroBank into your main macro window
- Select the macro from the MacroBank you wish to use.
- Select the macro in the main macro window you wish to replace.
- Click Replace.
Deleting macros in the MacroBank
- Select the macro you wish to delete.
- Click Delete.
Changing Categories, Description, and Names of macros in the MacroBank
- Select the macro you wish to change
- Type in the new category, description, or name of the macro in the corresponding edit box.
- Press Enter to save it. (Why not as you type? Description/Category is used in the scroll window)
Changing the text of the macro in the MacroBank
- Select the macro you wish to change.
- Type in the new macro text.
- Changes should be saved as you type.
Sending a macro to other users of MacroBank
- Select the macro you wish to send.
- Click the 'Send To' button.
- Type in the name of the user and click 'Ok.'
- Shift-Clicking spells from the spell book will not insert text into MacroBank's edit boxes. This is code defined in the spell book, and I'm not sure I want to go messing with it. (Same goes for items from your bags or equipped inventory)
- MacroBank's window normally opens to the right of your main macro window. You may move it by dragging it to another location.
Translation is done through the localization system at
256 and 1024 in length? the macro body length was hard coded to 255 characters. However the description that says how many characters are left is done using the global variable MACROFRAME_CHAR_LIMIT. The description part is just visual - so if any addon is changing it that could affect things. However the message limit in macro bank itself is set to 255 characters regardless.
edit: thought about changing the 255 limit like wolfsmutter mentioned - however seems the server only remember the first 255 characters - regardless of how many you send to it - other addons that increase that limit are doing something else to save that - probably creating a /script or something that saves it to a database that runs it internally.
I would like to request an option to change the restriction of 255 chars when an addon like superdupermacro or macaroon or ion is loaded (blizz interprets macros up to 1024 chars, only the macro-editor has not so much enabled).
that would be really cool!
I'm a bit confused on the command - you say replace, but then say delete. the /macrobank load [global|char] command should load entire categories and replace macros (assuming the name is the same) - or create them if no macro with the name exists.
You also have a profile name there - not sure what that would do either?
Sorry, I wasn't clear in my post, and just realized I never revisited.
I had meant to "clear first, then load" macros in the current category, for instance, global or character specific.
Thanks for Macrobank! :) Been a real life-saver and time-saver.
Any way we could get a /macrobank command to clear a set of macros prior to loading? For Instance:
"/macrobank replace char <profilename>"
Would delete the macros in that character's specific macro page?
Thanks again!
r71 should try to get rid of that
Macro bank is blocking my ability to set glyphs
was wondering if it is possible to have the question mark as an icon on MacroBank since I have mod macros with different spells.
for example, the bind Z:
/cast [nomod] Mass Dispel
/cast [mod:shift] Mind Spike
when the macro is copied from MacroBank, it will only show the icon of Mass Dispel, and it wont show the icon of Mind Spike when modifier shift is pressed. this is important for me because I have to track cooldowns this way. so far i've been changing the icon manually to the question mark from whatever i get from the addon
other than that the addon is super, thank you for your hard work!
Yes you can use question marks - you'll have to edit your macros in macrobank with the question mark icon. - The only time it saves the question mark from an existing macro is if it still shows the question mark in the main macro window.
Since I use macros with modifiers, I want the picture to change according to the spell (e.g: nomod = show mass dispel, mod:shift = show mindspike), so when the picture is set as question mark ingame - the picture of the button changes, it however does not change even if picture is set as questionmark from the addon. I've tried and didn't manage to make it show the icons according to the spells without changing them manually, might I be missing something?
Seems to work when I try it - here was what I tested:
Created a new macro in macrobank - using question mark icon and the following macro:
/cast [modifier] Aimed Shot; Steady Shot
I loaded the macro into main macros - and then drug it to my action bars.. it shows steady shot icon normally and when i hit any modifier it seems to change fine to aimed shot.
Tried deleting the macro and creating a macro with a set icon and some /cast Ice Trap - Drug it to my action bar and it seemed to keep the icon i set for it rather than ice trap icon - as expected
I then Loaded the macro I had created in macro bank (used same name) - it replaced the one i had and my action bar immediately changed to steady shot (and aimed shot when i held a modifier) - seemed to work there..
I repeated previous test but instead of load, i used replace - again seems to have worked..
Realised what was wrong now. I have not set an icon at all when saving, and then suppose it just took the first one possible (blizz UI automaticly sets it to questionmark if no icon was assigned).
Thank you for your help =)
Macrobank does not give extra macro slots. It allows you to save existing / create new macros to a 'bank'. - So if you have some macros you don't use very often you can save those for user later and then delete them to make room for macros you will use more often.
Does this addon use the same macro slots as the default Blizzard ones? Or do I have extra slots and thus be able to create more macro's with it? Cuz I'm kinda full on macro slots and I'm looking for an addon that can provide me more macro slots (tried Bindpad but with that addon I can't seem to drag the extra macro's to my actionbar)
Thanks! I don't use the transfer macro stuff at all so don't debug it as much as I should.
Heads-up, I just committed a fix to MacroBank a small but annoying bug as version r68. The previous release appends a garbage control character to any macro received, so you may want to stamp a new release.
I have been helping a friend with some macros. I made 3 different ones and sent them to him via macrobank. He got all 3 just fine.
Now I cant send him any more. Macrobank either is not sending them, or not recieving them on his end.
I was getting a message that "playername" has accepted your macro, every time I sent him one. Now I don't get this message, and no macros are in his bank.
Thanks for reply, Odlaw.
As you said, I tried naming my macros the same for both of my talent specs and it worked! (e.g. "m1", "m2", ..., "mn") The macros on action bars are updated correctly for both of my talent specs as I change the spec :)
Summary: "Delete&Load" was a bad idea, "Replace" was the answer I was looking for.
Thanks again! I love this addon :)
I have a question regarding the feature "Auto Load".
What is the definition of "load" in this case? I was assuming it means "Swap the macro sets between talents as I activate different talent, and then loads the appropriate macros in the action bars."
It seems, it's not loading the macros into the action bars. Does this mean that this addon does not include the process of loading the macros to the action bars? and it's not a bug? Or, is it a bug? Or, am I missing something?
In either case, I would like this addon to load the macros into action bars. Is it possible?
Thank you in advance.
It loads the macros when you switch talents. it does not place them on your action bars.
If you have macros with the same name in should replace the macro. - With default blizz ui, the macro stays on the bar if it was replaced.
If you have it delete the macros, the ui normally deletes it from the macro bar.. loading it after it's been deleted will not place it back on the bar.